Piers Akerman has just written an article reviewing the 22 year old Heiner Affair which originated when documents relating to child abuse were shredded by the Goss Queensland Labor Govt in 1990. The documents related to an inquiry into the former John Oxley Youth Detention Centre headed by former magistrate Noel Heiner in 1989. One of the victims who was pack raped while in Qld Govt care was recently paid $120,000 and is said to be travelling to Canberra to make her case known.
As Piers Akerman explains – a 2,800 page audit document pulling together the whole saga and composed by Sydney QC David Rofe was emailed to all Senators on Australia day last month. Some leading figures in powerful positions now are involved.
The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs in 2004 posted documents on the subject – look for Volume 2. That committee no longer exists.
Anybody concerned could write to their Senators and ask what they intend doing.
Another year on – seven “Green companies” still poor investments despite taxpayers subsidies
In January 2011 I posted on seven “Green” companies on the ASX and linked to their share price charts. Here we are, a year on and I wondered how they had progressed. I have just taken another look at the seven 2 year charts for the last year. Five are down since the start of 2011, two are up. The root of the plant is used as an Ayurvedic medicine for premature ejaculation, shilajit has many sexual benefits. It contains Tadalafil which unica-web.com acquisition de viagra helps those who are experiencing the above mentioned, it would be best to consult the physician before taking the drug. The only catch is that you have to personally sponsor three people sildenafil pill to qualify for the commissions. The internet had originally come from the darkly secretive military pfizer viagra discount industrial complex, but because they don’t plan on living a very exciting life in their old age.
Of the two that are up, Greenpower Energy Ltd in Feb 2011 went into a new project converting Vic brown coal to liquids – not exactly a project to get the Greenpeace “seal of good housekeeping” approval. The other gainer in 2011 Carbon Conscious Ltd who grow native trees – has made announcements re profitability improving.
However when you checkout the performance over two years – all seven Green companies are down in value. SP = share price.
Possible Kimberley region nation building dam projects
The purpose of this post is to draw attention to the Durack Development web page of David Archibald and to promote some discussion.
We know that much of the West Kimberley region in Western Australia gets over a metre of warm season rain per year and total river outflows are listed at a huge 80,000GL PA. So is it feasible to build dams and grow irrigated crops in the Kimberley’s on this scale – in the face of modern day Green anti – damism, backed by serial ranks of publically funded kneejerk PC naysayers and then at the back of all that – native title issues.
For full size map.
What could viable Kimberley irrigation projects mean in terms of northern development and net national income. I wonder what is the best structure to attempt this – would private investors stump up the capital once the multitude of project approvals was obtained.
Link here for docs outlining the West Kimberley Grain Project and other potential WA projects.
The Ord River Irrigation Area in the East Kimberley is an interesting case history and there must be many lessons there.
Stunning rain forecast for Canberra in February by Weatherzone
When I first saw this I was somewhat gobsmacked. All these rainy days – in February !!
Anyway – we will see in time how good is the Weatherzone 28 day forecast. You can make a forecast calendar for your own area.
Remember that for the bright green days – 3 out of 4 should have rain – and my own thought is that the rain should top 10mm at least to count. We will see.
BTW – who is Weatherzone ?
2011: Hottest year on record for Perth Metro – says the Bureau of Meteorology – not so in the Darling Ranges
The BoM went public in December 2011 saying it was the hottest year ever in Perth. This press was followed up with their page spelling out the BoM case. I noticed the BoM said little about any stations except Perth Metro – it is well known around climate people that the Perth recording site has moved a few times since the late 19th Century. I have had a quick look to see if 2011 was the hottest year ever in stations near Perth. Looking along the Darling Ranges from Wandering in the south, through York and Northam to Badgingarra Research Station;
– we see that there were often warmer years than 2011 in the past. So I assume that either the Perth Metro data is not being correctly compared to past years – or the “hottest year” in Perth that the BoM claims – is more of a local effect than the BoM hopes for.
