This newsletter
has expanded the subject matter to include comments on environment
issues as well as comments on the climate. I hope none of you object.
If so, let me know, and I will cut you off.
I have
been encouraged to do so as, for the first time in all the years I have
been campaigning there seems to be the possibility of public criticism
of the environment pseudo-religion as well as the global warming myth.
My book review in the Christchurch "Press" was the first time I have penetrated the actual
newspaper columns. Of course, the "Herald" and The "Dominion Post"
still publish the latest environment scare stories without adverse
comment, and the news always takes the word of Greenpeace as gospel.
Yet, the barriers are coming down. Last night on "Prime" TV I was
amazed to view a throughgoing attack on Greenpeace and the global
warmers by the US stirrers Penn and Teller. It was good to meet Bjorn
Lomborg and find he speaks fluent Amercan English, Patrick Moore,
former head of Greenpeace, and someone from the Cato Institute. They
circulated a petition amongst the activists to ban the use of
dihydrogen monoxide. Everybody signed.
Then, or
course, Kyoto looks like falling flat, and even Tony Blair wants
nuclear energy.
So here is
today's subject
I was a
little hard on Tim Flannery in his "The Weather Makers", so I have much
pleasure in quoting some of the things he says about hydrogen.
"The ideal way to transport it is in tanker-trucks carrying
liquefied hydrogen, but, because liquefation occurs at -253ºC ,
refrigerating the gas sufficiently to achieve this is an economic
nightmare. Using hydrogen energy to liquefy a kilogram of hydrogen
consumes 40% of the value of the fuel. Using the US power grid to do so
takes 12-15 kilowatt-hours of electricity, and this would release
almost ten kilograms of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Around 3.5
litres of petrol holds the equivalent energy of one kilogram of
hydrogen. Burning it releases around the same amount of CO2 as using
the grid to liquefy the hydrogen, so the climate change
consequences of using liquefied hydrogen are as bad as driving a
standard car.
One solution may be to pressurise the hydrogen only
partially, which reduces the fuel value consumed to 15% and the
canisters used for transport can be less specialised. But even using
improved, high-pressure canisters, a 46 tonne (40,000 kilogramme) truck
could deliver only 400 kilograms of compressed hydrogen, meaning that
it would take fifteen such trucks to deliver the same fuel energy
value as is now delivered by a 26-tonne petrol tanker.. And if these 40
tonne trucks carried the hydrogen 500 kilometres, the energy cost of
the transport would consume 40% of the fuel carried..
Further problems arise when you store the fuel,in your car. A
special fuel tank carrying hydrogen at 5000psi (near the current upper
limit for pressurised vessels) would need to be constructed and be ten
times the size of a petrol tank.Even with the best tanks, around 4% of
the fuel is likely to be lost from boil-off every day.( as has been
found with NASA)"
And so it goes on. Pipelines and storage would have an
astronomical price. Hydrogen makes steel brittle, it is odourless,
incapable of making otherwise, and it burns with an invisible flame.
Current requirements for storing hydrogen would require an expensive
upgrade of every garage. It leaks easily and catches fire with the
merest spaark
Why would we go for it?
I can't let you go withour a
climate item. We are constantly being told that the Arctic is warming
because of greenhouse gases. Willie Soon in a recent paper in Geophysical
Research Letters 2005, Vol32, L16712,
doi10,1029/2005GL023429, has shown that it is due to the sun, not to
greenhouse gases. I attach his Figure
1 which shows that there is a close correlation between
Arctic temperatures and solar irradiance, but no such correlation with
carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. It might surprise you to learn that Arctic temperature
fluctuartions are CYCLIC, and the last time it was this hot was in
1940. There is no steady trend..
Vincent Gray
75 Silverstream Road
Crofton Downs
Wellington 6004
New Zealand
Phone/Fax 064 4 9735939
"It's not the things you don't know that fool you.
It's the things you do know that aint so"
Josh Billings