#2 Harming the Australian economy 101

It is interesting that the pro Labor Australian media is at last mentioning the precipitous decline in the Australian dollar.
What they are not telling us is exactly when that sharp decline commenced – the graphic tells the story.
Of course global investors will pull their money out when faced with news that the Govt here favours higher taxes on our vital resource sector. Graphic made at news.com.au Yahoo also has good graphics but can not keep up with the decline. This highly potential drug was developed by Pfizer and approved by the FDA in 1998 for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. online doctor viagra was originally developed for the treatment of a heart disease known as angina pectoris. Parents should make sure that children and pets stay away from this product. heritageihc.com levitra 20mg uk There are several things that couples usually do for tadalafil 100mg saving their relationship from impotence condition. The author’s style is almost conversational and leads the reader logically step by sildenafil online step to his conclusions. The ironical thing is that a lower dollar will help primary producers – any exporter who sells at a US$ price. But the nation as a whole will pay more for all imports, fuel, travel etc. Interest rates will tend to be forced up too.

An Engineer’s Critique of Global Warming “Science‟ – by Burt Rutan

Version 3 presentations by Burt Rutan well worth a read.

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IPCC-UKMO-Jones et al errors with Russian temperature trends Lake Baikal region

A decade ago I wrote my “USSR High Magnitude Climate Warming Anomalies 1901-1996”. In January I posted “Surface minus satellites – some differences look political” finding that for the huge Asian gridbox 40 to 70 North – 60 to 130 East; HadCRUT3 warmed over UAH MSU lower troposphere 1979-2008 giving a possible surface error of 0.13 deg C per decade – an error in excess of the rate of IPCC GW.
Out of curiosity I looked at what the UKMO/Jones et al are using for Irkutsk now and compared to gridbox data. Because Irkutsk is at 104.3 East I took the two 5 deg gridboxes 50 to 55 North – 100 to 110 East , puts Irkutsk fairly central.
The difference between CRUT3 and UAH MSU 1979-2009 for the gridbox 50 to 55 North – 100 to 110 East is now 0.137 deg decade and for Irkutsk station minus UAH MSU 0.159 deg decade.
To wrap up for now, a graphic of Irkutsk and smaller regionals UKMO station data compared to satellite lower troposphere and a graphic of Irkutsk UKMO minus Barguzin. Note both Barguzin and Zigalovo have identical huge gaps from 1990-2008 so we have just 2009 building the time series again. Maybe some Russian readers might know where the missing data may be.

Meandering solar cycle 23 to 24 transition

Ten months have passed since my last post on the slow transition between solar cycles 23 & 24 and my graphics series showing the utter failure of the April 2007 NASA/NOAA prediction. Seems just yesterday but it was Dec 2006 when we first talked about a slow transition to a cooler cycle 24.
Trying this new graphic (data from SWO) it looks to me as though cycle 23 is not yet out of the woods.
Solar cycle 23 to 24 transition
I must dig out the latest NASA/NOAA prediction and track this later in the year.
Currently at the SolarCycle24.com web pages they talk about a very quiet sun.

Shock-horror – climate skeptics spotted alive in Australian science academy

This article from todays Canberra Times – which so often reads like a GreenLeft news sheet – fumes at signs climate skeptic ideas are lurking within Australia’s peak science academy.
It seems The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering has circulated a short draft statement that is not 100% IPCC compliant.
Pro-IPCC sources are quoted in force by the Canberra Times whining about this lapse from orthodoxy.
My spies tell me that other science bodies downunder might also be harbouring climate skeptics.
From page 1 Canberra Times 14 May 2010
From page 2 Canberra Times 14 May 2010

Harming the Australian economy 101

On Monday 3 May our PM and Treasurer announced increased taxes on the mining industry – ostensibly to help pay for higher superannuation for all.
So far this week many $Billions have been knocked off share prices right through the materials sectors as the market digested the new conditions they must operate in. The already high risk mineral exploration industry was made even higher risk at the stroke of a pen as future profit projections must now be trimmed.
I wonder if our political masters allowed for the fact that thousands of super funds invest in the mining and exploration sector already – and their investments have taken a solid loss this week.
Anybody has the right to invest in shares so if you think the mining sector is making easy money – one answer is to invest in it. The Govt could have done that and the Govt could form a National Mining Co or buy some existing companies – if it thought it was all too easy a pathway to make money. I recall a few decades ago Labor dabbled in that area through a Cabinet Minister, Rex Connor.
Viv Forbes of the Carbon Sense Coalition has a good article on the new tax.
Apologies for my OT post.

Australia abandons ETS plans for 3 years

Just heard on TV news, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd saying he was withdrawing the ETS from Parliament and it was “on ice” for three years.
Well knock me down with a feather. There are over the counter pills available on the market. viagra uk shop By getting viagra in australia choosing a small and easily attachable device, you will have more options for adapting the locator to each child’s needs. China, while it continues to pursue an “all of the above” energy policy. discount viagra discover now Any environmental factors or past experiences deeprootsmag.org ordering viagra without prescription influence one’s perspective of any given situation. Only a short while ago, fighting climate change was the “..moral imperative of our time..” – or something similar. I am struggling to remember a greater backflip from an Australian Government.

Dr Fred Singer calls for investigation of Jones data 1979-1997

Fred has just circulated this email of a shortly to be released Science Editorial
SCIENCE EDITORIAL #13-2010 (April 24, 2010)
By S. Fred Singer, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project
Let’s keep our eyes on the ball.
We need to trace the path taken by Phil Jones (and by Jim Hansen of NASA-GISS and by NOAA-NCDC) in distilling the raw thermometer readings from thousands of stations into a single number — the magical “global mean surface temperature” We need to document the process of how they selected stations. And we need to understand the kinds of corrections and adjustments they made.
Continue reading Dr Fred Singer calls for investigation of Jones data 1979-1997

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations