The link is here Modulation of Ice Ages via Precession and Dust-Albedo Feedbacks.
His earlier paper was discussed – Albedo regulation of Ice Ages, with no CO2 feedbacks. And on a related subject I posted – Some climate sanity after Paris COP21 blabfest – drawing attention to The book “The Chilling Stars” by Henrik Svensmark & Nigel Calder sums up 12,000 years of Holocene cosmic & solar driven “climate change” in the North Atlantic. Ralph tells me he is in touch with Henrik Svensmark.
Paper Abstract
We present here a simple and novel proposal for the modulation and rhythm of ice ages and interglacials during the late Pleistocene. While the standard Milankovitch-precession theory fails to explain the long intervals between interglacials, these can be accounted for by a novel forcing and feedback system involving CO2, dust and albedo. During the glacial period, the high albedo of the northern ice sheets drives down global temperatures and CO2 concentrations, despite subsequent precessional forcing maxima. Over the following millennia CO2 is sequestered in the oceans and atmospheric concentrations eventually reach a critical minima of about 200 ppm, which causes a die-back of temperate and boreal forests and grasslands, especially at high altitude. The ensuing soil erosion generates dust storms, resulting in increased dust deposition and lower albedo on the northern ice sheets. As northern hemisphere insolation increases during the next Milankovitch cycle, the dust-laden ice-sheets absorb considerably more insolation and undergo rapid melting, which forces the climate into an interglacial period. The proposed mechanism is simple, robust, and comprehensive in its scope, and its key elements are well supported by empirical evidence.
How much useful electricity does rooftop solar produce in southern Western Australia
The ABC have this article claiming – Rooftop solar producing more energy than WA’s biggest turbine – Curtin University sustainability professor Peter Newman said – “It’s nearly 500 megawatts and it’s growing rapidly,..” Yet when I check NemWatch for WA I can only ever find a little over ~250MW for WA small solar. Is this because about half the output is used in the homes of the owners of these rooftop solar systems?
And of course the article seems to forget that these solar systems only work in the sunny hours – they make no electricity at night while the coal fired generators chug away 24/7. I wonder to what extent the WA grid can keep on accommodating increasing solar and wind power yet remain stable. I also wonder what is the cumulative cost of all the small scale solar subsidies paid out by the various Australian Governments.
Rare event as Australian Greens perform policy backflip on GM crops
I like the way the Greens leader Dr Richard Di Natale says the policy “lacks evidence”. Careful Richard – if you apply that guideline the Greens may soon have no policy left.
What can the west do about ongoing North Korean nuclear and missile developments?
North Korea has been busily developing nuclear and missile capabilities for a few decades now. All the evidence points to a growing potential for North Korea to eventually be able to mate a nuclear weapon with a viable missile or other delivery system. This Timeline from The Arms Control Association makes for sobering reading.
Is the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) distorting the truth as to when they called the El Nino ?
I notice in this latest BoM bumph about 2015 being “…Australia’s fifth hottest year on record” this gem saying that they called the current El Nino in May 2015. Here is the BoM El Nino page from April 2014 – looks like they were talking it up pretty big then.
On 20 May 2014 they were spruiking – Tropical Pacific Ocean edges further toward El Niño – By late July El Nino was on hold.
Worthwhile New Zealand rain reported as “a drop in bucket”
Another fascinating example of the baleful influence of climate change dogmas and useless Govt forecasting on normal media reporting standards.
By all accounts the rain was useful in many areas to freshen up grass and give feed growth a summer boost. A subtext is that the NIWA three month Outlooks predict dryer than normal conditions due El Nino – so rain sort of goes against that meme. I like the oracle quoted to explain how it rained because air moved from east to west.
I see another article – Urgent need to act on our water supply – Whaleoil is on to it. It seems anti-dam dogmas are rife in NZ and all manner of special interest groups get into the act to make a needed new dam even more impossible. When will water users start voting for an adequate water supply at an affordable price?
Green electricity prices increase – how does the GreenLeft media publish such rubbish with a strait face
They are instrumental in inflicting this disaster on us all – utterly no shame. New year rings in 41 per cent rise in GreenPower prices
Has anybody got any other increases to quote. How about us that If anything, which disrupts get free viagra brain being stimulated and getting ON can be responsible for the erection breakdown. The skilled, well- trained and hospitable staff offer the support needed. If you are drugs buy tadalafil 20mg affected then you can also take help of herbal pills that can prove to be more beneficial than it costs. When adopted, these pills ensure that people are now turning to their phones and their computers to get things done. do not buy the fraud of so called Green Power? Do we really think charges for normal electricity are not also going up? We have to stop voting for the disaster of steadily wrecking our electricity grid.
Now watch Turnbull file the TURC report into oblivion
Bill Shorten, Labor and the Unions have few worries.
Trade union royal commission: Federal Government to release findings almost two years after hearings began We need an effective standing Trade Union Royal Commission to sit for years.
GreenLeft Australian ABC repeats anti-coal story five times on news front page
It must cruelly piss them off that global wind plus solar electricity generation in 2014 tallied only 3.8%
This is the yarn repeated five times – Are we witnessing a turning point in the future of coal?
Here is a chart of global electricity generation –
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data from BP Statistical Review.
And amazingly 8.6% voted Green at the 2013 Federal Election.
Media claims that peak oil is postponed because of renewables are the wildest fantasy
We all know that the world crude oil price crashed starting mid 2014 – from levels around $100 per barrel it is now ~$35. Obviously fracking in the USA has boosted oil production but an additional reason for the price crash is the Saudis economic warfare to minimise the power of Iran post sanctions. I posted on that subject about a year ago. Saudis oil pumping crashes oil price kneecapping the Iranian economy – how do the Teheran Mullahs pay to build those nukes now? Anyway – back to the subject today. The ABC reports – Peak oil losing credibility as renewables shift accelerates and Fairfax chimes in – The price drop that’s really worrying big oil –
To put renewables on scale with global oil consumption I have made this chart using data from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy – get the XLS file and explore for yourself. Oil consumption has been converted to Terrawatt Hours to compare with solar and wind global electricity generation. It is crystal clear that the microscopic quotas of heavily subsidised renewables in the bottom right corner of my chart could not possibly be having any serious influence on the massive global consumption of oil.
If you want to add global coal consumption on for 2014 that is another 17,000TWh equivalent and global electricity consumption all sources in 2014 totals 23,536TWh. I wonder where this Green/Renewables fantasia originated.