Never forget the “Hockey Stick” and how the McIntyre and McKitrick destruction of same set the IPCC world on the path to Climategate

I have been told (thanks Dave) about the www site A Sceptical Mind and this history of the Hockey Stick millenial temperature time series. I wonder what readers think of the article and does anybody know who the author is.

Puzzle of the missing cap rock at the “Flagship” South West Hub CCS Project near Collie Western Australia

Tom Harley at his Pindan Post blog – sequestering scientific stupidity… – found this fascinating story dated 31 Jan 2014 – Prospective carbon capture site lacks ceiling
Reading a bit deeper into the origins of this I find this article at the CO2CRC – South West Hub Project, Western Australia (CCS Flagship Project)
Talking up their “Flagship Project” which “…has successfully identified their primary injection area and drilled and cored a stratigraphic well for detailed assessment.” The reader might assume another triumph for public service science – visions of taxpayers applauding in the main street of Harvey.
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I would have thought there has been over a century many holes drilled into the Perth coastal plain re water resources, oil & gas exploration and the broad geology should be well known.
Surely if there were any doubts about the existence of a cap rock at the Harvey 1 site – then this should have been confirmed with a cheap shallow hole first.

How many times does a truth have to be told ? – UHI warming has been cemented into global temperature series by adjusting for steps outward from cities

I see Anthony Watts article on a new paper in Theoretical and Applied Climatology – “Effect of data homogenization on estimate of temperature trend: a case of Huairou station in Beijing Municipality”. Thanks to Springer for making this paper open access. My point here is that this diagram which shows how UHI warming gets fixed into adjusted series –

is telling the exact same story as Hansen et al told in 2001 with these very similar diagrams.

Figure 1 from; Hansen, J.E., R. Ruedy, Mki. Sato, M. Imhoff, W. Lawrence, D. Easterling, T. Peterson, and T. Karl 2001. A closer look at United States and global surface temperature change. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 23947-23963, doi:10.1029/2001JD000354
I first mentioned this in Feb 2006
GISS/NASA/NOAA graphics illustrate significant UHI truths
Again in Jan 2011
Simple GISS diagram illustrating warming effect of conventional “adjustments” of “steps” in T data due to site moves outward from urban centre.
Starting with Jones et al 1986 all the global groups make exactly this error.
Global temperature trends would be more accurately assesed by just gridding the raw data. Leave the steps in – in the absence of all the hard work to adjust out UHI warming – this will produce a trend closest to reality.
Terabytes of IPCC compliant global temperature trends research are not worth a cup full of warm spit. If I had to answer my question – How many times does a truth have to be told ? – I recall a saying somewhere – Green media lies travel like speeding arrow – the truth struggles to swim uphill.

Australian Antarctic base Mawson blockaded by heavy sea ice again

The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) has revised its shipping schedule due to heavy sea ice conditions adjacent to Mawson research station. My est location marked M – just west of Amery Ice Shelf.

Satellite image from The Cryosphere Today 23 Jan 2014 – there is an animation there.
Midsummer, decades of global warming, sea ice still impeding access to Antarctica.

More series to consider re question has the Australian land temperature seen its hottest 12 months ever

These 12 month average trends show a strong cyclic influence on Australian temperatures. GISS, GHCN CAMS and NCDC land data are now updated at KNMI.

GISS supports the BoM which finds the 12 month average mean temperature over Australia has been warmer than ever over recent months.
NCDC finds that periods in 2005 and 2010 had a warmer 12 month average.
GHCN CAMS find warmer 12 month periods in 2005.
The two satellite series have warmer periods in the past than late 2013.
At the end of 2013 the BoM trend is under GISS.

Now the Australasian Antarctic Expedition is home – we get the Australian Antarctic Division view

Plan to curb Antarctic expeditions after costly rescue of trapped ship – January 23, 2014 – Andrew Darby
A few flags being run up flagpoles here.
AAD still can not count the days the Aurora Australis was held up in ice on the Davis resupply voyage. The ship was impeded on its way in to Davis and on way home – a total of three weeks not 12 days. If they can not get simple arithmetic near right, why should they be trusted with a $180mill budget.

BBC – Climate change and EU energy challenges – fails to mention “elephant in room” increase in German coal use

The BBC’s Gavin Hewitt says – “Thirdly, Angela Merkel’s U-turn. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011 the German chancellor took an usually swift decision: Germany moved away from nuclear power and bet its future on renewables.” Interesting that Bloomberg reports “Ten new hard-coal power stations, or 7,985 megawatts, are scheduled to start producing electricity in the next two years, according to information from German grid regulator Bundesnetzagentur and operators.”
This graphic from the IEA shows the mix of electricity generation in Germany as of 2011.

You can see nuclear has been in decline for a few years. The European Nuclear Society says that eight German nuclear plants were shut down in 2011 and in 2012 the nine remaining plants generated near 100TWh or about one sixth of German electricity.
For an up to date view on coal fired electricity generation in Germany – Speigel said two weeks ago – “That means that coal plants are making up for the bulk of the energy production lost due to the 2011 shutdown of eight nuclear plants,…”
Bloomberg say the numbers mean – “The 10 new units will boost German hard coal generation capacity by 33 percent to 32,432 megawatts from 24,447 megawatts as of Oct. 16, regulator data show.” So in the next few years the percentage of German electricity generated from coal could challenge all time highs of 1983.
Funny that Gavin Hewitt and the BBC found it easy not to mention the expansion of coal use – but went on for paragraphs about the small renewables sector.

Alasdair Hainsworth from the Bureau of Meteorology predicts four days in mid-30’s or above for Tasmania – another BoM exaggeration

This was on the ABC TV 7.30 Report Monday 13 Jan 2014
[Alasdair Hainsworth from the Bureau of Meteorology: For this time of year yes, it’s not unusual. The unusual part about it is probably the longevity of the heatwave, particularly through southern Victoria and also Tasmania.

Tasmania receiving four days in a row with temperatures in excess of the mid-30s, high-30s even into southern parts of south eastern Tasmania. That’s really very unusual indeed.

So yeah, the extreme nature of it and the longevity of those extreme temperatures is somewhat unusual.]

Now to check this out click on the various climate districts on the map – does not take long to quickly scroll down through the green rainfall data and check out how those days Tuesday 14th to Friday 17th fared. Mostly there are few temperature stations to eyeball. My impression is that for majority of sites Tuesday was the standout hot day and the next 3 mostly failed the BoM test. Readers will make their own mind up.
Remember this is the same Alasdair Hainsworth who on 18 December predicted – Heatwave expected to hit one-third of Australia over Christmas – a prediction which miserably sunk without trace.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations