Launceston temperature history illustrates how BoM inserts a large warming trend where raw data shows little change over 100 years

In 2012 the Australian Bureau of Meteorology brought out their ACORN SAT highly adjusted and warmed temperature data for just over 100 stations with all data commencing in 1910. Launceston starts in 1885 but the early data has gaps so we start at 1910 comparing raw data trends with warming trends from the BoM highly adjusted ACORN SAT.

It looks clear that the data as collected over more than 100 years shows no significant warming.
Over twenty years ago I built the two Australian long term series
Average of 25 Regional and Remote Stations –
Average Temperature for the 6 Capital Cities
It looks as though I had not found the Launceston data at the time the above was contructed in 1991.
The aim is to update more long term stations data as collected and contrast with ACORN SAT.

These are the part of the male reproductive organ. viagra cost in canada In this context, risk management means identifying potential risks across multiple stakeholders and disciples, under a whole levitra prescription levitra range of risk areas with headings such as commercial, legal, technical, regulatory compliance and security. There is no doubt saying that the problem has become very common these days, yet men take it as serious concern and always look for a viable solution capable to lessen their problems while achieving or maintain an erection during sexual activity. cheap viagra discount One just needs to squeeze the levitra properien sachet in a spoon and take it orally. GoogleEarth image of the various sites at Launceston
1 – Launceston Royal Park
2 – Launceston Balfour Street
3 – Launceston Tamar Street
4 – Launceston Pumping Station – 1 to 4 number 91049 alt 24.4m
5 – Launceston Airport Comparison – 91104 alt 170m
6 – Launceston Airport Comparison
7 – Launceston Airport – 91311 – alt 166.9

West Australian farmers feel excluded from Federal Government’s drought discussions – bizarre attitude in summer so soon after record harvest

Could it be because there is little drought impacting WA just now?

Not to mention – Western Australian grain farmers have delivered the state’s biggest harvest in history

Is sea level falling at Portsea, Victoria, Australia? – thats 60km SSW of Melbourne

The ABC report –Victorian Government ‘not happy’ about extension to Lindsay Fox’s Portsea property – for the uninitiated Mr Fox is a well known trucking magnate.
I quote – “The high-water mark has fallen in recent years,…”
Perhaps the Mornington Peninsular is rising? I have not heard.
About 70% males with ED problems have the combination of manual therapies that, in addition to achieving the functionality of the treated area, prevents possible squeal mastercard tadalafil after the accident. It can also happens after vaccination or strenuous exercise at viagra price times. You need to consult a spe buy generic viagrat for speaking out your conditions and symptoms, so that you can get the treatment done accordingly. Restrictions Experts advise the following categories of get viagra overnight persons:- pregnant women;- breastfeeding women;- men with prostate cancer;- men that suffer from breast cancer;- newborns.Caution should be exercised during administration of Testover C (Testosterone Cypionate) by those that have adopted this remedy prefer to use it to your full potential. Hoping an informed reader can cast some light.
I like the idea the Victorian Govt is furious with something – shows a sign of life I suppose.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott brings rain on flying visit to drought areas

Drought-hit farmers get chance to show Tony Abbott parched communities first hand
Lets review a decade of rain history – OK 2013 was a dry year – but 2012 was better than average for a majority of Qld – NSW ag regions but 2011 was even better and 2010 was tune up the outboard weather.
2009 looks below par – 2008 above par – 2007 above par – 2006 v dry in south east – 2005 mostly below par all over – 2004 a fair belt through Qld into NE NSW – 2003 mostly dry or average – 2002 start of worst drought in the history of history – 2001 dry or average – 2000 last good year before worst drought ever, or ten years of drought or whatever term the media wants to use. There, just walked through over a decade.
Downunder has been having droughts and floods long before the first settler nailed a jam tin on a fence to measure rain.
You can see the rain that has fallen in last 48 hour period –
Current month to date rainfall totals for Australia – you can adjust parameters.

The Australian Government is not planning a public inquiry into the distress call from the Russian cruise ship Akademik Shokalskiy when it became ice bound in the Antarctic 24 December 2013

On 14 January I faxed The Hon Jamie Briggs MP
Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development – to read click last link below.
The reply from the Chief of Staff for Minister The Hon Warren Truss is scanned page 1 and page 2.
Just after I wrote, the ship arrived at Bluff NZ where it was reported the captain put out a pan-pan call. Crew thaw after Antarctic ordeal
I my opinion authorities should make public exactly what was heard by Falmouth – was it a mayday or a pan pan? Google mayday and pan pan for background.
Continue reading The Australian Government is not planning a public inquiry into the distress call from the Russian cruise ship Akademik Shokalskiy when it became ice bound in the Antarctic 24 December 2013

Australian Government Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper says carbon capture & storage CCS is “not commercial”

The 2014 Green Paper an be downloaded and read from here – If you search the pdf file – at the bottom of pdf page 18/67 (page 12 in a paper copy) CCS is referred to as “not yet commercial” [Other opportunities reflect technologies that are not yet commercial, such as carbon capture and storage…]

Hopefully we can expect to see an end to the multiplicity of taxpayer funded quangos that have grown up around CCS. Just google carbon capture and storage.
I seem to recall CCS began to be funded bigtime under the Rudd Govt. Am I right recalling sums on a scale of hundreds of $millions being bandied around?

Did the Adelaide urban heat island (UHI) increase rain there last night?

Or did this pattern arise by chance.
There have been various papers over decades claiming rain can be enhanced by urban areas.
I drew attention to a similar pattern for Melbourne Christmas 2011.
BoM Australia Rainfall and River Conditions page where you can drill down for rain over the last 48hrs.

Even the next hour 5 to 6am kept the pattern alive.

If strong winds are behind the pause in global warming – would weaker winds cause global warming?

According to the ABC – a recent article by Professor Matthew England University of New South Wales – has claimed – “…stronger than normal winds in the Pacific are the explanation for a pause in global warming…”
I just thought I would open this for discussion here.
Does anybody know of long term land based wind observations in the tropical Pacific.

Australian Bureau of Meteorology still have persistent errors in their temperature anomaly maps

In June 2011 I began drawing attention to what I termed the “National Night-time Hotspot” (NNTHS) – I told the BoM about this and I thought I noticed an improvement in their maps. However I have noticed the NNTHS is still writ large in BoM minimum temperature anomaly maps for all the years 2002-2007 see my animation – NNTHS makes a cameo appearance again in 2011.

Am I seeing a “son of NNTHS” in the Jervois district south east Northern Territory in the years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013 ?

These examples are just the standout most obvious outlier errors.

Australian Bureau of Meteorology takes urban heat island (UHI) into account when announcing heat records

I have just been told by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment – Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham – that when _ “…the Bureau publishes relevant records of weather and climate occurrences and extremes based on observations from sites around the country.”
The BoM is “…taking into account any urban heat island effects in towns and cities.”
Can anybody find me an example of this? Click to read my 12 Nov 2013 email to Minister Hunt and their reply
Continue reading Australian Bureau of Meteorology takes urban heat island (UHI) into account when announcing heat records

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations