Vincent Gray
The Framework Convention on Climate Change
(FCCC) which
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) which was set up in 1988 to study the subject, seems to be
confined to the study of “Climate Change” as defined by the FCCC, but
the scientists didn’t like the idea as they need to study all the other
changes in the climate, otherwise how could you sort out which might be
influenced by greenhouse gas increases?. Nevertheless, they are under political pressure
to give priority to the “Climate Change” title
.I have been an “expert reviewer” for IPCC
Reports from the very beginning. I soon found that in these Reports
evidence was selected, distorted, and even fabricated in order to
support the belief that greenhouse gas
increases are .warming the earth. Yet the IPCC have never supported
this notion in so many words. They always
use deliberately ambiguous language like “there is a discernible human
influence on the climate”
The most important greenhouse gas is water
vapour, 60 to 90% of the total, uncertain
because its infra red spectrum overlaps with carbon dioxide. Since we
have hardly any information on how it has changed over the years, the
model makers call it a “feedback” and
assume, without evidence, that it is related mathematically
to the much less important carbon dioxide, a case of the tail wagging
the dog. Ordinary clouds are also important, also little known in their
effects, and also treated as a “feedback” to divert attention from
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere is undoubtedly increasing. According to the
United States
NOAA it has been going up at a linear rate of 0.4% a year since 1980.
Most computer models assume 1% a year, so they can get exaggerated
results and scare us. Carbon dioxide measurements are made almost
entirely over the sea. An initial site in
Makara near
Methane has reached a constant value in the
atmosphere since 1999. All the models assume it is going up. The
absence of readings over land was recently emphasised by the discovery
that trees emit methane So much for the New Zealand Government claim to
reduce greenhouse gases by planting trees.
The real deception lies with the “surface
temperature record” This is obtained by dividing the world on a
Mercator map into boxes of latitude and longitude, and comparing the
average monthly or annual temperature at stations
in each area with an average over a fixed number of years. The record
shows the annual “temperature anomaly” for each year. It currently goes
back to 1858. This record has incorporated a similar record obtained
from ship and buoy measurements on the ocean. Many scientists regard
the ship measurements as unreliable so this amalgamation is
Weather stations and ship measurements are not
randomly placed over the earth’s surface, so the “anomalies” are
biased. Most weather stations are near cities, where there have been
increases in pollution, building, and energy use over the years. Ships
have got bigger and warmer.. Although it has been claimed that
“corrections” have been made, a recent statistical study showed that
socioeconomic factors such as growth in pollution, coal usage, and
prosperity had significant effects on the land measurements. Little
“global warming was left when the figures were corrected. Ship
measurements were biased when they changed thermometers to engine
A detailed correction procedure called
“homogeneity adjustment”, which needs many weather stations, and is
thus only applicable to a few countries, also gives little or no
“global warming” since 1900 when applied to the surface record of the
Other methods of measuring global temperature
confirm that there is little or no “global warming”. NASA satellites
found that in the lower troposphere there was no increase from 1979 to
1999, but a warming spell after that was started by the 1998 ocean
event (El Niño). Weather balloons found no warming between 1958
and 2002. The lower troposphere is the place where the greenhouse
effect is supposed to happen
Claims that current temperatures are
“unprecedented” for 1000 years are made by comparing the upwardly
biased surface record with reconstructed past temperatures based on
inadequately distribute “proxies” such as
thicknesses of tree rings,. It was recently shown that the best known
of these reconstructions had been calculated wrongly and the corrected
record confirmed the widely supported belief that the “medieval warn
period” around the year 1400. was warmer
than it is today.
Since there is so much doubt about the
temperature record, emphasis has switched to other climate events even
less closely related to greenhouse gases. It does seem that glaciers
are generally retreating, but how much is due to a delayed effect of
the last ice age, a decrease in snow, or just a poor sample is unclear.
Have you seen the Fox glacier recently? It is advancing.
The computer modellists bombard us with
pessimistic forecasts. including “scenarios” for the future which are
completely ridiculous. One scenario predicts that African countries
will be more prosperous than the
There is no evidence that increases in
greenhouse gases are harming the climate. Until there is, the Kyoto
Treaty and any “next steps” must be resisted
* Vincent
Gray was recently a visiting scholar at the