Anyone watching rainfall since
the 2002 drought will know that the
southern Australian cropping region, or "wheat belt" has known many
worse seasons than 2003 and 2004, they were overall pretty fair seasons
in the wheatbelt. This is borne out by near record wheat
figures from the AWB, Grains Council and ABARE estimates which suggest
that any hardship due to low rainfall stems from a small proportion of
land or that there is a subset of rural Australians who for a variety
of reasons are unprepared or ill equiped to make a "go" of
The sheer volume of media attention indicates these people can be
vocal and the media fairly gullible in not setting news in context. |

There is a huge constrast
between the relatively
minor areas of arable Australia actually defined as being in drought by
the BoM, (see map with red areas below) and the EC drought declared
This 22 May 05 map shows vast areas of NSW defined as EC
(Exceptional Circumstances) from the website of Commonwealth Dept
of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry.
Clearly there is a huge discrepancy in these silly EC maps for
policymakers to repair when wheat production figures can be so good and
the BoM have only minor areas of the wheatbelt in drought

This map of drought areas from 1
May 2004 to 30 April 2005 comes from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)
and you can explore drought maps for various periods. Those for 3
and 6 months show expamded areas but still not over most of the
And since when was an Autumn low rain period a
big deal ??