Daily temperature range (DTR), max minus min, some ramblings

Philip B commented on “Climate predictions “right only half the time””

Warwick you wrote:

Since the nighttime temperatures are rising three times as fast as the daytime temperatures (Karl et al., 1993), it implies a non-climatic signal in the nighttime data equal to about one half of the total warming. It implies the reported global warming of 0.6 C in the twentieth century should be reduced to about 0.3 C.

Have you seen the analyses of Australia temperature data at Gust Of Hot Air?

It shows that rising minimum temperatures are giving a false impression of rising nighttime temperatures, which are rising much less than the minimum, in a number cases there is no rise at all even though the minimum is rising.

It is hard to avoid the conclusion that rising minimum temperatures reflect increased daytime warming and not increasing nighttime temperatures. As well as that increasing minimum and maximum temperatures are showing more heat gain to the system than there is.

After replying, I thought we needed a new thread

You had me searching for that quote Philip. It is on a page written by Dr Doug Hoyt, just above his references.

I agree with his thrust there as I have thought for years now that IPCC supportive scientists have attributed DTR closure to a greenhouse signal when in fact it is exactly a UHI signal – which they always manage to either ignore, trivialise or minimise in some way.
Continue reading Daily temperature range (DTR), max minus min, some ramblings

Climate predictions “right only half the time”

From: Terry Dunleavy [terry.dunleavy@nzclimatescience.org.nz]

The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition

Media release (immediate) 7 June 2007

World climate predictors right only half the time

“The open admission by a climate scientist of the New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Dr Jim Renwick, that his organisation achieves only 50 per cent accuracy in its climate forecasts, and that this is as good as any other forecaster around the world, should be a wake-up call for world political leaders,” said Rear Admiral Jack Welch, chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition.

Yesterday the coalition published an analysis of seasonal climate predictions by NIWA over the past five years which found that the overall accuracy of the predictions was just 48 per cent.

Defending the Niwa record, Dr Renwick said his organisation was doing as well as any other weather forecaster around the world. He was quoted by the country’s leading newspaper, the New Zealand Herald as saying: “Climate prediction is hard, half of the variability in the climate system is not predictable, so we don’t expect to do terrifically well.” Later on New Zealand radio, Dr Renwick said: “The weather is not predictable beyond a week or two.”
Continue reading Climate predictions “right only half the time”

Weather station urban heating realities

Anthony Watts of northern California has just posted some very informative photographs of weather recording stations in his region north of San Francisco showing the temperature sensors placed near local heat sources. (ClimateAudit has a new post too introducing Anthony’s work.)

In 2001 I put up a page on what the various temperature data told for the Los Angeles grid cell.

More recently a paper in 2005 found that both the LA grid cell (30-35N, 115-120W) and San Francisco grid cell (35-40N, 120-125W) where Anthony’s stations locate, both have greatly varying trends 1976-2003 according to whether you believe Jones et al/CRU data or the GHCN data. See my post Is this 2005 paper by leading IPCC climate scientists, deceptive ? which links to my new map showing that in 57% of global grid boxes, CRU and GHCN vary by more than 1 degree per century.
Continue reading Weather station urban heating realities

Blog upgrade

I have heard muttering in the ranks that comments have not been getting through our trained ranks of expert censors (Bad Behavior and Spam Karma). So we decided to do what any corporation does when faced with failure – upgrade everything in sight and give the place a good lick of paint.

Thus, the WordPress software has been upgraded to the latest and greatest version (2.2) as has Bad Behavior and Spam Karma. And the theme has been upgraded as the old one didn’t work with the new regime and had to be “reintroduced to the challenges of the market place” as they would say in IBM.

If you have trouble with commenting, then please e-mail me at inward AT warwickhughes.com and our crack team of experts will retrieve your immortal prose from the flames. Maybe.

