Canberra heatwave a shadow of 1939

ABC TV News has said that the last 4 days over 40 make 2019 the record Canberra heatwave.
My graphic shows that 1939 takes the cake for the most significant heat event.

Notes re dates. The two days in 1968 +40 were on 31st Jan and 1st Feb.
This month the dates +40 were 15th to 18th incl. Also 1939 and 1968 were recorded by mercury in glass thermometers with a greater inertia than modern electronic AWS instruments.

How fashionable to bad mouth Western civilisation

A UK academic Dr Julia Steinberger recently tweeted “Western culture, philosophy & science is basically crap” which was reported at the WhaleOil blog. The BBC has a series of informative graphics demonstrating the huge advances we all take for granted due to political developments paid for with blood in England over hundreds of years – plus the industrial revolution – safer water supplies – separated sewers – electricity grids – universal suffrage – public education – shorter working hours – agricultural revolution.

Open NEM now has charts of grid generation from 2005

Credit where due to the people behind Open Nem. Now 15 years of electricity generation history by each state from the north. Most of my comments are from viewing with settings at “All” and “Month” but it is easy to checked other periods. AEMO dashboard.

Qld shows increasing demand over the entire period. At the end of 2014 coal starts increasing at the expense of gas. Solar has increased steadily from 2011.

NSW shows a decline in demand 2008-2013. Solar and wind have increased steadily from 2011. Gas looks to be decreasing over 5 years or so.

Vic shows a decline in demand 2008-2017. Exports fell and imports increased after Hazelwood closed in Autumn 2017. WindGen has increased from ~2009. Solar has increased steadily from 2011.

SA demand has reduced since 2010. WindGen has increased since commencing 2007. Solar has increased steadily from 2011. The closure of coal in 2016 marked an increase in imports and GasGen. Then when Hazelwood closed in Autumn 2017 imports fell and SA GasGen increased further. The Battery is between Wind & Gas.

Tas demand jumped in 2009 with the increase provided for mainly by GasGen. Demand has increased slightly since 2009. WindGen commenced in 2009 and the peak year was 2016. Solar is very minor but increasing. Increased exports taking advantage of the carbon tax shows clearly. The ending of GasGen in mid-2014 shows clearly. The Dec-2015 to mid-2016 Basslink outage stands out as does the GasGen brought back into service then with minor distillate use for the portable gensets. In winter last year rainfall allowed a surge of exports.

Hawkes Bay beach erosion blamed on climate change in active earthquake zone

This NZ Herald story “One summer left: On Haumoana’s beachfront, the climate-change hourglass is ticking” clearly blaming “climate-change” for the loss of beach front houses. The article fails to mention the areas frequent earth tremors from seismic activity, 8 quakes moderate and stronger just to the south in the last 10 months, nearby mapped active fault scarps and the area is liquefaction prone.
Is it a surprise that periodic shakes & tremors from a variety of quakes should weaken the poorly consolidated shoreline sediments beneath the foundations of these unwisely sited houses?

Australian PM Morrison open to lifting nuclear power ban

PM Morrison would consider lifting nuclear power ban
But his Govt is very much a lame duck – so there is little chance they could do anything before the inevitable Labor Govt. Just imagine if they decided to site a nuc power station on Commonwealth land at Jervis Bay. Cue NIMBY and Greens hysteria.

Much burgled NZ Professor – China building 5th Antarctic base

The 5th Chinese base is on Inexpressible Island near the western shore of the Ross Sea ~390km norwest of McMurdo(US) and Scott Base(NZ). Map of Chinese Antarctic bases which I can update more as time allows.
University of Canterbury Professor Anne-Marie Brady has been in the news lately having been burgled at her home and work. She has written often on the growing influence of China and in 2017 wrote “China as a Polar Great Power”. On 15Feb18 she gave evidence to the Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security – 9 page Hansard pdf
I have blogged in the past re the Chinese icebreaker Xuelong. A few days ago Xuelong called at Christchurch’s Lyttelton Port on way south. What China is saying re polar research.

Reprising satellite images of urban heat islands UHI from USA

Geoff Sherrington has a long blog on UHI and Australian temperature data “The Climate Sciences Use Of The Urban Heat Island Effect Is Pathetic And Misleading” over at
A late comment by Ron Long December 21, 2018 at 3:21 am mentions “…I am totally confidant a UHI signal can be identified from satellite data.”
All done two decades ago in the 1990’s. But I think the “climate wars” have caused most of this work to be shelved and often links are dead. A 2005 blog of mine shows the famous NASA Hotlanta image – a ~2000 page of mine – Hotlanta from 2001 – Florida UHI’s –
– a few surviving NASA pages – 3 NASA UHI pages under “Land Surface” now dead links – 2015 NASA pages with full USA image – Recent looking pages – many various subjects but I found no UHI – I have never seen satellite UHI images from Australia or anywhere but the USA.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations