Tasmanian power exports via Basslink in Dec 2015 were triggered by Victorian price signals

I should have included this price graphic in my March blog – Tasmanian electricity crisis explained day by day
Now it is crystal clear to see that Tasmania initiated power exports when the Victorian RRP rose through ~$80(per MWhr) and exports ceased when Vic RRP fell back. Looking at my March chart of the 5 minute data from 15th to 21st Dec 2015 it is clear that imports ceased just prior to exports being commenced and vice versa. I have no idea what stresses can be induced in a cable when the current is reversed frequently like this. It is also worth noting that the export MW exceeded the import MW. Here is the daily chart from 1 Nov 2015 to 10 Mar 2016.

Australian Prime Minister does something right – says to put the Greens last

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Rival thermal solar power plants proposed for Port Augusta

Taxpayers should be watching their hip pockets. Concentrated Solar (CS) proposals for the Port Augusta region have made news for a while now – this technology involves the use of tracking mirrors to concentrate the suns rays to heat a container of liquid which can then be used to generate electricity when the sun is not shining. Solastor announced a plan to build a 170-megawatt “graphite block heating water” solar thermal plant. Then we hear about the US firm Solar Reserve who have a 110MW molten salt CS plant at Crescent Dunes in Nevada which has cost +$Bill and they claim produces 500K MWhrs per year which is less than Queensland produces from Hydro.
The Port Augusta future solar power scene is made more interesting by the Solarstor Chairperson Dr John Hewson going on the attack against Solar Reserve – and then the RenewEconomy site criticising Dr Hewson. Marvellous stuff as the GreenLeft pixies brawl – considering the way renewables advocates always stick so close to the hard provable facts. Sadly, a huge part of males suffer from different sexual problems and erectile dysfunction always tops the list. This drug may make you order generic viagra feel drowsy or sleepy. Acai berries are exceedingly nutritious and helpful foods that can help you, but you may have to do a little research to find reliable source. All of viagra from india thought about that Ajanta Pharma products can safely ordered through registered pharmaceutical store. I have found it near impossible tracking down reliable evidence for claims made by solar proponents. More later – for over five years now Solarstor has been building/experimenting with a CS pilot plant at Cooma using a graphite block on a tower. There is also a Solastor installation of eight towers(graphite blocks) and mirror arrays at Lake Cargelligo in central NSW. Near Forbes Vast Solar is building a molten salt thermal solar plant. As I said – more later on the NSW thermal solar plants.

Surge in wholesale electricity prices last week

Peter Bobroff who runs the AusGrid PublicKnowledge website – alerted me to the increase in the AEMO RRP wholesale electricity prices over recent weeks.
My chart of 4 States daily av AEMO RRP from these AEMO tables. I have added 30 day average curves.
Chart constructed by Peter of the number of 5 min intervals per day that the RRP exceeds $150.
We have been wondering why this price surge now – which looks unprecedented over 29 months. My power bill from a year ago equates to about $170 per MWhr. A general bought here levitra no prescription expert does physicals and eye exams and endorses anti-microbial and looks down individuals’ throats throughout the day. The physician will be checking for hardness of the prostate or who have diabetes. These herbs are just some of the herbs used for treating erectile dysfunction. Treating Erectile Dysfunction: Several treatment paths may be followed depending on the cause of the dysfunction. The charts show price has been under pressure this year. NemWatch gives a snapshot of generation by source.

Exactly why wind power is too often useless

After posting the submission by Tony from Oz re Queensland Govt plans for 50% renewables by 2030 – I wondered what NemWatch shows now. The chart below shows next to zero effective wind across Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales.

So in our future renewables nirvana what would we do at times like now? Turn off most of Australia and all just sit around waiting for wind. Or do we keep sufficient fossil fuel powered generators waiting around to substitute for wind when required? Who pays for that? We will pay have no doubt. Vote 1ALA and always put Greens last.

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