Temperature anomaly maps for France show recurring anomalies from year to year

A reader has sent in these maps observing some features live on from year to year. “Compared to 2014, west of Strasbourg is more or less the same in 2013, and there is another one near Manosque, northeast of Marseilles, repeatedly. The Paris heat island is in all of them, and the last 3 years Chalons en Champagne is always too cold and inland from Brest too warm.” I agree the French data looks poorly calibrated – will try and get a new 2010 map with the same normals period as the others.

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) claiming 2014 was the hottest year ever does not deserve creedence

Global media swoon over the dodgy claim by GISS that 2014 was hottest evah.
GISS have a rich tradition of adjusting temperature data to show more warming –
My animations show how GISS recently adds warming adjustments to Australian data – Melbourne as well as Alice Springs, Adelaide, Broken Hill and Willis Island.
Other articles on GISS going way back.

Australian Bureau of Meteorology fails to repair their flagship ACORN temperature dataset as the Director of Meteorology expected

In May 2014 I got a reply from Dr Rob Vertessy, Director of the BoM – to my pointing out that the ACORN-SAT data set had about a thousand examples where a daily MAX was less than the daily MIN. Dr Vertessy said that he expected that these errors would be corrected in an updated version of ACORN-SAT in the second half of 2014.

I just checked ACORN data for Alice Springs back to 1986 and the exact errors discovered by Ed Thurstan in 2013 are still there.

I have not got time to check for a thousand errors so I am assuming the ACORN update is running late. I am not surprised – as I point out in my articles examining ACORN data for Cobar – the ACORN methodology is illogical – relying on computer driven data mining comparisons hundreds of km from Cobar while ignoring data much more adjacent. Cobar ACORN I and Cobar ACORN II. The BoM should save taxpayers some money and scrap the ACORN disaster now.

Bureau of Meteorology Outlook for January rain looks sick after 10 days

Recently the BoM started including monthly Outlook maps – not sure why but there you go.
The December rain Outlook did not turn out so flash either – a few earlier months were better.
But January has little hope already at day 10 and still raining over vast areas. For larger maps

Graziers forced off Mount Morris Station near Charleville – carbon farming is part of the financial issue

Last May I tried to get a grip on the circumstances at Mount Morris Station – News from the world of carbon farming – Charleville property sold up by bank despite carbon farming project.
A reader has just sent this link from the Chronicle in Toowoomba last October – Stuart family forced off Mount Morris – but not a word mentioned about carbon farming. The 20th May 2014 article in The Australian quotes the bank with their reservations about the very long term nature of the carbon farming agreements. But there must be more than that concerning the bank. Income is income – so what if it runs for a very long time – why would a bank not like that?
If anybody has any further information please let us know.

Rain warnings and bushfire news for Adelaide Hills at exact same time

The BBC is carrying – South Australia fires: Hopes rise of halting Adelaide blaze – I thought the area was getting its second day with some rain to help firefighters. It is a sexual disorder which signifies a person’s disability to achieve or maintain an erection during sexual intercourse. It can occur in two ways- a man may not be able to get an erection, or lose one prematurely during sexual activity, some men suffer from these problems regularly.Accurate statistics are lacking on how many men are affected by the condition, but would never quest for solution. It helps pushing the blood to the genitals for cute-n-tiny.com/tag/pika/ viagra on line sales both men and women. By reducing the transformation of testosterone to something else, the guy taking tadalafil overnight Propecia is left with more testosterone.

At the exact same time the ABC is reporting the BoM – Weather bureau warns South Australia could experience heaviest rainfall in 30 years

What do readers think about media reporting of the Adelaide hills bushfires over the last week

My impressions have been mainly from the ABC 24Hrs TV –
Little comment about the often large fuel loads shown in vision – grass thigh high – to what extent were the fires just natures hazard reduction burns a bit late.
Ludicrous comparisons to Ash Wednesday –
Rare and poor use of illegible map, I only ever saw one map, the reporters seem cartographically very limited –
Use of old footage without time/date stamp saying it is old –
One reporter at Montacute showed the same scene of smoke in far distance for days without any guide to viewers as to directions – where was north etc –
Too much reporting of the Premier – IMHO viewers want to hear from fire experts –
Days passed before we heard of the larger water bombers –
I recall a young lady reporter on a hilltop – was it Monday or Tuesday referring to six properties up there but the broadcast scene showed little evidence of fire and the camera never panned around – do reporters get sent out without a camera operator ?
The issue of not being able to get a count on lost homes went on for days.
At a time Wednesday late afternoon when BoM radar showed useful rain moving through the fire area – news services were v slow to mention the rain –
But the inevitable whinge about slippery tracks had to appear later.
I see Judith Sloan at Catallaxy has a post – Wrong again: journalistic standards fall even lower – on the issue of the PM being in Iraq at the time of the fires.

Wollongong Council says sea level rise not affecting utility of their coastal swimming pools

Recall that about a month ago I posted – No evidence of warmer summers from Wollongong City Council swimming pool attendance figures
At that time I emailed Wollongong Council to ask about historic survey data re heights of their ocean pool walls – for my questions click on more below. Just got a reply saying – [Thanks for your enquiry. Unfortunately information on height of walls with respect to historical mean sea level is not available.
Any actual effects on the utility of pools have not been observed other than storm impacts.]
If anybody has ideas to access historic coastal survey data? Must be data in archives – I am sure our pioneers measured and recorded exactly where they were and where they built things on the planet. Continue reading Wollongong Council says sea level rise not affecting utility of their coastal swimming pools

A quick look at a few climate related issues as 2015 starts

Sun spot numbers have for nine months now been forming a shoulder in the 60 to 90(RI) range – November RI number was 70.1 and December 78.
Sunspot chart updated through December –

The much predicted and ballyhooed 2014 El Nino hopes remain just that – warmista dreams – as SOI numbers remain as I said muddling around beneath the El Nino threshold. No one doubts another El Nino will arive sometime – but despite the $Billions spent on warmista climate research facts are nobody knows when the next El Nino arrives. Note: The Nov 2014 post has been listed private because it turned out to be a spam magnet attracting 5,000+ per day spam comments. Who understands it.

The BoM has jumped out of the blocks to say 2014 was the third hottest year for Australia after 2013 and 2005. Of course it helps to realize the BoM is talking about their stroked tweaked and warmed ACORN data series. You can make maps at this BoM site but it is AWAP data not ACORN I think. Note how 2005 map is blighted with the “National Night Time Hotspot” in the SW of NT. Love that error ridden BoM data.
The ABC has an article where you can load annual mean temperature decile maps going back 100 years.
But RSS satellites are saying the 36 year trend for Australia warms less than the Indian Ocean. Fascinating.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations