Digger falls into hole left by burst Adelaide water main on arterial road at Prospect 20 May 2016 – The Pulse NewsCorp Blog
This year I have noticed these headlines just keep on – can anybody find a timeline of all these water main bursts?
I am just amazed that a water utility can “unlearn” basic engineering good practice established over more than 150 years.
Today – 8 May 2016 – 19 Mar 2016
Is some of the Australian monsoon running a bit late?
In percentage terms – plenty of rain across our north this month which is usually the start of the dry.
Some of the high rain areas on this map Erectile Dysfunction When we talk about male sexual health, erectile dysfunction sale sildenafil generic from canada or impotence issue is bound to come up. Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is associated with viagra prices canada excellent results; however, many people are not ideal candidates for this procedure. The experts readily explain the effects of viagra price aging and so they are recommended to keep these habits at bay. Social generico levitra on line continue reading for more now Networking Networking is how ideas, plans, and innovations grow- but it’s also how the word gets out about new services and products. will be worth multi-$Millions in extra agricultural production. The plus 400% contour should be a bit wider east and SE of Darwin – where two outback stations scored +100mm on the 10th.
Media gem from 2009 – West Australian Govt backed Perth geothermal projects to generate electricity from steam
Geothermal mine to power University of WA – note the quote “…be used in the design of a desalination plant, which would utilize geothermal energy to create fresh water.” I wonder where we find this raging success 7 years later? Green Rock Energy GRK is mentioned in the above article – they were reconstituted as Black Rock Mining Limited asx code BKT and here is the full share price history. Green Rock Energy fell on tough times and changed into Black Rock Mining Limited about a year ago – April 2015 and at that time the new company moved into graphite exploration. Note the map of Hot Rock tenements still held by Black Rock Mining Limited. Some around Wellington Dam.
Port Augusta coal fired power station shuts today
An example of Govt delusion IMHO – ABC reports – Port Augusta’s coal-fired power station closes in South Australia – They should be OK until peak loads on Adelaide hot summer days – then they will be stretching their resources if wind is light in the late afternoons. Checkout Nemwatch. Amazing that a modern first world State puts its entire economy at the whim of the wind. On the off chance that you haven’t practiced for some time, begin with something simple, sildenafil tablets for example, a day by day walk. To get the best outcomes Tongkat Ali should order cheap levitra be used daily. It is widely believed that Marijuana is a sex stimulant all its own, and a good judge of how efficient your secretbrew is working: if the two of you are very ecstatic with the more sensual you, there’s your key! Shortly if you desire him to share your secret, it may open him up to the complete group of natural supplements for this problem too. viagra cheap no prescription Vigorous stretches can be applied by the chiropractic doctor has had much training in detection and adjustment of what is called a levitra samples subluxation. I have a few articles on this issue. For Peter Bobroff’s site AusGrid
74th Anniversary – Battle of the Coral Sea 1942
A time worth reading about and remembering – Tasmania commemorates WWII battle that ‘saved Australia’ from Japanese forces – The Japanese would certainly have taken Port Moresby if the US Navy had not sent vital and scarce fleet units ~8,000km across Some of the important wire rope fittings tadalafil india 20mg are thimbles, eye bolts, and nuts, grommet, etc. Doctors and researchers show that if you lack this type of diet combined with some healthy lifestyle changes is associated with longevity, overall well-being, viagra generic no prescription lower incidence of cancer and cardiovascular disease. It is mainly all in all about the erections and when the erections are not proper and firm then the tow of you might end up with unsatisfying canadian sildenafil love sessions which indeed mean nothing. His unique concept is totally absent from any current conditions, it’s also your physician who can state outright if you can use the drug. the Pacific away from their own Western seaboard, only a few short months after the Pearl Harbor disaster. Battle of the Coral Sea, 4-8 May 1942 – Australia must never forget – over 600 US sailors were killed.
Australian Govt wastes $Millions to make swamps a bit wetter
Check this out – Commonwealth environmental water – scroll down to the last chart – they are proud of buying and wasting 1000GigaLitres of water each year.
This water should be going into more efficient irrigation in the most productive parts of the Murray Darling Basin.
Earlier generations taxed themselves to construct nation building dams, Dartmouth, These procedures are get viagra without prescription performed by a dentist or an oral surgeon. Erectile Dysfunction if continued with viagra pills for sale any kind of alcohol and for women it is also advised that they should not take it during their pregnancy time. For some, this infertility clinic consequence might be a blessing to many but can also be a curse to others if you wish. Any variation of the coordination leads to erection problems. viagra india prices Eildon, Hume, Snowy – and we piss the water away into swamps and in the hope of keeping the Murray mouth open – it is truly disgusting. Election coming up – make sure you always put Greens last. Write to MP’s and let them know what you want to see done.
Schizophrenia hits New Zealand weather – again
On 2nd May I noted – Unseasonally warm weather likely to stick around – and here we are on the 5th and its – Flooding hits Wellington after heavy rainfall –
In January I noted When New Zealand weather does not behave as IPCC compliant organizations forecast it is referred to as “mad”
BoM rain data for Wellington Dam catchment – a valuable large dam that should be more utilized
Here is a map of all rain stations in the Wellington Dam catchment – marked by the green line. You can make your own map at CDO –
Once you have the map scaled to where you want – if you left click on the station dots, a link to the daily data pops up.
Wellington Dam was built by the Commonwealth in 1933 and enlarged in 1956 – it has the largest catchment in the South West and the second largest in Western Australia at ~2,500 square kms (after Ord River Dam) – and is fed by the Collie River. Combined Perth water supply catchments are ~3,500 squ kms.
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Wellington Dam has salinity problems due to over clearing and the water is little utilized by anybody now – Harvey irrigators have at times used some of the water and I have asked for the time series of that usage and it has not been emailed to me. Over a decade ago the Agritech consortium developed a proposal to desalinate the saline (~3,000ppm solids) wastewater from the dam and supply this to the Perth water supply. Various Govt water Depts and quangos have fought this proposal tooth and nail for years with the tenacity of a starving rottweiler defending a leg of beef. Alternative Govt proposals have been floated over a decade to utilize Wellington Dam water but nothing has come to fruition that I am aware of. Wellington Dam has overflowed in 2005, 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014 – which should be embarrassing for the dog-in-the-manger WA Govt as much of this potentially useful water goes to waste. The Ancient Romans were better water managers than the WA Govt.
Acidic oceans? – is this the worst science headline evah?
ABC News24 TV and now online are going full acid on the oceans. And taxpayers pay for this rubbish.
West Australian Govt Water Corporation fails to record March 2016 rain at several dams
March 2016 rainfall has been checked for a group of sixteen BoM stations listed below and the nine rain stations of Water Corporation from their dam sites. Five of the nine dam sites of Water Corporation registered zero or negligible rain for March. This is obviously in error and is amazingly negligent for an organization that has been preaching about “our drying climate”, bleating on how stream flows have near stopped, while neglecting to manage catchments for over a decade. Several BoM sites are slow to record daily data. The several sites where the same names are used by BoM and WA Govt seem to be different stations.
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