Fed Gov Budget Kurri Kurri gas fired generation

Tracing a timeline of announcements by Minister Angus Taylor before and after the Federal Budget reveals a fascinating coincidence of events which exactly supported the Gov case that the Kurri Kurri 660MW gas generation would be needed to beef up dispatchable generation when Liddell is closed. Of course the renewables industry spruikers and anti-fossil fuel interests have pilloried the Kurri Kurri gas plant widely. But the Minister (and his staffers and everybody else) seem oblivious that daily events with impeccable timing have been exactly demonstrating the case for Kurri Kurri. Enjoy the Timeline.
[1] Advancing Australia’s gas-fired recovery 7May21 no mention Kurri Kurri
[2] Investing in reliable affordable energy and reducing emissions to secure Australia’s recovery 11May21 Day of the Budget no mention here of Kurri Kurri
[3] ABC reports the day after Fed Budget – Here’s how the Hunter region fared in the 2021 budget 12May21 Despite the government’s plan to build a $600m dollar gas plant at Kurri Kurri at the taxpayer’s expense, no money was specifically allocated in the budget.
[4] Back to the Ministers media releases. Wholesale electricity prices at nine-year low 17May21 (Prob. due Covid disaster) Hey Minister on that VERY DAY NSW and other State prices are exploding due to a wind drought. OpenNem – 19 May screen save Open Nem
[5] Protecting families and businesses from higher energy prices 19May21 Mentions Kurri Kurri to be built by Snowy Hydro – still no recognition of AEMO daily average prices exploding due the wind drought in NSW and various other States. AEMO spreadsheet from 22May see below. Larger spreadsheet
[6] Snowy Hydro page on Hunter Power Project at Kurri Kurri

Upper Hunter byelection today

Morning TV news shows the extent to which our media is green/left dominated. The Premier spun her way through a few statements, pointing out the usual anti-Gov swing at byelections – saying she was returning to Sydney before evening. The assembled media made not one attempt at a probing question of this “greenleft credentialed Premier” – not that was shown on ABC TV news. Amazing in view she was asking voters to support her Gov – yet many voters depended for jobs & prosperity on coal mining which her Gov is trying to close down to reduce emissions, while replacing coal fired electricity by renewables.
Late in 2020 her Energy Minister Matt Keane unveiled his radical plan to achieve that. Then in late March the Premier and her Gov including her Nationals Deputy Premier Barilaro, NSW Energy Minister Matt Kean, all agreed to appoint Malcolm Turnbull chair of the “NSW Net-Zero Emissions and Clean Economy Board”. Sadly for them the Nationals MP Michael Johnsen had to resign at the end of March and the byelection clock started ticking resulting in the rapid firing of Mr Turnbull before he had a chance to warm the seat @ the “NSW Net-Zero Emissions and Clean Economy Board”. You could not make this up. We can only hope that Upper Hunter voters see through the lies, bulldust and renewables propaganda and vote their hip pockets.

“NSW might bring forward Dungowan Dam” Deputy PM

I heard our Australian Dep PM Michael McCormack discussing the Budget infrastructure spend say on TV News “NSW might bring forward Dungowan Dam”.
What th’ – on 14Oct2019 back in “the drought” Prime Minister Morrison and NSW Premier announced Canberra would give NSW a $Billion for dams including the new Dungowan. See links in my 27Sep20 blog ScoMo $Bill on NSW dams where I noted that nothing was happening except EIS prepping and “community consultation”. Also the Tamworth Regional Council water supplies page has nothing I saw about a new Dungowan Dam. NSW Energy policy from late 2020 has unmasked the increasingly Green policies in NSW and maybe Deputy PM McCormack is correct in implying the proposed Dungowan Dam is on some sort of deliberate holding pattern. In February the Productivity Commission released a draft report “National Water Reform”. This pointed out arguments against a new Dungowan Dam based on “costs of buying water” issues. The “National Water Reform” draft also reveals on page 183/184 of 229 in “Box 13.1 Flawed decision making for Dungowan Dam” – quote [In 2016, the New South Wales and Australian Governments committed a total of $150 million to the construction of Dungowan Dam on the Peel River (ANZIP 2020).] So now the cost has blown out to ~$500Mill yet here we are 5 years on from 2016 – it has rained again and NSW Water Dept are still doing [EIS prepping and “community consultation”].
IMHO just more evidence Australia has lost its way.

