7TH APRIL 2004
In my book "The Greenhouse Delusion: A Critique of 'Clinmate
Change 2001'" (still available from,
I point out that the globally averaged energy given off by combustion
of fossil fuels is about 0.02 Watts per square meter. The claimed "greenhouse
effect" since 1750 is 2.45 Watts per square meter; much greater.
However, the energy from combustion is emitted in a highly
irregular fashion. Over the USA it is 0.31 W/sqm, in California 0.81 W/sqm,
and in San Francisco 89.24 W/sqm. New Zealand is 0.08 W/sqm, Auckland 28.2
W/sqm and Essen (Germany) 221.65 W/sqm
Weather stations in industrialised countries, particularly
if close to cities, are therefore likely to record temperature increases
from local energy production which could be much greater than predictions
from the greenhouse effect. The effect could extend into the lower troposphere.
Support for this likelihood was supplied by my NZClimate
Truth Newsletters No 39 and 44, which showed that much of the claimed recent
surface and lower troposphere temperature increases came from
industrialised countries..
confirms what I have said.
They found that the lower troposphere temperature trends
for the period 1979-2001 are spatially correlated to anthropogenic surface
CO2 emissions, a measure of industrialisation. They also showed that two
important climate models do not reproduce the geographical climate rtesponse
to all known forcings as found in the observed temeprature trends. They
"We speculate that the observed surface temperature changes
might be the result of local surface heating processes and not related to
radiative greenhouse gas forcing"
They also say "a change in focus may well have far-reaching
implications for the socioeconomics of climate policy which would have to
be considerably reevaluated."
Vincent Gray
75 Silverstream Road
Crofton Downs
Wellington 6004
New Zealand
Phone/Fax (064) 4 9735939
"It's not the things you don't know that fool you.
It's the things you do know that ain't so"
Josh Billings