Is the PDO elephant knocking at the door again ?

NASA has just drawn our attention to their interesting map of the PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) anomaly for April 14–21. As NASA says, “…while the La Niña was weakening, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation—a larger-scale, slower-cycling ocean pattern—had shifted to its cool phase.”
Annual PDO

This issue is important to the “greenhouse” debate and arguments over the causes of “global warming” because the ~1976 PDO shift to more positive anomalies can be seen clearly as a warming jump in many long term temperature data. A warming jump that looks unlikely to be caused by small steady increases in the trace gas, atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Much is written on the PDO and just 2 other pages include “The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)” with a long term graphic of monthly anomalies and, “A Pacific interdecadal climate oscillation with impacts on salmon production”

“Core-mantle magnetic flux shifts probably driving climate change”

This is the claim of Peter Ravenscroft who has a web page including a graphic showing the relationship between core-mantle magnetic flux and a proxy ice core temperature So, consult the doctor immediately in such cases.Irregular heart beats, heart attack, and stroke have been reported rarely view that now tadalafil 5mg no prescription in men taking this drug. Dilation of the genital vessels makes space for blood to accumulate in the penis and adjacent muscles perform their duty collectively. pfizer viagra samples Vinpocetine is being called ‘no prescription sildenafil for brain’. Such an herbal remedy called as Gynecure capsule purchase viagra important source can provide great relief to women from excessive menstrual periods. record going back 800,000 years.

He also says that evidence indicates this theory can explain the warming we are all aware of in Siberia and the Antarctic Peninsular.

Warming threat underestimated, says Lord Nicholas Stern

In a welter of breathless press articles the Australian media touched the forelock to the latest from Lord Nicholas Stern’s latest puff trying to frighten us all about Global Warming following his last effort in October 2006. The first subject he addresses is claiming the oceans are increasingly saturated with CO2 and will be able to absorb less. It is tough luck for Lord Stern, who should check basic data,
Cooling oceans
that global oceans have cooled since his October 2006 report. But our media are too ignorant and diehard Green to publish these pertinent facts. CO2 is not rising as fast this year either, due probably to the cooler oceans.
See my November 2006 post; Lord Lawson comments on scaremongering “Stern Report”
Continue reading Warming threat underestimated, says Lord Nicholas Stern

Hadley Centre versus Reynolds (NOAA) SST data

Subtitle: “0.45 deg C per Century warming in Hadley Centre sea surface temperature (SST) data for both hemispheres compared to Reynolds (NOAA) SST data 1982-2008”

I have been surprised at the magnitude of the hemispheric differences between HadSST2 and Reynolds V2 SST data, equivalent to 0.45 degrees C per Century.

In 2006 I found errors in Hadley Centre SST data in previous work around New Zealand, for example.
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In August 2006 I posted: “What integrity is there in global SST trends ?”

If anyone has the computing ability and time to produce some global maps of monthly differences between HadSST2 and Reynolds V2 SST data, please let me know. This would allow homing in exactly where the discrepancies are located and assessing the validity of both series against other data.

Sunspot 990, officially the 2nd sunspot of Cycle 24

Go to and read about the latest member of the Cycle 24 family to appear.

For my other solar articles

In case the link changes:

Sunspot 990
04/14/2008 by VE3EN at 22:05

The new sunspot has been numbered 990 by NOAA. This is now officially the 2nd sunspot of Solar Cycle 24. It is very small and poses no threat for solar flares. As you can see in the images below, the little speck is about all that makes up this region. It still maintains a nice SC24 magnetic signature.

In the latest STEREO Behind image below you can see SC24 Sunspot 990 and also what looks like a Cycle 23 region (old sunspot 987 perhaps) approaching the eastern limb.

Solar activity remains very low. The solar flux remains in the 60’s for now.

Northern hemisphere warming more rapidly than the south

University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH)) MSU satellite temperature data for the lower troposphere still has the northern hemisphere warming at a greater rate than the southern. In March 2008 the difference is trending at a huge 0.52 degrees C over the 29 years (352 months) of the data, Dec 1978 to Mar 2008.

Large warm anomaly over Asia in March while tropics cool; is this due to mass transport of tropical air ?

UAH MSU satellite temperature data for the lower troposphere has the globe still cool while global oceans and the tropics are still cooling. However the northern extratropics have warmed in February and March and an anomaly map from the NOAA Climate Diagnostics Bulletin for March shows this warmth to be over Asia. I am interested to hear readers views on how this has evolved and what part has been played by mass movement of warmer tropical air from the south or southwest.

Reporters ‘pressured not to write negative stories’ about Earth Hour

For those in the big wide world, Earth Hour was a Green stunt in Australia on March 27 to turn off lights to save power thus reducing carbon emissions, thats the theory.
Excerpt from story in THE AUSTRALIAN: JOURNALISTS at The Age yesterday condemned management for undermining the Melbourne newspaper’s editorial independence, claiming reporters were pressured not to write negative stories about Earth Hour. In a statement accompanying the resolution, staff said the Earth Hour partnership placed basic journalistic principles in jeopardy: “Reporters were pressured not to write negative stories and story topics followed a schedule drafted by Earth Hour organisers.”

Having witnessed the flood of gushing reporting about Earth Hour for days in the Fairfax owned Canberra Times, I betcha that similar pressure was applied to Canberra based scribes. It is great that this evidence of Green media bias leaks out into the light of day.
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Andrew Bolt’s article, “Earth Hour crashes to Earth”, assesses the effect of Earth hour on power consumption.

Canberra water supply, sensible options sidelined by Govt in thrall of IPCC climate models.

This long term rainfall trend for the Uriarra district west of Canberra near dam catchments indicates that the low rain period starting 2001 is nothing exceptional and could well represent a return to the pre 1945 lower rainfall regime. Contrary to the thrust of conclusions from CSIRO climate modelling.
Uriarra rain trend 1887-2007 There is no evidence linking the rain trend to some over-arching force of climate change. It is obvious that natural cycles dominate the graphic. Link to more detailed comments on wrong directions in Govt water policy for Canberra.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations