Link page that takes you to the research of Warwick Hughes, free lance earth scientist from Australia. Exposing situations where unsound science is used to prop up fashionable and expensive policy notions, usually policy coloured a shade of Green. Guest papers are clearly identified.
With a $Million,
Australian Parliamentarians can not get it right. |
Climate change and Greenhouse
issues, big issues here leading to massive waste of taxpayers money on
bloated and biased science bureaucracies, costly efforts
to reduce carbon emissions, silly inefficient windmills.
In a nutshell, if you want electricity shortages and more
expensive electricity, then voting Green will help you.
In the 90's the Court Government in Western Australia cancelled the
building of a coal fired generating unit at Collie. What a great idea,
keeps the Greens happy,
who can be surprised when peak demand time brings massive power
cuts and brown-outs. The present Govt. seems to think that windmills
are a solution. Voters should be telling the Govt. to put in a
coal fired power station at Collie.
Map of the month, Australian Bureau of
Meteorology 3 month Rainfall "Outlook" or prediction. "Reduced winter
rainfall more likely in parts of southern Australia", opines the BoM on
May 17. See the actual VERY DIFFERENT result. To browse month
after month with prediction on left, real
world outcome
on right. Could the BoM run a chook raffle ?.
Temperatures are at Coolwire 8
what price climate models ?
![]() |
![]() |
Drought in Australia, rainfall histories presented, unreliable media claims about drought are exposed. Read about solar cycle based based prediction of future ENSO events which indicates La Nina condition later in 2004 which is better news for agriculture than El Nino.
Perth, Western Australia water supply
issues including WA Govt plan to build "White Elephant"
desalination plant. Read how the water shortage Perth is currently
experiencing is simply a product of steadily rising consumption
colliding with political neglect of engineering infrastucture and a
failure to anticipate normal cyclic dry periods. But who would be
in there opposing new engineering works, you guessed it, the Greens.
A major negative factor has been neglecting to manage forest catchments
through thinning forest and clearing scrub and undergrowth, processes
which would increase runoff
and which the Greens naturally oppose on wildlife grounds. So once
again, if you want water shortages and look forward to the
prospect of paying more for water, vote Green.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia water supply issues,
read about new Govt. policy based on scary and implausible CSIRO
climate models, while misrepresenting real world rainfall history.
Petrol price issues, how
Australian pump
prices trend up over three years while world oil price
trends down in A$. Not all the Greens fault here but they contribute by
pushing for increasing petrol quality which makes it more difficult for
independent importers to get competitive supplies. This new
petrol quality standard will go national in a year or so and will
result in more upward pressure on pump prices; -- if voters do not tell
their politicians to shelve the plan.
Air Quality: Read how city air quality has been improving for decades. Yet we still read Green inspired doom and gloom stories in the media saying air quality is a serious problem and that our bad air quality is causing thousands of deaths. And I understood our life expectancy has been increasing for centuries. A question I would like answered by these claiming current air pollution is causing a statistically significant increase in the death rate, "..where were they hiding the bodies in the 1960's and 70's when AQ was a lot worse than it is now..? "
Read critique of weaknesses and omissions in new April 2004 Canberra Govt. report "State of the Air" (SOTA).Urban and Tropospheric Ozone, a major component of smog, is widely believed to form from pollutant precurssors (such as NOx oxides of nitrogen produced during combustion, (read auto engines and power plants). However the more I examine data the more I am convinced that this is not the whole story and that much tropospheric (lower atmosphere) ozone, which includes urban ozone of course, is in fact natural in origin, the product of peak afternoon temperatures on hot days acting on reactive particles in the air which are very often chemicals given off from vegetation, forests, sea foam and soil, not necessarily in urban areas at all. Air monitoring data are discussed from France, California and Perth, Western Australia which indicate much peak ozone is natural and can not be logically attributed to combustion pollutants.
The road toll: Looks at the history of Australian road fatality
statistics, discusses concept of "collision enhancing
actions", questions if the huge emphasis put on minor speed
infractions is justified, proposes many new actions we could take
to reduce the road toll.
I can be emailed at wshblog2013 ATSINE
Links to outside sites:
Sites drawing attention to faulty science
across a range of subjects:
Acerbic Anti-Green blog by Dr John Ray of Brisbane. Wide
of articles all homing in quickly on Green fallacies.
ClimateAudit Weblog by Stephen McIntyre and Ross
McKittrick, destroyers of the infamous "hockey stick"
Institute of Public Affairs. In their Environment
section see the Jennifer Marohasy demolition of Green / media view of
Murray River, and Great Barrier Reef.
Bizarre Science by Dr Aaron Oakley and Louis Hissink is an
informative, entertaining and very readable weblog site detailing case
after case where sound scientific principles take a back seat.
