JUNE 4TH 2006
Our annual average temperature
has wobbled up and down over the years but there was a great change in
1955 which I attribute to the fact that the meteorologists got their
act together and began to correct the readings properly. I believe
there was an issue of what was the value of a station in Albert Park,
Auckland. I must admit that I have accused them of making inadequate
allowances for urban effects, but it doe seem that since 1955 the
official figures show no overall change in temperature so they must
have done a proper job after all..
Global warming has disappeared
from New Zeraland, so we have joined the other countries which have
done a proper job of sorting out the problems of their Met Stations. I
have recently pointed out that this has happened with the continental
USA and with China. I wonder how many other countries are going to find
that global warming disappears when you correct your met station
However, it is politically and
economically incorrect to admit this, and it is interesting to study
the history of the latest New Zealand temperature fluctuations which
strted in 1993 and soared nearly 2ºC to 1998. These were the great
days of "global warming" and we were told how we would soon be in deep
trouble. But of course nobody thought to tell us that we are
exceptionally influenced by the great Souithern Oscillation ocean
events of the period, and that when these were over we would get a fall
in temperature.
As is typical, it took a few
years after the 1998 climax before the Government tried to do
something about it, so in 2002, after the temperature started falling,
they imposed a future carbon tax. The further fall in temperature has
led to a lack of enthusiasm for a carbon tax, at least for most of the
Parliamentary parties..
We have now had 8 years of
falling temperatures, and we are promised a cold Queen's Birthday
weekend. We can now be confident that some of our scientists and
politicians will confidently predict a forthcoming ice age.
75 Silverstream Road
Wellington 6004
New Zealand
Phone/Fax 064 4 9735939
"It's not the things you don't know that fool you.
It's the things you do know that aint so"
Josh Billings