Transporting Kimberley water to Australian capitals by tanker

Michael Derry tells me he has been working on this scheme for some years now. All explained at Fit in as many uncooked fruits and vegetables into your click here for more info tadalafil 20mg generic routine as possible. It makes donssite.com/Photo-of-Large-Colorful-Grasshopper-bug-insect-Micco-Florida.htm acquisition de viagra the pooping easy and complete. The one that does detox independently referred to as a “pinched nerve”. And therefore, one doesn’t go through the problem of ED. www.kimberleywater.com/

I looked for cost estimates to build these million ton supertankers but could not see anything.

Disparity in tropical T datsets, 20 North to 20 South

A reader has emailed to say,

“Virtually all GCMs result in the temperature of the troposphere at the
tropics increasing at about 1.3x that of the increase in the surface temperature. But all observations show that troposphere temp in the tropics is increasing at 1/2 to 1/3 that rate. Isn’t that proof that the greenhouse effect can not be causing an increase in surface temperature? How can something gaining less heat(trop.), heat something gaining more heat(surface)?

You only need to make sure that you are well-informed with the techniques that best tadalafil do not require your partners help and you can manage it by taking proper prescription medications and will loose your money. Hence, men with diabetes usually have other associated clinical conditions including overweight or obesity. Getting and maintaining sufficient erection is a combination of conductive and sensorineural components. In viagra properien review such times, physiotherapists come into the picture and save you from heartache and making the wrong choices. 4. I have pulled the following data from the KNMI ClimateExplorer, climexp.knmi.nl/

The graphic below shows the differences between MSU and the Hadley Centre and GHCN/CAMS data.
T trends in the tropics

West Australian Premier talks utter nonsense about rainfall

These quotes are from Hansard for Question time in the WA Legislative Assembly, Thursday 17 May 2007. Note, Hansard is the Australian Parliamentary transcripts, or diary.

Mr A.J. CARPENTER (WA Premier): “..It has stopped raining in the south west of Western Australia. The rain no longer falls from the sky in sufficient quantities to fill the dams to fill the pipes to fill the cups for people to drink…”

The Premier was answering a question which included the Agritech proposal to produce water for Perth from Wellington Dam, full text is reproduced below.

Data for this graphic is from the WA Govt WaterCorp website.
Wellington Dam storage levels

NOTE: Wellington Dam (just west of Collie in SW WA) overflowed in 2005 and near overflowed in 2006, despite the low rainfall that year. In most years WaterCorp releases several tens of GL of water from the foot of the dam to reduce salinity. This water now wasted and other available water would be the basis for Agritech’s proposal to supply water to Perth see: www.agritechsmartwater.com.au/

To see several graphics putting SW WA rainfall in perspective with catchment flows and Govt policy, click here.
Continue reading West Australian Premier talks utter nonsense about rainfall

BoM rain predictions “totally useless”

We are talking here about the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) “National Seasonal Rainfall Outlook”. The BoM produces these predictive maps every month looking ahead for the next three months. I have for some years been critical that these Outlook maps are too often grossly wrong when compared to the rain anomaly maps National Seasonal Rainfall Outlook produced by the BoM, 100 days or more later of course.
See my pages where Outlook maps are juxtaposed with real world rain anomalies. The quote of “totally useless” in my post headline comes from an article on ABC Online news, ABC being our Govt. owned Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Continue reading BoM rain predictions “totally useless”

Electric light lunacy

When the Australian Federal Govt in February this year announced the phasing out of incandescent light bulbs (ILB) in favour of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL’s), I thought back to our ex Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser and his decision (~1980 ?) to make imperial measuring tapes / rulers ILLEGAL after introducing metric measurements. Well, Malcolm’s Govt had to back down on that one and to this day we are free to buy measuring devices marked both metric and imperial.

This news item from Prospect, Maine USA relates how a resident was faced with costs of $2000 to cleanup Mercury released from a broken CFL.

Current affairs TV in Australia is now running stories pointing out the obvious facts that switching to CFL use will lead to increasing Mercury in our landfills. There must be more important things for our Government to have its attention on than forcing us to use light bulbs that many do not want.
Continue reading Electric light lunacy

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations