The ABC reports – Records melt as Hobart swelters through hottest April day in 132 years –
Checking hottest April day statistics at this BoM page – just amend the station number in the URL.
Checking daily data a month at a time in District 94 on Australian Weather News AWN – April 2005 at AWN shows the two hot days on 1st & 2nd.
The article could have been more balanced by pointing out other hotter events in the very small and variable District 94. IMHO Tuesday was just another early April hot day where the peak max happened to fall at central Hobart. I wonder if we should expect more balance from our scientists at the Bureau of Meteorology.
Make anomaly maps for any day you choose at this BoM page.
New South Wales politicians surrounding the A.C.T. do not want Canberra’s wind farms in NSW
The ACT Government wants to source 200 megawats of power from wind farms in surrounding NSW to power 80,000 Canberra homes by 2020.
It is part of the Government’s target of generating 90 per cent of Canberra’s energy from renewable sources within the next six years.
Electrotherapy The electrotherapy is a technique that can help you change a family with more constructive behavioral symptoms? Sounds good? Well do not worry, cognitive restructuring to help you with that. Former chairman of the psychiatric department at Duke University, Keith Brodie, who has counseled male college students for 25 years, commented that fifteen years ago almost no male students consulted with him on sexual performance issues, today he says they account for nearly 25 percent of his patients. Avoid, no matter what the savings are, medications such as and kamagra tablets, surgery and other approaches. Plug in both of the cables, and make sure they are registered with one of the major hypnotherapy associations (in NSW these include the ASCH, AHA and PCHA). If all of this wind farm development takes place – it still leaves the ACT reliant on NSW coal fired electricity. That’s the reality.
I note the ACT Chief Minister says there is no room in the ACT for these wind farms. I thought the ACT had plenty of high country that would be windy – what do readers think?
ABC says – “Wave energy company Oceanlinx in administration”
Ran into trouble at Carrickalinga south of Adelaide while being towed to Port Macdonnell near Mount Gambier. I wonder how much taxpayers money has gone into these wave energy ventures over a decade or so – does anybody keep a tally?
How about a successful working project somewhere?
IPCC says it is likely the world is hotter now than in the Medieval Climatic Optimum
I had a quick look at presentation of the latest Climate Change IPCC 2013 Update. In 2.1 they say about global temperatures – “They also have ….likely been the warmest in the last 1400 years even if the rate of warming over the last 15 years is smaller than the rate since the 1950s.” Likely is a 66 – 100% probability. So the IPCC re-annoints the “hockey-stick” graph of global temperatures despite the published destruction done to it.
IPCC wakes up at long last – Biofuels do more harm than good
Amazing – after sceptics have been warning of this for years.
The sooner the IPCC is disbanded the better off the world will be.
Australian Antarctic bases Davis and Mawson beset by ice
The first map from the AAD gives an idea how far the Aurora Australis had to stand off Davis to fly helicopters – and we are only at the autumn equinox. Note too the current search area for debris ex MH370 is on that map.
The daily sitreps from the ship Aurora Australis – Webcams page – The Cryosphere Today source of satellite sea ice extent image –
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Southern Hemisphere sea ice area looks healthy
Thai Air Force now say they detected an aircraft on radar 8 March 2014 that may have been MH370
You have to pinch yourself. Is this one of the most amazing revelations?
SMH says – Malaysia Airlines missing jet: Thailand gives radar data 10 days after plane lost – 19 March 2014
I wonder what IAATA will think of this entire shambles.
Thai air force spokesman Air Vice Marshal Montol Suchookorn said – “…Malaysia’s initial request for information in the early days of the search was not specific.”
Can anybody recall an example to rival this for non co-operation?
NOAA speaks with various maps to show February temperatures over the USA 48
I saw this issue at Anthony Watts which was from Joe D’Aleo – commenting on the less than stellar NOAA map. Which several commenters seemed to distrust.
Curiosity got me looking in NOAA for the original – which I did not find – but I found this map below which gives a more balanced view of February temperature anomalies if you examine it.
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For example the orange warmest division is only plus 7.2 while there are several very cool divisions dark blue with anomalies as cool as minus 12. The USA 48 had a cool anomaly for Feb 2014. Can anybody explain why the Ranks map should be so different to the Anomalies map?
East Timor economic zone border dispute with Australia
A tangled issue now with allegations of spying and the ABC Four Corners show – Drawing the Line. In the transcript the word “trench” is not used and Alexander Downer says “continental shelf” once.
There are plenty of noisy GreenLeft groups in our media pushing the East Timor case for the border to be half way between the two countries. This map shows how various borders are at present – Australia’s Maritime Jurisdiction in the Timor Sea [PDF 39MB].
One factor that has long been considered in setting maritime borders is the submarine geology. In this case it is the destiny of East Timor to be very near the Timor Trench as this map shows. Whereas Australia has the broad continental shelf to claim – where the oil and gas deposits are.
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The group Timor Sea Justice Campaign ignores submarine topography in their map.
NSW Govt backs clearing of “Invasive Native Species” for burning to generate electricity in the Cobar region
Fascinating article from The Land – page 1 and page 3 – I have had Cobar people telling me about this for months.
Is this the sort of scheme where you might expect to read about “carbon credits”?- I do not see that here – but there is another article to come. Has anybody got a view re these Cobar INS when burnt releasing heat equal to “…between brown and black coal.” Another point not clear is what happens to the ash. Is that trucked back to the source land to be added as soil carbon? Many vital details yet to emerge.
On another timber subject – turn to page 11 and there is an account of how the properties from crashed often ASX listed “managed investment schemes” MIS, to grow plantation timber – are hitting the land market. Near a $Billion worth. These huge disasters date from more than a decade ago. Where is that Beijing phone number.
Going back to 2006 or so I recall this news from Cobar as landholders disagreed with the NSW Govt over land clearing – this from December 2006.
Note Cobar has grid electricity through Essential Energy.