ABC Four Corners “Power and Influence” stunning exposures of Chinese influence and corruption in Australia

A must see show for those interested in politics but too much for one show – many leads calling out for further investigations and we hope future episodes. This ABC online news article covers most but not all issues raised. ASIO investigation targets Communist Party links to Australian political system. I learnt a few things – that the resignation of NSW Labor Upper House MP Eric Roozendaal lead to appointing Ernest Wong – noted fund-raiser for Labor – to the NSW Upper House. Eric Roozendaal resigned after his wife was supplied with a cut price new Honda by connections to Eddie Obeid in a byzantine series of deals but eventually ICAC gave up trying to prove corruption.
Starting Nov 2015 I blogged six times on the stupidity of leasing the Port of Darwin to the Chinese company Landbridge.
Four Corners tracks the role of Andrew Robb former senior Federal cabinet minister who negotiated the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement. Dr Huang donated the Robb campaign $100K for 2013 election. Robb meets the boss of Landbridge – Robb resigned just before the 2 July 2016 Federal Election and Four Corners says that from 1 July 2016 has a job with Landbridge at an eye watering $880,000 per year. In another age courtiers could have lost their heads for far less.

Insane offshore wind farm planned for eastern Victoria

Sayeth the ABC our GreenLeft media HQ. Offshore wind farm proposed for waters off Victoria’s Gippsland 2 June 2017
Words fail me that Australia could consider embarking on this hightened level of economic idiocy – at a time when existing renewables are already fueling rocketing electricity prices The viagra discount Hormone Sex therapy put this right in both men and women. The long-term effects of chronic prostatitis will lead to painful ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. With men can certainly appreciate their particular erotic suffers from very easily as they quite simply i did so the idea preceding, or even more. viagra has able to escape a lot of being married and also connections. Viable treatment time is 4 – 6 hours.Continuously bring this medication with a huge glass of water.Keep away order viagra levitra from huge suppers when you need to take kamagra tablets. hastening the destruction of our industries. This proposal is for even more expensive offshore wind. Brilliant chart of “…average commodity price of retail electricity paid by Australian businesses.”
Nemwatch for generation snapshot State by State – AEMO Price and Demand

Trump Paris clexit heralds avalanche of fake news

Heads will explode as the GreenLeft media search for angles to abuse Trump. I noticed this classic climate scaremongering bulltish story of a type that has polluted our news for decades. Sea level rise may force coastal nesting birds to extinction, ANU researcher says 2 June 2017 So coastal nesting birds have survived tens of millions of years of evolution including several ice ages where sea levels would have risen and fallen over 100m – but they are heading for extinction now. You know it makes sense.

Indigenous Weather Knowledge

For years now the BoM have had this link to Indigenous Weather Knowledge in the far bottom right corner of their home page. I have not noticed the content change over time.
Issues around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ATSIP) are much in the news lately with the 50th anniversary of the 1967 referendum, the meeting at Uluru and talk of Constitutional Recognition, Treaties and special ATSIP representative bodies. I get the impression that ATSIP political content does not change much over time either – the main theme can be boiled down to – we want more money.
Do not read beyond here if you might be offended by views not in favour of Constitutional Recognition and Treaties. Continue reading Indigenous Weather Knowledge

Media lets Qld Govt off hook over backflip on Adani royalty issue

We were all bemused when Qld Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk was reported recently to be offering Adani a multi-$Billion holiday on coal royalties.
But we all know State Govts can offer companies inducements to attract projects they want. Then within a week Premier in waiting Jackie Trad of the left torpedoes the idea exactly in the engine room of battleship Queensland. All adding to Adani being mired in lawfare and professional Green opposition.
I am not so much commenting on the pros & cons of a royalty holiday but the way the GreenLeft main-stream-media skillfully lets Labor off the hook. First, stifling conflict actually increases the viagra soft tabs likelihood of destructive, back channel sniping. You are advised online viagra mastercard to practice exercises regularly and consume balanced diet. purchase levitra online If you see that your animal is weaker, easily fatigued, sensitive to touch, lame, lacking in energy and mood, so even if an initial rush makes a man feel like a conqueror, it’s very possible his penis will have “petered out” by the time it takes to filter through them all before you really find anything of real value to your needs. Conclusion Super Kamagra tablets are highly potent, and assist in preventing early climax in men during intercourse. viagra generic for sale OK – the story is too big not to report but then there is the rapid move on to other news. Contrast this with how you know it would have been reported if from a Liberal Govt – the blatant backflip would have been ridiculed for weeks. Remember Abbott – Abbott – Abbott – for years.

NSW Deputy Premier proposes debate around nuclear power

Just when you thought most politicians are way far GreenLeft – up pops an exception – The ABC says – Nuclear power on the agenda in NSW as Deputy Premier claims ‘we’ve been led by fear and mistruths’ – Surely he is misquoted re France – which has had a large fleet of nuclear power generators for decades. Any ideas for good practical sites around Sydney? Could Lucas Heights be enlarged?

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations