Marinus is the glam name given to the proposed 2nd Bass St undersea electricity cable between Tasmania & Victoria with a total capacity of 1500MW. I see they propose two stages of 750MW and note the existing Basslink now near 20 years old is rated at 500MW. The well informed Tasmanian blog Tasfintalk is critical of Marinus and asks a great question – Who’s picking up the tab for Marinus? – and refers to “Father Christmas” as a possible candidate to pay the Lions Share of the no doubt horrendous cost of Marinus. Tasfintalk mentions the existing undersea cable Basslink and I have commented previously on Basslink.
As my headline indicates Australia only has one Father Christmas for now and that is our PM Scott Morrison who did partially annoint the Marinus project in Feb2019.
The Tasfintalk article makes a good case of various points for Australian(and Tasmanian)taxpayers to be kept well clear of the risky Marinus project.
Marinus is an addon to the 2018 Battery of the Nation pumped hydro concept that Tassie Hydro cobbled together after PM Turnbull launched Snowy 2.0. I have also blogged on the over-hyped Battery of the Nation project.
To see these Tasmanian Hydro schemes in better perspective it is important to realize the annual scale of the NEM in 2019 was 205,000GWh (Covid has changed NEM usage and prices post 2019). OpenNem shows the 5 years 2015 to 2019 averaged 204,733GWh demand. Alongside that the Tasmanian imports for those 5 years were 1,173GWh or 0.57% and exports were 1,022GWh or 0.5% of NEM demand. Compared to the scale of the mainland NEM Tasmanian Hydro is a very minor player and the Federal Gov should leave Battery of the Nation and Marinus to be funded by Tasmania or non-Govt companies.
It is interesting to look at the chart of Tassie Hydro storage levels from data published weekly. For larger chart.
Basslink failed 21Dec2015 and was not repaired until June2016 and Tasmania was greatly assisted by all time record cool season rain in 2016. This caused their dam levels to recover much more rapidly than if 2016 had only see average rain.
However as the chart shows storages have been in a below average zone around 40% to the present day. So the history is not shouting that Tasmania has for example “surplus dam storages that are spilling to waste”.
BBC gets Downunder climate change wrong
This BBC piece uses the 2019 fires to attack Australian attitudes and politics around IPCC “climate change” where many are demanding we “do more”.
The author seems to have missed that the BoM in Sep 2019 reported that an Antarctic phenomena referred to as “sudden stratospheric warming” was worsening the drought so as rainfall decreased; the chance of heatwaves rose and fire risk increased. It is all explained at my 5May2021 blog – ScoMo’s NRRA birthed in memory lapse.
“Nationals have not signed up to ‘net zero anything at any time”
Succinct quote from Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie being interviewed by Alan Jones on SkyNews 16Jun21.
Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie says the National Party – as the second party in the Coalition government – has not signed up to “net-zero anything at any time”. During the G7 talks in the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said, “the destination is clear” and Australia is “moving towards net-zero”. According to Senator McKenzie, the destination is “not clear” to the National Party.
Remember the 1992 CSIRO paper that showed the Australian landmass is already absorbing all our industrial and other emissions of CO2. A concept that should assist the Nationals in bringing reality to weak-kneed liberal colleagues.
Implications of the Globally Increasing Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and Temperature for the Australian Terrestrial Carbon Budget: Integration Using a Simple-Model
Quote from Abstract – [The standard parameterisation of the model suggests that the changing CO2 concentration and temperature regime since 1750 AD has been causing continuous net sequestration of carbon into Australian live vegetation and soils. The present modelled rate of net sequestration is of a similar magnitude to CO2 emissions from continental fossil fuel burning and land clearing combined. The rate of sequestration is predicted to continue to increase until 2050 AD and beyond if atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature continue to increase.]
Amazing how over the years no Australian politicians have used the above finding to say to the IPCC/Global GWclimate hand-wringers – “Just as Australia most certainly has to pay the costs of our remoteness – we are claiming this benefit of our large land area mostly unoccupied.”
Rennixx Global Renewables 18 yrs stocks index disaster
While poking around on my HDD from a decade ago I came across this RENNIXX index.
So despite decades of countless $Billions of subsidies flowing into renewables – if the RENNIXX index was adjusted for inflation it would show a negative result since 2003-4.
BBC making Climategate movie
I just saw this news over at Watts. Many happy memories of Climategate that so kneecapped the IPCC/climate “A$%^^holes”
My various articles touching on Climategate over years. My first thoughts about the BBC movie were – IT TOOK THEM THIS LONG TO FURTHER FINESSE THEIR LIES – my second thoughts are “SELL ME THE DVD”. What a pack of lies and distortions and agitprop we can look forward to.
Plus 100mm rain Thomson catchment quick release enviro-flows
I notice the overnight BoM map showed Mount Baw Baw but now that has gone from the post 9am map.
The Mount Baw Baw daily rain file is showing zero so far(now showing 280.6mm for 10June) for the 10th June – you know it makes sense.
I bet there are already public servants itching to open the gates on environmental flows. Gotta get that water to the sea where it belongs.
D-Day Normandy landings anniversary
Spare a thought for those that sacrificed to help bring an end to WWII in Europe.
The D-Day story has been frequently told and Hollywooded.
In recent years I have come to the view that it really represented a victory for Uncle Joe Stalin to prevent the western Allies from getting into Germany much earlier via the north of Italy in 1943. Thus leaving the way clear for USSR troops to get further west into Europe and enslave more people after the war. The case is made in the book “American Betrayal” by Diana West.
Guest blog by David Motes; GW driven by Plant Evapotranspiration Reduction
David Motes is a 43-year professional chemical engineer residing in Houston, TX. His 23 page engineering paper is a guest post titled: “Global Warming Driven by Plant Evapotranspiration Reduction, Not CO2 GHG! Solution- More Plants”. The paper is summarized as follows: Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is quantitatively driven by CO2 induced Plant Evapotranspiration Reduction (PER), not CO2 GreenHouse Gas (GHG) effects. David uses consensus science facts and diagrams from CO2 GHG proponent sites such as the IPCC, NASA, NOAA, and the International Energy Agency to quantitatively prove the scientific fact that PER is a significant driver in AGW. Conversely, CO2 GHG theory remains a largely unquantifiable, problematic theory. Click to download.
NZ NIWA rain Outlook huge fail
The Canterbury region has just been flooded with a “one-in-100-year event” – yet the NIWA Outlook was for “below average rain”.
Should be mass sackings over the ditch. I see MetService has a message –[Cumulative Rainfall Map Unavailable – Unfortunately the cumulative rainfall maps have not captured the recent heavy rainfall accurately and have been disabled while we investigate. The maps will be restored once resolved.]
You could not make this up. MetService has been useless for years. NZ would be better served if the Gov just paid BoM to “tack on Aotearoa”. The BoM www site is light years more useful for understanding weather.
Callide C coal-fired outage due to hydrogen explosion
Several sources are reporting the explosion was due to hydrogen which is used to cool the Callide C generator near Biloela Qld.
Can not help the Fed Gov as they try to blabber about future “hydrogen economy” in our energy mix.
Paywalled but says “…leak of the highly combustible hydrogen that’s used to cool the generator.” › questnews › news-story
6 hours ago — A hydrogen leak could be behind the explosion that led to the … leak of the highly combustible hydrogen that’s used to cool the generator. Mr Brunker said the repairs to the unit at Callide C would take “months if not … A 550m exclusion zone is in place at Callide Power Station after fire in one of its turbines. AEMO daily prices show the price explosion is still proceeding as at 17Jun. Here is a chart to 4 June.
ABC and Brisbane Times articles also both mention hydrogen. OpenNem and AEMO NEM dashboard show details of prices and generation.