Canberra Times blind to huge issue re household rainwater tanks

“Politics plugs rainwater plan” says the headline.
Completely missing the glaring issue that no matter how many residents spend their hard-earned shekels on rainwater tanks – no matter how many residents pay Mr Cameron $4000 for a rainwater collection system hoping for a smaller water bill – no matter how much this reduces their water usage piped from the water utility ACTEW which = the Govt. ACTEW will recover its costs in providing piped scheme water through water bills and rates to property owners, whether you use ACTEW water or not. Govt debt due to our water scheme has blown out by over a $1Bn in two years. Due to Labor and GreenLabor Govt mismanagement – Canberra now has a Rolls Royce water supply system – which property owners and residents will be paying for for generations with constantly increasing ACTEW charges. Property owners who feel the urge to install Green-fashionable feel-good water tanks – should check carefully before parting with their money.

A month is a long time in carbon farming – QANTAS with egg on their face

On September 10th, 2012 I posted – “Qantas makes announcements about buying carbon credits”. In that I drew attention to the entire scheme being far from set in concrete by saying. “This all sounds as though what QANTAS announced as a done deal – is still a work in progress.”
Have I been proved correct – here we are a month later and the ABC is reporting – “Outback carbon farming venture faces shake-up”.
Shake-up might be praising it – reads like a major change in direction to me – “…going back to school.” –
“…the board felt leadership “needed refreshing”.” –
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“The value of those carbon credits … are next to nothing,” he said.
I have just noticed that the Govt/RM Williams deal goes back to mid-2011 too.
The odour of wasted taxpayers money just gets stronger.

Big freeze in Antarctic all part of warming, scientists say

Readers sent me this example of utter bunkum from the NZ (New Zealand) Herald today – those long islands out east of Australia. The text by Seth Borenstein is pretty much here.
The dear old NZ Herald is owned by the Australian FAIRFAX MEDIA LIMITED (FXJ) – their share price seems on a rapid journey to corporate oblivion.
freezing is warming
So we now know – warming is all “part of warming” –
adjustments by IPCC compliant scientists are all “part of warming” –
bad weather is all “part of warming” –
presumably good weather is all “part of warming” –
and now the Big freeze in Antarctic all “part of warming” –
must be true – the Herald says in a big headline – “scientists say”.
Google can not yet find the article at any Australian Fairfax presses but we will keep checking. Maybe they do not want to insult their readers too blatantly as a cold snap chills the south-east of Australia.

Management of entire Perth water supply outsourced to French desalination company

A Perth reader sent me this little bombshell from June – so now the French desalination company Degrémont a part of the global SUEZ Environnement Group will “…operate and maintain water production and wastewater treatment assets for Perth.” And yes that includes the 13 dams.

The WA Govt about a decade ago decided to introduce seawater desalination and at the same time allow dams to steadily be “decommissioned” by a creeping process of not managing dam catchment vegetation. A process that has cost Perth water users about a thousand GL of water over say 15 years.
The media release is loaded with all the “expensive water” propaganda – referring to water as “precious” etc. No not precious; water is a common compound that falls free from the sky. We have to have the brains and will to collect it. Our pioneers and forefathers who built our dams would turn in their graves to think we were steadily making the dams more useless by not having the common sense and guts to thin catchment bush – due to political pressure from the Greens. As my reader in Perth said – “I can’t see Degrémont pushing catchment management as a profit centre.” Click more for text of entire media release.
Continue reading Management of entire Perth water supply outsourced to French desalination company

Scottish Climate & Energy Forum says – “Commitments under the Kyoto Protocol cease as of 31st December 2012”

Mike Haseler Chairman of Scottish Climate and Energy Forum has emailed me to say –
As a result of finding out that the Kyoto commitments technically comes to an end on the 31st December, the Scottish Climate & Energy Forum have been investigating the likely consequences of this both in terms of what is likely to happen to the protocol and the wide implications when (as it seems) the protocol effectively ends operation on the 31st December.

We have written this up as a report. The main intention of this report has been to try to find the actual facts and having sorted the chaff from the wheat, ascertain what this might mean (with particular emphasis on Scotland).

The report has been produced to coincide with today which is 100 days to Kyoto Ends, and it is available on the SCEF website:
Continue reading Scottish Climate & Energy Forum says – “Commitments under the Kyoto Protocol cease as of 31st December 2012”

Garnaut rides bandwagon talking down mining amidst GreenLabor spin

There is so much spin around these days – I like the way Prof Ross Garnaut is intro’d as “Former Hawke government economist…” – heavens above, how many decades ago was that. Surely they are not trying to distance RG from his greatest work when he was commissioned by GreenLabor in Nov 2010 to provide an independent update to his 2008 Climate Change Review.

Talking about spin – I love this SMH headline – “Mining threat to Swan’s surplus”. Sorry mate – you got that dead wrong – mining is no threat to anything – it is crazy GreenLabor out-of-control spending that is the “…threat to Swan’s surplus”.

The Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC) has asked – What do you want to know about Islam?

This blog sometimes goes off-climate-topic.
Following Muslim riots in Sydney last weekend and around the world recently – the ABC asks four questions.
In the wake of the unrest, ABC News Online is putting together an explainer on Islam and the protests.
Tell us the questions you want answered, and we will put them to an expert panel.
We have compiled the following questions to get things started:
1 – What have the recent protests by Muslims in Australia and around the world been about?
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3 – Are all Muslims angry over the film, or just a minority?
4 – How do the violent responses to the film sit with Islamic teachings?
What else do you want to know?
It is clear from the comments below the ABC article that most people have an understanding of Islam and do not need help from the ABC.

Professor Stephan Lewandowsky believes satellite temperature data “…yield precisely the same result…” as “surface-based thermometers”.

In May 2010 Professor Lewandowsky stated on the Australian ABC online The Drum – “The further fact that the satellite data yield precisely the same result without any surface-based thermometers is of no relevance to climate “sceptics.”
Just checkout the very real trend differences between satellites and surface that I found in April 2012. “You know how the warmists parrot on that “satellites agree with surface temperatures” – not any more – they should check the data.”
Here are the two Tables from my April post.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations