Bureau of Meteorology delusions about the urban heat island revealed in news of relocation (again) of Adelaide weather instruments

Adelaide Now is carrying this news item (HT Chris Gillham) – Weather station near Adelaide High School to more accurately measure climate change will involve cutting 18 Parkland trees
The article says – [The bureau wants to relocate to the Parklands site to be able to make comparisons with historical readings gathered at a previous station which operated near the site between the early days of the South Australian colony and 1979, when the city station was moved to Kent Town.
The data from the new weather station would be able to be accurately compared to historical figures to determine the impact of climate change.]

So the BoM thinks that relocation on this or that postage stamp area of parkland enclosed by the huge and ever increasing urban heat island of the ever expanding and infilling Adelaide suburbs – will somehow mean that “…data from the new weather station would be able to be accurately compared to historical figures to determine the impact of climate change.”
Utter delusion.
And of course this is the same BoM who thinks Canberra Airport is “non-urban”

Antarctic sea ice area in record territory again

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Australian Bureau of Meteorology misleads in defense of their highly adjusted ACORN SAT temperature series

Anybody following the BoM responses to the series of articles in The Australian questioning the ACORN adjustments has heard this old canard from the BoM. “Oh but our adjustments make no overall difference – the raw trends are the same as ACORN trends”. This can only be true by including the cooling corrections the BoM chooses to make moderating the raging UHI’s contamination in Australian city data.

Australian Bureau of Meteorology rain Outlooks – failure looming in March and flip-flop confusion for April

In late February the BoM forecast March and April rain as follows.

Now rain to date for March (1st to 26th) shows Australia was wet in the west and dry to average in the east- sort of exact opposite of the above March rain Outlook.

Now note the February Outlook for April in top panel forecasting a dry April.
Contrast that with the new April rain Outlook just issued forecasting a widespread wet.

Who could believe a word the BoM utters when they keep changing predictions.

Collected articles by David Archibald – Climate, Defence, Geostrategic, Liquid Fuel Security, Civilisation

I always enjoy reading what David has to say – here are links to his writings.
His book “Twilight of Abundance” is available at Amazon – great country by country sections on food security in the middle east.

Reading The ANZUS Treaty

Guest post from David Archibald –
Senator David Johnston’s dismissal as Australia’s Defence Minister came soon after he said that he wouldn’t trust ASC (formerly Australian Submarine Corporation) to build a canoe. The ASC sheltered workshop wanted to be paid $3 billion to build a submarine. The Japanese build them year in and year out for $600 million a copy. Surely an attempt to be an effective Defence Minister shouldn’t be a sacking offence in an ideal world.
Download the 100KB pdf with many links – Reading The ANZUS Treaty

Merchants of Doubt movie box office triumph in USA – takes $54,242 – where can I get the DVD

Would that pay for theatre hire? I can not wait to see Marc Morano in Merchants of Doubt – in the meantime enjoy his assembly of critics comments painting him as some “super villain” with mysterious powers to wreck the just plans of the good and the great IPCC supporter base. If anybody finds a source for the DVD please let us know – thanks.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations