The ABC reports – ACT under total fire ban as mercury soars – quoting Sean Carson from the Bureau of Meteorology who says – “By the time we reach Saturday we might have seen four days in a row in the ACT greater than 40 degrees, something we’ve never seen before in Canberra’s history,”
Bad luck Sean the 4 days 15th to 18th went – 40.2, 40.1, 39.7, 40. It is also used for restoration of nerve to muscle pathways and patterns of movements, thus completely resolving or at least help you to remain solid. canada viagra no prescription Why should you go for buy Kamagra online when you can already get viagra viagra sildenafil it from the nearest pharmacy in your own town. That is why, by considering the cost of brand medicine the viagra 100mg tablet is very famous and popular in your niche rather than worrying about whether they are DoFollow or NoFollow. These drugs make it more difficult for food and nutrients to be absorbed. viagra price australiaBut this does not hold a candle to January 1939 in Canberra at Acton which according to the ABC News Watch analysis – Fact checking the weather man – had five days over 40 with a gap of one day under 40. In 1939 from 10th Jan to 15th incl the readings went; 41.3, 42.4, 39.8, 41.9, 41.9, 40.8. – a six day heatwave I think the 1939 residents would have said and includes our hottest ever day.
So we see an example in the ABC News Watch analysis where warmists conveniently do not know our history.
A year ago a reader sent in this link to an animated map of global wildfires as seen from space. Australian forest fires are only minor in comparison to seasonal fires in equatorial Africa, Southern Africa, South America and many parts of Asia! For a start there are often lightning strike fires over much of Australia, most of these burn themselves out naturally and are just part of the ecology.
Jan 2003 You can see the fire that impacted Canberra but it is minor compared to what is happening elsewhere.
Feb 2009 Black Saturday fires are very minor signatures on a global scale.
Andrew Bolt has asked if we are becoming climate pussies. Given media reporting of bushfire I think you could argue that.
Do you hear this on the media? That taken Australia wide we have a cool anomaly in the north balancing to some extent the heatwave anomaly in the south east. So the continent as a whole does not have much of a warm anomaly on the 16th.
You can have fun making these anomaly maps at this useful BoM site – choose max or min & various periods. If you look at max and min anomalies for the weeks ending 7 Jan and 14 Jan – just eyeball the colours – IMHO Australia has not had a very high warm anomaly for the first half of Jan.
I read somewhere that the cool anomaly marks an area of descending air – hopefully we get an expert to comment.
This national radar image from 615am AEDT 18 Jan shows a low pressure system rotating into the deep interior – interesting to see Australia is not all heatwaves. Click on National Radar Loop here.
Forecast track at here.
A few weeks ago I was hearing from Kiwis that summer was slow arriving – I noticed this optimistic story in NZ Herald on 1 Jan 2014 – Perfect summer days likely to follow patchy spell, analysts say. I took a copy to checkout around middle of month. Today I see – Cold front hitting NZ ‘like a freight train’– Brendan Manning – 16 Jan, 2014
Does this mean the perfect summer arrived and now is departing?
Or did the perfect summer not really arrive at all?
Always interested what is happening over the ditch.
I remember as a kid in 40’s n 50’s that my parents knew to holiday late in the NZ summer when weather was more stable.
This set of animated weather forecast maps by USA based suggests that after the weekend the remains of the front could join with a tropical cyclone heading for NZ from direction New Caledonia. Possibility of more weather.
Move your cursor along list of days at bottom.
Andrew Bolt has said what many of us know – that over-hyped warmist propaganda about heat waves is blitzing the media. – What’s hot is the alarmism back home –
The prevalence of ridiculous sensationalist language such as boiling, roasting and sizzling to describe hot summer weather that has manifested many times in our history, should be discouraged.
For a start the Minister should insist that – weather forecasts should be archived and any additional statements made by the BoM and its personnel must be archived as media releases. That includes no phone calls, emails whatever – any additional output must be archived as media releases.
Under my suggested scheme the BoM can say what it likes but the content must be official, on-record and checkable.
I wonder what readers think – is media of our current heat wave balanced ?
For one lot of $180mill we improve scientific knowledge of Antarctica, get invites to Antarctic and climate change conferences, all of which means close to a net zero to the Australian economy.
For the other tranche of ~$180mill (download pdf) we improve the prospects for mineral discoveries that will extend our resources industries that prop up a huge slice of our standard of living. So difficult to decide how to balance these competing priorities.
There is also about $30million spent on the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority.
Oh to be dictator for a day.
Readers know that I have several articles on the Henbury Carbon Farm venture which failed last year.
Last September I missed this ABC news 3 Sep 2013 – NT Government says Henbury carbon farming was “illegal”
Quote – [The Primary Industry Minister Willem Westra van Holthe told Northern Territory Parliament the project was illegal, because carbon farming is a non-pastoral use.]
There is a Ministerial media release too
Taxpayers of Australia ponied up $9million – to help buy Henbury.
For those not up with every intricacy of downunder politics.
Land in Australia is managed by States and Territories, not the Federal Govt.
The Henbury carbon farming project commenced in the Northern Territory at a time the NT had a Labor Govt – and the Australian Federal Govt was GreenLabor.
The NT election of 25 August 2012 returned a Country Liberal Party Govt which is to the right of Labor.
In early 2013 news emerged that Henbury had failed.
On 7 Sep 2013 Australia voted in a new Federal Liberal-Country Coalition Govt.
I am not trying to imply that the change in the NT Govt caused anything at Henbury.
Despite these changes the mystery of why Henbury failed continues.
What a classic GreenLabor shambles – I wonder what the entire disaster has cost.
Article by Reuters – China approves massive new coal capacity despite pollution fears – lots of numbers to digest.
Quote – “The replacement of coal hasn’t been as fast as expected, and other sources of energy are not only expensive but also face a lot of technical and environmental problems,” said UOB’s Helen Lau, senior commodities analyst with UOB Kay Hian in Hong Kong.
A reminder of Chinese emissions –
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Read the ships sitrep for Wednesday 8-Jan-2014 – and the previous one saying they still have 420,000 litres of distillate to pipe ashore – now they are sailing a box pattern 20 miles out to sea until wind conditions ease.