My April 7 post "Green fruit types" to the GardenWeb Fig Forum

Photo below

Greetings Fig Forum,
My first post so please excuse if I do things a bit odd.
At our new house there are two fig trees, both with green fruit, each different.  I am puzzled to learn more as to what types they may be. Tree A was in prolific fruit when we arrived early Feb and you needed to be quick to get ripe fruit that was not spoiled and fermented.  The interior is pretty pale and ripens to pinky tan. The birds also gave the fruit much attention and next year I might throw a net over it. The leaves here are broader in their lobes than tree B.
Tree B has many fruit set but we saw nothing ripe until say early-mid March and we get about 3 to 4 a week. At this rate I am assuming many will not ripen as our season chills down. The unripe fruit have noticeable ridges longtitudinal from the stalk to the aperture. These fade as ripening progresses.  There are many unripe fruit at about 1.5 inches long and each day or two one ripens quickly to about 2.5 inches. Interior is pale pink with pronounced browny staining of seeds near aperture. Birds are little interested but they would have to be quick to get in ahead of me.
This slow ripening sure has us puzzled.
I have checked the NAFEX site and the Blanche variety sounds a chance for A I guess.
We have friends half an hour away with a browny purple variety which to be honest are better and I am thinking of trying some grafts, thats how I found GardenWeb and the great set of photos at thanks very much.
Any comments welcome.

My two fig trees that both produce green figs, two distinct varieties

Distinctive shaped leaves of tree A and tree B.

Ridged unripe fruit (about 1.5 inches long) from Tree B 
