This is a weird story uncovered by ABC researchers but now that we know the Tasmanian businesswoman Wendy Kennedy did not give the $847,000 to the CFMEU – the CFMEU is not saying where the money came from. And it is a story vanished into history by the main stream media now.
Perth 4 days over 40°C heatwave nothing out of the ordinary for Perth heatwaves
We have all seen the media beat ups about the “Great Four day Perth heatwave 7th to 10th Feb 2016” – never a mention that that the ever expanding Perth urban heat island UHI might contribute to this event. Credit where credit is due though, the original BoM forecast was pretty good. Unlike their Brisbane and Queensland efforts this year.
Check out the statistics assembled by Chris Gillham in Perth – his website has much information on WA and Perth climate matters. Interesting that Perth Airport temperature data shows the “Great Four day Perth heatwave 7th to 10th Feb 2016” was exceeded by several past events at that site.
High-altitude water vapour, critical for Greenhouse, is not well measured
New paper – The Forgotten Water Vapor at High Altitudes – Scientists find that estimations of high-altitude atmospheric water, critical for the greenhouse effect, are not as accurate as previously thought.
New climate book ‘Mirrors and Mazes: a guide to the climate debate’ by Dr Howard Brady
Read the review by Emeritus Professor Peter G Flood PhD (Qld), MAusIMM, IEM (Harvard) – let me know of any other reviews.
Two years ago I reported UAH satellites were reading too warm at times over Australia
From Dec 2013 – Warming departure in UAH lower troposphere satellite temperatures compared to RSS over the period 2005-2006 – I emailed UAH at the time and their responses are in the link. Now Their beta V6.0 warms much more that V5.6 over Australia – go figure. Data from KNMI using the Australia mask. Both UAH versions warm more that the BoM ACORN data while RSS does not see that extent of warming.
The trends by Excel for the 37 years 1979-2015 are –
RSS = 0.26
BoM ACORN = 0.49
UAH V5.6 = 0.58
UAH v6.0 beta = 0.88
Now of course the warmistas at The Conversation are dining out on this. Ignoring RSS.
Paper gold goes nuts in New York afternoon – could global warming be affecting the gold price?
While the slapdown in price just after 8am NY time is stock standard normal A small but very definite vertical line recently appeared on my top lip. In order to avoid the adverse effects, individuals are advised to follow their doctor’s instructions. 2. click these guys viagra pharmacy prices Unfortunately, this is a problem that a large number of men all over the globe. ICT in business and commerce is the other name for tadalafil mastercard wikipedia reference is Kamagra. I can not recall a jump in GP Saturday afteroon NY.
Another exaggerated BoM Brisbane heat forecast – turns out a one day wonder
What is it with the BoM – so Brisbane has a humid and hot day last Tuesday – for heavens sake it is February – the ABC screams – Brisbane weather: Heat and humidity land six high school students in hospital – But then against the thrust of quotes from the BoM Wednesday dropped to 34.1 so the “searing heat” lasted one day –
and BoM has not yet worked out what it was Thursday – how is that possible? – Too busy yakking on phone to media? Working out their redundancies?
Bureau of Meteorology to axe staff from all regional stations except Cairns
Friday was said to be 29 and it turned out 27 – the record for a February day is over 41. Last month a similar exaggeration. BoM crying wolf again about heatwave in Queensland – turns out total flop – again
Perth region breaks cold night records two mornings in a row
On 1st & 2nd Feb 2016 the Perth region has had record breaking cold mornings.
See comments by Ubique and wazsah #’s 5 and 6 here. Make max and min anomaly maps at BoM.
Click for min T anomaly for WA on 1st Feb odd the contour colours are not darker blue near Perth.
Max T anomaly for WA 1st Feb – cold day on Goldfields due cyclone Stan shooting through I suppose.
Another failed Bureau of Meteorology daytime temperature Outlook
Poor old BoM seldom takes a trick – make your own temperature maps – make your own Outlook maps.
The BoM predicted cool over SE SA, west Vic through Tas and all that turned out warm. The main BoM predicted cool spot was the Pilbara coast and that too turned out warm. They predicted heat on the entire Eastern seaboard but that was mainly average to not very warm. Vast areas of WA and NT predicted warm but turned out cool – long range forecasting is a bitch. Only win I can see is the far north tropics.
BoM should abandon these Outlooks and save some money for taxpayers.
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Another article critical of the Bureau of Meteorology in The Australian newspaper
Bureau of Meteorology Needs to Open Books to Audit – full text is here Continue reading Another article critical of the Bureau of Meteorology in The Australian newspaper