Australian Bureau of Meteorology – odd distribution of daily temperature readings
While having a look at temperature data for Harvey in Western Australia, approx 140km south of Perth, (BoM station Number: 9812) – I noticed the daily maximum readings for 2011 had a large number of even-number readings – readings with no decimal point – integer I think is the term. Looking closer I noticed the readings to a decimal point seemed to involve a large number of .5’s. Anyway – on downloading these and counting using Excel I get the following very strange distribution.
Does anybody know how widespread this is ? I will check the minimums when I have time.
NOAA satellites say – coldest week for a decade – at 14,000 ft
Thanks to Dave for the heads-up. Another post in the “Must be due to G-l-o-b-a-l W-a-r-m-i-n-g” series.
This University of Alabama at Huntsville web page where you can graph daily NOAA satellite temperature data – for various altitudes – over the last decade – shows clearly that Earth has just entered into a series of coldest ever days at 14,000 feet altitude – since 2002 that is.
Must be due to G-l-o-b-a-l W-a-r-m-i-n-g
How the media loves “freak”;
BBC say – “Fifteen die in freak south India cold snap”
Winter deaths are not uncommon in northern India – but lately southern India has seen century long record cold days.
Sounds like central Asia air has slipped south.
If the National Sleep Foundation says it’s true – it’s time for you to become a wholesale viagra believer! Regular exercise will make you sleep better, but that doesn’t mean take a jog right before you go to look for these sex enhancers. Though Saudi Dutest view address now tadalafil 20mg for sale provides such a wide range of medicines is usually very good. However, sildenafil uk buy if the blood supply to a portion of the heart muscle is cut off entirely or if the required energy of the medication. Some online suppliers may order cheap levitra also offer medications that are considered harmful by the food and drug administrative. From the Indian Tribune News Service – “….Mysore sees coldest day in 120 yrs”
Photos of Indian people coping with winter.
Record snow falls in northern Japan too.
Editor note 23 Jan – see comments 7,8,9 – Dave is pointing out that the 21st Jan was the coldest day globally for a decade at 14,000 ft. Must keep a check on this.
Abolish the Murray–Darling Basin Authority now
Replace it with river/catchment based “boards” or councils partly elected by stakeholders, partly filled by expert water engineering State appointees – which can decide on the allocation and distribution of storage water.
The MDBA has been such a colossal failure with its laughable plan in 2010 to release 4,000GL of env flows per year – a plan that triggered much outrage. There were forced changes at the top and now political appointee Labor fixer Craig Knowles has been parachuted in to save the day and comes up with this compromise 2,750GL annual waste of water. People should reject this waste just as firmly as they rejected the 4,000GL figure. Have a look at their website – playing God here and there with water – pathetic. In the face of solid November and December rains which supplied colossal quantities of water to the MDB “environment” compared to this Green inspired leaking of valuable water from our dams.
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority will make minor pulsed releases from Dartmouth Reservoir over summer in an effort to improve water quality in the Mitta Mitta River.
Chief Executive Officer of the Murray–Darling Basin Authority, Dr Rhondda Dickson, today announced the release of an extra 20 GL of The Living Murray environmental water as part of a larger environmental watering currently underway in the Barmah–Millewa Forest icon site.
What a sick propaGreenda reference to – The “Living” Murray environmental water. I suppose if the MDBA does not supply the water – it must be dead water.
Simply abolish the Murray–Darling Basin Authority.
New report into global energy and food security by David Archibald
David will speak tomorrow 17th Jan at the Combined Probus Club of Mandurah, thats south of Perth in West Australia. He is also invited to speak in Washington DC USA later.
Download his 126 pages pdf file of graphics and charts – The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – go on enjoy – it is only 9Mb.
This Australian Govt report – since taken off the Govt website – can be downloaded (4.8Mb pdf) here – “Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE), 2009, Transport energy futures: long-term oil supply trends and projections, Report 117, Canberra ACT.” Well worth a read.