Checking out the Worldometer Covid-19 graphics for Australia my eye was caught by the huge “daily new cases” total of 537 for the 22March. See screen save – large version.
Going to the various States and Territories you can find their announcements of new cases for 22March and I got data as follows. NSW 97, Vic 67, Qld 38, WA 30, SA 33, Tas 5, ACT 10, NT 2, Aussie total 282.
The ABC graphic has 280 for 22March so maybe they missed the NT.
The Worldometer total for 24March is 430 but the ABC says 370.
Added Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus global map page – click on country of choice on left hand list. Screen save of their error showing 460 Australian deaths.
Graphic indication of Australian petrol price ripoff updated
I blogged on this issue near 40 months ago. In view of the crude oil price crash circa 6th March ~halving prices in US$ plus the unrolling COVID-19 health and economic disaster – I have hardly heard a word that Australian Govts could actually do something to lighten the load for taxpayers when they fill their vehicles tank.
My decade long graphic updated – WA Fuelwatch is the only ready source I can find for useful monthly ULP price data.
The AAA through FuelTrac used to have downloadable xls files – not now.
NRMA has monthly Sydney data but involves time consuming multiple downloads – one day. Full size chart
Solar cycle 24 to 25 transition watch COVID-19 outbreak
Chart updated through Feb 2020 – the previous post has been quarantined – will see if the proponents of the pandemic correlation with sunspots cycles can come up with better statistics. Interesting new item from NY Times 2 years ago – Trillions Upon Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day.
Canada says Australia at forefront dealing with China Russia security threats
In a category that you could name “decades long Elephant in room becomes visible” – the BBC reports – Canada faces ‘danger’ from China and Russia, intelligence chief warns. David McGuinty MP the chair of the Canadian parliamentary intelligence oversight committee has told the BBC.
Watch our dominant GreenLeft media climb all over this and credit the much derided Morrison Govt.
NASA satellite CO2 maps show the Australian sink
Clever NASA animation quickly portraying 12 months of global CO2 concentrations illustrate how large CO2 concentrations is mainly a Northern Hemisphere thing and Australia is mostly a sink. Eye-Popping View of CO2, Critical Step for Carbon-Cycle Science 14Dec2016
You have to play it a few times and watch Australia. Towards the end in winter 2015 a few fires flare red in the Kimberleys.
A year earlier NASA made a global video of the period from May to August 2015. The animation rotates and Australia gets obscured at times but well worth playing a few times. Australia mostly has low CO2 levels showing we are a global sink. For large image May 2015
If you look carefully red dots show here and there mostly indicating fires in northern Australia. At the end the animation forms a globe – rotates 3 times and shows the pale blue-green Australian CO2 sink with southern oceans mostly yellow.
BoM February Outlooks useless wrong
30th Jan – Feb Outlook maps choose the rainfall or max t. to see major errors. Min t is passable. Compare to – February max t anomalies – and – February monthly rainfall percentages.
Long-term Climate Variability in Australia
I discovered this historic BoM (1999) flyer while searching for a hard copy of a 1992 paper on the 1970’s Pacific Climate Shift. Read how the BoM attributes – El Nino – thousands of years of ice ages and warm periods – solar cycles – volcanic eruptions – oceans and currents – sea-ice extent – greenhouse and on the back page urbanisation and land use changes get a nod. Page one – two – three – four.
I found on my HDD this front page of Kerr R.A. 1992. Unmasking a shifty climate system. Science 255: 1508–1510. – if anybody has a pdf please pass on. Three of the time-series charts in BoM 1999 – temperature – rainfall and cloud cover all show evidence of a shift in the 1970’s.
I sourced updated data for the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) from NOAA and made this monthly PDO chart 1854 to current. Positive periods tend to be dry and negative wet.
We should recall the Qld DPI very useful rainfall maps that I blogged on in March 2018. They have more versions now.
Australian economy in 1 chart
Resource exports still booming skywards with the rest far far behind.
Resource industries have little political pull, put up with constant denigration by media, greenleft and sundry, while the rural sector floods our parliaments and often has their hands out for taxpayers money for this or that reason. Mines occupy a minute area of Australia compared to vast areas covered by agriculture and pastoral.
NIWA failed Outlook hours before SW NZ deluge
Days after publishing their “climate Outlook” NIWA’s work is demolished by a damaging biblical deluge NIWA was too incompetent to see coming. Hilarious – yet these taxpayer funded leech Climate orgs have any status left? MetService for NZ weather
Australia Day & coronavirus thoughts
History tells us that after the First Fleet cased out Botany Bay for a few days HMS Supply battled the elements to sail around to Sydney Cove and land people on 26th January 1788. This event marking the start of European settlement rang the bell for the end of the Stone Age across the wide brown southern land. No doubt our huge GreenLeft media contingent mostly taxpayer funded and their supporters will campaign against Australia Day 24/7 with their multi memes & themes.
Re the coronavirus(obviously caused by climate change) threat I am interested in what steps Australia should take now.
Should we tell all airlines and potential visitors – do not board passengers with an elevated temperature or flu like symptoms.
And should we be monitoring the temperature of all incoming people and turning around the worst group?
And should we be warning Australians about travel to the worst locations
It is all fascinating because here we are with Govt campaigning to attract tourists after the fires – maybe those efforts should be “backburnered”.
All so complex for the Canberra assemblage mainly of the left we call “government”.