Satellites vs surface, amazing agreement over the USA.

Carrying on from the previous post re UHI in China, it is fascinating that the Jones HadCRUT2 data has an amazing close agreement with MSU lower troposphere, 1979-2005 over most of the the USA 48 States from 30 to 50 North incl a small strip of far south Canada.

– Measuring the following four bands of grid cells, starting in the south at 30 to 35 North (LA), extending 9 cells east to Charleston 75W.
– Next on 35 to 40 North from 125 West to 70 West, 11 grid cells.
– Then 40 to 45 North, same longitude limits, 11 grid cells.
– Finally 45 to 50 North, 125 West to 50 West, 15 grid cells.

The average difference for all these 46 x 5 degree grid cells is that MSU warms over HadCRUT2 by an infinitesimal 0.0000073 degrees per year.

Considering the large blocks of grid cells in other global regions where HadCRUT2 warms strongly compared to MSU 1979-2005: it is worth pondering why there is this close agreement between HadCRUT2 and MSU over the USA ?

Could it be pure chance ? Could it be due to superior USA surface data quality ? Is European surface data so bad ?

You see the issues. Why this great variation in HadCRUT2 minus MSU for different global regions ?

What integrity is there in global SST trends ?

I made this map of sea surface temperature (SST) trends at the GISS website module, and it shows the 27 year trends 1979-2005 for an SST dataset GISS names HadReyn_v2 which I take in to mean the Hadley Centre version 2 SST’s with Reynolds data grafted on post 1982.
Giss SST trends map 1979-2005
There may be another explanation of exactly what the dataset is but for sure it is the SST data Jim Hansen’s GISS group chooses to use.

I have annotated several warm anomalies that caught my eye and have compared UAH satellite trends over those warm patches with the the combined land sea HadCRUT2 data calculated at

See the Table for stunning differences in HadCRUT2 minus MSU, up to 1 degree C in 27 years !! The table also sets out the Lat & Long for various five degree grid cells that include these warm SST patches. For some history of the development of the SST datsets go to my page showing graphics of huge corrections required in raw SST data.

Weird ABC article: “High summer temperatures predicted”

Last Update: Monday, August 7, 2006. 4:34pm (AEST) ABC online
High summer temperatures predicted

A leading climatologist says there is no evidence Australia will suffer from heat waves like those currently in Europe.

Dr Janette Lindsay, from the Australian National University, says there is no link between seasons in Australia and the Northern Hemisphere.

But she says Australia may be in for a warmer-than-average summer.

“The situation in Australia is very much a function of first of all what happens around the Pacific Ocean in regards to El Nino specifically,” Dr Lindsay said.

“All of the forecasts for El Nino for the coming spring and summer are that we’re looking at probably neutral, average conditions across the Pacific, maybe tending to be slightly warmer than usual.”

Dr Lindsay says Queensland and New South Wales can expect a dry spring as a result of recent temperature rises in the Indian Ocean.

“It’s likely to be drier than normal in Queensland and northern New South Wales over spring, and that also the rather mild temperatures are likely to continue and it may be warmer also in eastern Australia in spring,” she said.

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Sorry but I could not find a website for them.

NZ Temperature difference shows climate science not settled

The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
Hon Secretary: Terry Dunleavy MBE,
14A Bayview Road, Hauraki, North Shore City 0622
Phone (09) 486 3859 – Mobile 0274 836688 –

2 August 2006


Temperature difference shows climate science not settled

A major difference in measurement between NIWA and the international body IPCC, concerning New Zealand temperature trends contradicts the assertion of the Minister for Climate Change, David Parker, that climate science is “settled.” This claim has been made by an expatriate New Zealand earth scientist, Warwick Hughes, now living in Perth.
Continue reading NZ Temperature difference shows climate science not settled

US expert finds hurricane intensity under-reported in early years

This article from is timely just after my post re a drop off in Australian deaths from climate disasters.
This is the Dr Chris Landsea who resigned from the IPCC some time ago because he was not being listened to. Heavens above, why would anyone expect the IPCC to listen to an expert. Continue reading US expert finds hurricane intensity under-reported in early years

Carbon dioxide and warming

“Thus adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere warms it a bit and leads to more water vapour and hence more warming.”

This is a direct quote from the New Zealand climate authority NIWA, in a media release after the formation of the newly formed ‘New Zealand Climate Science Coalition’ in May.

This NIWA statement sounds to me like early 1990’s IPCC inspired scares about a positive feedback and the threat of runaway warming. Is it not obvious that climate history of the last million or so years is one of repeated runaway COOLING, lurching the planet into a series of ice ages. I see no evidence for runaway warm periods, so it is obvious that the climate system incorporates feedback mechanisms that largely negate the effect NIWA is trying to express.
Continue reading Carbon dioxide and warming

Long term reduction in Australian deaths from, bushfires, cyclones and heatwaves.

The data for this graphic is sourced from the Emergency Management Australia (EMA) online Disasters Database.
Added 8 August, I have just heard of this 2006 report by Dr Indur M. Goklany of the US Dept of Interior, “Death and Death Rates Due to Extreme Weather Events: Global and U.S. Trends”, 1900-2004. See entries at the Roger Pielke Snr Blog.
History of disaster deaths in Australia
Interesting that huge reductions in all categories of deaths are against a greatly increased population compared to pre WWII.
Continue reading Long term reduction in Australian deaths from, bushfires, cyclones and heatwaves.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations