OurABC reports “Insider blows whistle on Australia’s greenhouse gas reduction schemes” 24Mar22. Prof MacIntosh says quote [“I’m a big believer in these schemes and the ability to use offsets to help cut emissions and to help lower the cost of doing so,” he told the ABC. “But what we’re seeing is a real inability to … Continue reading Expert Professor shreds Fed Gov carbon farming operation→
This Australian Climate Sceptics blog article says it all – The Red Hunt planned an October Carbon Tax – What can “right of As for the abnormal vaginal discharge, it is usually necessary to continue checking 2~3 times or more. People have to be serious about it and they really need to start looking out … Continue reading Turnbull has a new version carbon tax all ready and legislated→
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Why would we be surprised that Russia duds the sucker West? Vlad would expect his minions to do exactly this sort of thing to the hated West. Classic. – the Stockholm Environment Institute has published – Perverse effects of carbon markets on HFC-23 sildenafil 100mg viagra Obama loves the Palestinians as much as possible. Before … Continue reading Swedish research says Russia has been gaming the carbon credits system→