Dryland Salinity Action Plan developed by Agritech, Peter Coyne's group
Steve Milloy's huge site debunks all manner of
and Govt. myths and lies.
Numberwatch by John Brignell, highlights misleading use of
statistics and general media ignorance where politicians, science,
numbers & stats are concerned. Witty and rapier sharp.
Karl Popper, Hayek, and Bartley's philosophies. Insights by Rafe
Champion. Something a little off the main track for us science
types. Take Rafe's link to "full index", scroll down to Short Reviews,
several on science subjects.
The Scientific Alliance, another web site putting balancing views on science and environment issues, solid and very British.
Track all grain and commodity prices
Qld DPI Long Paddock for El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
actual daily values with 30 and 90 day rolling averages.
SEPP: Dr Fred Singer's Science and Environment Policy Project,
publishes The Week That Was (TWTW), critiques a range of
environment science issues each week, pricks many balloons, not to be
Shoshone Natural Resources Coalition, Shoshone County, Idaho
A group
of citizens and scientists convinced that, "that local citizens needed
take action, voice their opinions, and effectively influence natural
resource decisions being made by federal agencies for the resources
that are found in Shoshone County.
Weblog monitoring coverage of environmental issues and science in
UK media. By Professor Emeritus Philip Stott. The aim is to
whether a subject is being fairly covered by press, radio, and
Will focus on science, but not just on poor science. It will also bring
to public notice good science that is being ignored because it may be
Tech Central Station - where free markets meet technology, a huge resource of articles on science and environment
Air quality and tropospheric ozone:
Australian Government survey of air quality history from all cities,
of the Air" has many weaknesses and shortcomings but it is a
Joel Schwartz dot com many sound articles on air quality subjects, "..a
breath of fresh air.."
Melbourne Victoria Australia air quality improving
over decades
Kwinana Western Australia
industrial district near Perth, air quality improving over decades
Cockburn Association of Pragmatists.(CAPS)
Details how issues surrounding air quality in Kwinana, the
Perth W.A. main industrial district, generate media reports
from the far side. Read how the local "EPA" looks to be helping
Green groups promulgate their inventive complaints time after
time, via a pliant or lazy media. No, CAPS is not inventing
this stuff.
NASA telling us about the urban heat island,
wonderful pictures of infra-red inages from satellites. Click on Air
Quality for very good vertical section of ozone content across the
Knoxville UHI in USA. Like a flower the UHI / pollution plume rises a
couple of thousand metres.
California Air Resources Board (ARB), will mail a data CD if
you ask.
Western Australia Department of Environment in Perth, annual
AQ reports for download
French air monitoring, you can make maps (try modelisation link), even
get limited data auto emailed to you.
ASL web site, huge amount of reading and information
Greenhouse / Climate change issues:
Argentinean Foundation for a Scientific Ecology has a page
building where you can examine State by State a graphic of all
temperature records (1500 odd) in the USA Historical Climate
Network ( HCN ) dataset. A Herculean labour indeed. Many
other interesting articles on their site.
Balling Central: Homepage of noted climate
scientist, and greenhouse skeptic Professor Robert Balling Jr. Dozens
of links including to most of his papers.
Paal Brekkes solar site, interesting info on sun's impact on
climate change.
Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.
Challenging reviews and articles. Very good "Subject Index"
page where material on a wide range of climate topics
can be located.
Timo Hämeranta M.LL., Moderator of Climatesceptics
If you are interested in the greenhouse debate you can not miss the
late John Daly's comprehensive website
Waiting for Greenhouse. Bigger than Ben Hur and more
Economist Alan Oxley's concise and to the point
Climate Change Backgrounder
New site in 2002 by Hans Erren of The Netherlands
who has analysed UHI's in the historically significant De Bilt and
Uccle data and shown relationship to population. Also shows how
De Bilt has been composited. We look forward to more
revelations about European UHI's. Also much thoughtful analysis
of carbon dioxide and climate history.
Goddard Institute for Space Studies, (GISS) Dr
Jim Hansen's magnificent web creation where you clik on a global map
and can
see a graph of the temperature record of your chosen station, can
also choose the dataset and can even download the table of data.
Greening Earth Society. Site packed with topical
articles re greenhouse, global warming issues. Look for John Daly's
paper on tide gauges, sea levels, IPCC version of science etc.
Hockey Stick Graph of global temperature trends for the last millenia now utterly discredited. The Mediaeval Warm Period did happen after all.
Dr. Douglas Hoyt thoughtfully discusses many aspects of the
various global temperature datasets, take a coffee into this one.