Tallawarra B replacing Liddell with nothing-burger

Coal fired Liddell was 2,000MW and Tallawarra B is a 300MW OCGT unit gas “peaking” power plant on the western side of the suburban Lake Illawarra in southern Wollongong. Australia’s first green hydrogen and gas power plant. by Deputy Premier Barilaro 3May21 The hydrogen seems to be just a wish from the Chinese owned Energy Australia to find some future hydrogen fuel from 2025 if they can.
The Hon Angus Taylor MP Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction says “Tallawarra B power station to be built”.
All the above has to be seen in light of –
[1] Increasing revelations of the Green stance of the Premier over last 6 to 9 months.
[2] The surprisingly Green future plans revealed late in 2020 by Energy Minister Matt Keane as NSW pursues a net zero target by 2050.
[3] The appointment of Malcolm Turnbull as some sort of Energy Czar under Minister Keane – an appointment that was quickly reversed after the Upper Hunter byelection(voting is 22nd May) was announced.
[4] NSW has for years been too often an importer of electricity from Queensland.
[5] Note the Deputy Premiers media release say near the end “Jointly underwriting the Queensland-NSW transmission interconnector upgrade with the Commonwealth Government.” Why would taxpayers funds be wasted on this when NSW should generate its own electricity. And we have the Queensland Premier saying in 2020; “NSW has their own hospitals – Queensland hospitals are for Queensland people”.
[6] Closing Liddell and adding Tallawarra B will add stress to NSW gas supplies which have failed power plants in recent years plus NSW has gas exploration bans and the much ballyhooed Narrabri gas proved up by Santos is subject to unrelenting lawfare on many fronts including the pipeline connection to NSW grid.
IMHO NSW needs to strengthen its own capacity to generate 24/7 dispatchable electricity.

Dinosaurs to now 66 Mill years of Earth cooling

I have had an email question about ice core data – so I thought this new long proxy record is worth posting showing Earth cooling from the Cretaceous (time of the Dinosaurs) For larger chart. For local readers the Miocene warmth is shown in perspective – fossil coconuts from Mangonui in Northland NZ. The holocene climatic optimum warmth (4 to 7 thousand years ago) can also be seen and much more if you look carefully such as modern IPCC temperature series riddled with urban warming. Then the range of modelling results to justify decarbonizing our economies.

ScoMo’s NRRA birthed in memory lapse

The new Commonwealth “National Recovery and Resilience Agency (NRRA)” will distribute $Billions to victims of fire, flood, drought, but can anybody point to successful Fed Gov spending initiatives.
They also announce the formation of the “Australian Climate Service” to “better collate data”. What th’? we do not have enough Gov orgs pumping out “global warming climate change agitprop” now?
The NRRA was suggested by the “bushfire royal commission” which was an opera to “global warming climate change”.
But the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements ignored the Sep 2019 news from the BoM that “sudden stratospheric warming” was worsening the drought. The BoM said quote “Past stratospheric warming events and associated wind changes have had their strongest effects in NSW and southern Queensland, where springtime temperatures increased, rainfall decreased and heatwaves and fire risk rose.”
And in the ABC article “Rare weather event over Antarctica driving Australia’s hot, dry outlook” 6Sep19 the BoM says quote “SSW is not thought to be caused by global warming. “We view SSW as a natural, internally-generated phenomena,” Dr Hendon said.”
These facts have been totally lost in the responses post the fires and “sudden stratospheric warming” did not feature in 2020 news that I saw.

BoM Rain Outlook for April 2021 proven wrong

Rainfall outlook map Australia for April 2021 posted on 25 March.
April 2021 rainfall percentages for Australia 01/04/2021 – 30/04/2021

The temperature Outlooks were nothing special either

The Max t Outlook was mostly for a cooler Australia
but the results show the wide brown land had mostly warmer days. April 2021 mean maximum temperature anomaly for Australia

The Min t Outlook was mostly for warmer nights but Australia had mainly cooler nights. April 2021 mean minimum temperature anomaly for Australia

ANZAC history essentials to remember

With various Govts turning logical contortions to prevent ANZAC Day returning to the pre-covid state and much advice from on high to “stand in your driveway”. Here are two links to 2015 and 2018 where I blogged about the broad history around the early part of WWI involved with the Ottoman Empire.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations