Media are running with this story – Warm November set heat record for planet –
NOAA have their own page too – NOAA – Global Analysis – November 2013
Yet RSS lower troposphere satellite temperature anomalies say November 2013 was only 16th warmest since 1978. UAH data shows November 2013 to be 9th equal warmest – so no support for NOAA there either.
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When you consider the miniscule thin skin of atmosphere that satellites are sounding it seems unlikely that they should vary by so much from the surface.
I know I would back many thousands of soundings being pinged constantly and impartially by the little travellers against the surface thermometer network with all its known biases – not to mention constant adjustments so that the past is colder.
Another example of a possible drift in early TOMS satellite ozone data
I have looked at the ozone hole issue a few times over the years – and have had a suspicion that various factors affect stratospheric ozone levels apart from destruction wrought by gases released from old fridges and freezers.
In the previous post the graphic indicates that ozone and temperature could be more congruent in the early years 1978-1985.
Out of curiosity I compared TOMS monthly data ex KNMI to the Arosa ozone series from Switzerland.
Lo and behold – TOMS numbers look too large in the early years too.
The KNMI TOMS series is a blend with more recent data from the European Space Agency SCIAMACHY ozone data. TOMS having ended in 2007.
R.I.P. TOMS: NASA Ozone Instrument Laid to Rest After Three Decades
Antarctic ozone hole expected to heal about 2070 – too late for many
I saw several articles around the media – such as this from the ABC – Ozone hole healing a slow process –
and thought it worth while posting the satellite ozone and temperature data – some close fits there at times.
So the recent improvement is a false dawn.
Difference between UAH and RSS satellite lower troposphere T anomalies has a distinct step change 2004-2005 over the USA 48 States – not as marked as Australia
This surprised me – not only the little warming step of 0.2°C in UAH but the difference gets markedly noisier after 2005.
In Australian data the warming step is much more marked and looks a year or so later.
December temperatures start cool across Australia
If you make maps here for maximum and minimum anomalies – period one week – you can see the extent of cool anomalies.
The first 10 days of December look to have been cooler than average.
You read it first here.
Contrast this reality with the amount of talk about heat you hear on TV weather segments.
We should all give thanks for our nation building pioneers
Much of our national infrastructure that we all take for granted – could never be built today against Green opposition.
I was reminded of this when reading the Mighty River Power www site with illustration of the hydro-electric dams on the Waikato River – the majority built more than 50 years ago.
And built in the main
- by people with lower life expectancies than us –
- by people whose earnings had less purchasing power than us –
- working hours were often greater and many conditions & entitlements we enjoy were not thought of.
Imagine the green screams today if this chain of dams was proposed. In Australia we could never build the Murray Darling Basin dams today – to propose anything resembling the Snowy Mountains Scheme would be a waste of time – utilities have a struggle against green dogmas to augment city water supplies.
Canada flags ambitious arctic claim including “past the North Pole”
I always thought the Arctic Ocean region was claimed by the obvious arctic nations with claims forming a sort of pie chart map with slices converging at the pole.
Apparently not so. Arctic claim will include North Pole, Baird pledges as Canada delays full seabed bid
Useful NY Times map from 2005 showing a couple of proposals with some information.
Arctic regions oil potential – seems Alaska is still the main game –
Comments and map re Shell drilling in various arctic regions –
- Maybe the Canadians need to take it easy.
- What used to be referred to downunder as “cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down”
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Recycled five year old story about global warming threatening White Lemuroid Possum
I first saw this issue raised in 2008.
Now the ABC are running the same storyline – basically the Daintree is heating due “global warming” and this is causing the White Lemuroid Possum to be endangered.
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Pindan Post has had something to say too.
Candour from Fairfax media
This looks to be the online article – Reviews warn of failure to deal with public servants’ underperformance
News from both ends of the cryosphere
Snow & ice across large swath of the USA.
Common sense strikes again.
Race to South Pole involving Prince Harry suspended –
“…conditions have been ‘very difficult’ and ‘far harder’ than expected… The “Walking With The Wounded” teams will proceed together until closer to the pole.”
Mention of quote – [… unprecedented terrain on the plateau.] Who writes this stuff?