A link for IPCC output where you should find the Summary for
Ice Core CO2 content, summary paper by Zbigniew Jaworowski, Another Global Warming Fraud Exposed: For more detailed 1997 paper get your Visa Card out and go to Spring Vol 10 No 1
Site by Peter Krahmer, said to be the German John
Daly. What more can I say.
The Lavoisier Group., New Australian greenhouse sceptics
group. Look in "papers" for pdf file with interesting exchange of
letters with Dr Pearman, head of CSIRO Div of Atmospheric
Research. CSIRO is the Oz version of NOAA. New paper by Bob
Foster, download in pdf.
This NASA site, "Contrary Thermometers" discusses the
difference between lower troposphere and surface temperatures.
New in July. signs that the NASA Goliath might yet figure out
the connection between, urban temperature records, the
Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) and "Global Warming".
Great potential but their first effort on 21, July needs
editing. P.S. 28, July. Yep, the editor has been at work.
NASA 2000 "Culprits of Climate Change"
Explains Dr. Jim Hansen's new position.
NASA Top Stories, selections from NASA research, good
some surprises here
Another branch of the far flung NASA Empire, this time
with convenient site where you see an image map in red and blue of
global temperature anomalies from 1979, collected by satellite, you can
choose various layers of the atmosphere and by clicking on the map or
making a rectangle with your mouse, can see a graph for that area.
NATIONAL TIDAL FACILITY AUSTRALIA at The Flinders University of South Australia for Australian and pacific sea level history data. They say Australian sea level is rising at a miserly 0.3 mm pa.
New Little Ice Age Instead of Global Warming? by the late
Dr. Theodor Landscheidt
Klaus Öllerer's Newsletters on
climate science issues
Gary D. Sharp, Center for Climate/Ocean Resources Study.
Lots of provocative ideas and data, long term climate change, ice ages,
solar & orbital influences. Examples of
how we often do not understand mans place in the environment.
Viewpoint Paper on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
"Does CO2 really drive global warming? by Robert Essenhigh. Chemical
Innovation 2001, 31 (5), 44-46. Copyright (c) 2001 American Chemical
Society. This article expresses the
views of the author and not necessarily those of Chemical Innovation
magazine or the American Chemical Society."
INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution,
whose President is Professor Nils-Axel Mörner of Sweden. Under the
title "Research Topics 5: The expected sea level changes
in the next century", the Commission says:
This is a topic of much controversy. … As it is now, the scenarios
are primarily presented by people
with little or no specialization in sea level research. This is
especially true for the IPCC project where "sea level changes" are
treated in ways far away from proper observational records.
Sounds like the IPCC I know.
World Climate Report: Professor Pat Michaels and colleagues
exposing inadequate climate science and all sorts of new material.
Track all grain and commodity prices
Qld DPI Long Paddock for El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
actual daily values with 30 and 90 day rolling averages.
ENSO Prediction Based on Solar
Dr. Theodor Landscheidt has a good track record
with the last few ENSO events.
New Columbia University model claiming stunning success
predicting ENSO
The Bureau of Meteorology (Australian) rainfall
outlook page
Forecast ENSO page;
Water Resources / Rainfall:
Australian Dams database, large archive of historic information
Bureau of Meteorology FTP site, Australian high
quality rainfall data 379 stations, but maybe ~300 updated thru 2003
Global Historical Climate Network data
Adelaide Hills, much local rain data and weather photos
Indian Ocean site by Jean-Luc Le Blanc
Perth Water Users for those reluctant to contribute the
Government "white elephant" desalination plant
Jacobs Perth Climate data pages, links to real time weather
Follow link on right to "Snowfall Augmentation by Cloud Seeding",
many pdf reports to read note Searle 2002.
Ryan and Sadler overview of cloud seeding in Australia
CSIRO media man Paul Holper's summary of cloud seeding.
Northwest Cloudbands, site by Nicola Telcik UWA scientist
The Water Corporation, administers WA water supplies. Look in
downloadable reports for useful info.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, research projects of Dr. Warren
B. White, including forecasts for global rainfall.
his home page
papers by Dr White
his Antarctic Circumpolar Wave web pages
Viacorp, background on Perth water supply
WA Water and Rivers Commission, much rainfall, river flow and
groundwater data, little that is long term
Water Forum, new web site with what the Government wants us to know.
Road Toll
Association of British Drivers Excellent
comprehensive web site on all issues where drivers are under attack.
Their pages on the way environmental issues are twisted to denigrate
cars appeals to me. Good links page too incl. Australian and Intnl.
Safe Speed UK site promoting intelligent road safety
Australian Transport Safety Bureau
Safer Roads web site with useful information
WA Dept of Transport's Office of Road Safety, follow Research to
statistical reports. Many links
New Zealand research
Fast and Safe a New Zealand site refuting shonky official propaganda
about speed on our roads