Albany Wind Farm underperforms

The Albany Wind Farm (AWF) on the south coast of Western Australia was commissioned in 2001 and at the time there was a blizzard of publicity including TV adverts with a young girl claiming that the facility would supply 75% of electric power for Albany.

I thought this sounded optimistic and emailed Western Power asking if they could supply monthly operating statistics. It took a while to get a reply but in September 2002 a representative of the operating company replied that the information was commercially sensitive and would not be available but that they had experienced less wind than normal in the winter of 2002. Continue reading Albany Wind Farm underperforms

Icebergs near New Zealand, not as far north as in 1890’s

Two news items below report icebergs 260 kms south of NZ. Many sailing ship records from the 1890’s recorded icebergs much further north in the Southern Ocean, note 44 degrees south is near Geraldine, just south of Christchurch. Read my page;
Continue reading Icebergs near New Zealand, not as far north as in 1890’s

Cover Great Barrier Reef with shade cloth ? ?

Yes this proposal to cover some of the GBR with shade cloth has actually made national news (article below) in Australia and is commented on at Federal CABINET level.
We are saying that if the GBR is suffering from GW, then surely this must be revealed in the long term temperature data from Willis Island, 400 kms plus east of Cairns. Clearly Willis island has experienced no warming trend in 67 years.
Willis Is T trend
still being talked about 20 August 2012 –
Shade cloth could be used to protect coral reefs, scientists say
Continue reading Cover Great Barrier Reef with shade cloth ? ?

Lord Lawson comments on scaremongering “Stern Report”


Nigel Lawson

A Lecture to the Centre for Policy Studies

1 November 2006

THIS IS A HIGHLY COMPLEX SUBJECT, involving as it does science,
economics and politics in almost equal measure. The Centre for Policy
Studies has kindly agreed to publish a greatly extended version of this
lecture as a pamphlet, in which I will be able to do greater justice to
that complexity and to quote the sources of a number of the statements I
propose to make this evening. It will also enable me to deal at slightly
greater length with the scaremongering Stern Report, published earlier
this week. But the essence of it is what I have to say tonight.

Continue reading Lord Lawson comments on scaremongering “Stern Report”

US Senate Majority Press Release slams “global warming” alarmism

Majority Press Release

Decorated Scientist Defects From Belief in Global Warming – Caps Year of Vindication for Skeptics

October 17, 2006

Washington DC – One of the most decorated French geophysicists has converted from a believer in manmade catastrophic global warming to a climate skeptic. This latest defector from the global warming camp caps a year in which numerous scientific studies have bolstered the claims of climate skeptics. Scientific studies that debunk the dire predictions of human-caused global warming have continued to accumulate and many believe the new science is shattering the media-promoted scientific “consensus” on climate alarmism.
This is a lengthy post, Continue reading US Senate Majority Press Release slams “global warming” alarmism

Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth’s movie shredded by Andrew Bolt, and others

Readers have been asking me what replies there are to wild claims made in the Al Gore movie. Several internet papers have appeared rebutting many points made by big Al. Enjoy.

Bulled by a Gore
September 13, 2006 12:00am
By Andrew Bolt of the Melbourne (Australia) Newspaper, HeraldSun.,21985,20400748-25717,00.html
Continue reading Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth’s movie shredded by Andrew Bolt, and others

Geologic Constraints on Global Climate Variability

A web page version of Dr. Lee Gerhard’s 70 panel presentation explaining the many relationships between geology, geological history and climate. Topics so poorly handled by the IPCC in their blinkered obsession with carbon dioxide.

Another error in HadCRUT2 gridded data.

While exploring the KNMI Climate Explorer in late July this monster jumped out of the Jones data.
Error in Jones gridded data over ChinaI emailed both CE and CRU about this and the balance of what I have been told is that the error was in the data as imported to CE.
This 20 years after PDJ has been nurturing all this stuff.
The issue is, what other errors would be found with a half diligent search ?

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations