Is this the most ridiculous idea ever on climate ?

Our new Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced a new plan with a so-called “citizens’ assembly” which would gather together volunteers to sound out public support for a This works by simply getting in the purchasing viagra in canada blood and oxygen, it can result in a stroke with debilitating effects. In this case they fail to take the necessary precautions free viagra consultation with the medicine, you have to visit to any of the medical pharmacies. Sources to buy Sildenafil citrate meds: Almost all Sildenafil citrate medicine offers an easiest way to get back their lost happiness. A healthy viagra online from canada lifestyle needs to be maintained between two succeeding doses of Kamagra. price on carbon. The GreenLeft ABC article.

And I thought we had a “parliament”.
I know this is during an election campaign but things are getting a bit paranormal.

GreenLeft media pumping out climate rubbish

With its new Labor Prime Minister Julia Gillard – Australia is due for an election soon and the pro-labor media is cranking up the effort.
A few recent articles on climate to set the tone.
“Study shows outback soaking up CO2”
Quoting the unbiased Pew Environment group – the article is a mish-mash of misleading statistics and pro IPCC views. I tried to get a comment in with a link to the CSIRO paper that showed our landmass absorbs all our emissions but that was censored out. Not fit to be seen. Read some comments and soak up the ignorance. Whats happening to our education system. I had a post on this subject in 2009.

“Carbon courage: there’s no need for a consensus”
Ben Eltham is a true believer as are most of the commenters.

Last Monday my local paper the Canberra Times published this breathless gush – “Climate change last hurdle before setting election date”. It reads as though Saint Julia just has to dot the “I’s” and cross the “T’s” on her latest iteration climate masterwork and presumably – problem solved. Facts are that GreenLabor could smash our economy back to the Stone Age – and there would not be an iota of detectable effect on climate – except – urban heat islands would decrease in magnitude.

There are a few cases – will add more as I note them.

BoM incompetence again – for the 5th month in a row

The BoM rolling 3 month rainfall Outlook prediction published in late March. Has turned out to be just as irrelevant and useless as the previous four.
Compare to the actual rain deciles for April-May-June the poor hapless BoM can only approach reality in the Kimberly-Northern Territory sector. All the other major features of their prediction are wrong.
Far Eastern Australia wet — EXACTLY wrong
South Australia – West Victoria dry — EXACTLY wrong
Sth Pilbara and much of WA wet — mostly wrong
Nth Qld dry patch — EXACTLY wrong

Why are we paying these dills to waste our taxes ?
Yet our Govt listens to BoM utterances on “climate change” as though they are written on tablets of stone.

Wrist slashing ETS in New Zealand

Sent in by a couple of Concerned Kiwis
On July 1st New Zealanders became the first country in the world to pay for their carbon emissions, an all gases, all sectors ETS through a Government sponsored scheme.

The householders of this small country will pay dearly and suffer a reduced standard of living because they are being forced to pay this punitive tax. Householder bear half the costs while accounting for only 20% of the country’s emissions.

The country as a whole will suffer through reduced international competitiveness of its industries and farming when our acknowledged figure is 0.2% of global emissions in total.

Why on earth are we leading the world?
Nick Smith, Minister for Climate Change admits that our contributions will have no effect on future climate and that the scheme will not make any inroads into cutting New Zealand’s gross emissions.

We are led to believe that by paying this extra tax we NZ’ers are being good
global citizens and that without an ETS we could face penalties on our exports by our trading partners. What a deception, there is no sign of any country imposing any sort of penalty or tariff on internationally traded goods based on an ineffective or non-existent ETS.

As of today, July 1st petrol, and energy prices increase and that is just the start as these just compound throughout the entire supply chain.

Our National Government seems to want international bragging rights for leading the world, and national gratitude that they reduced the even more draconian proposal from the previous Labour Government. This article by Andrew Bolt reminds us of the backflip by the NZ Prime Minister John Key.

The major powers thumb their noses at a price on emissions and it is not really New Zealand’s place to lead the world in this issue when the science of AGW is in dispute and a long way from being “settled”.

It is an outrage that NZ households should be forced to pay, and pay dearly, where so obviously it will harm our standard of living and will not help us in our endeavour to be good global citizens.

Cargo cult GreenLabor tax idiots exposed now

Those of us downunder will know of the Rudd Labor Govts plans announced 3 May 2010 to introduce a Resource Super Profits Tax (RSPT). I commented on this in my three part series “Harming the Australian economy 101”, part two and three.
The main masterminds behind the RSPT – Ken Henry Treasury Secretary – Kevin Rudd Prime Minister (sacked on 24th June) – Wayne Swan Treasurer – all failed to realize that we do not have an isolated “Australian Economy” now – we are all part of the global economy. So the “cunning plan” (apologies to Baldrick) to milk extra tax money from the wealthy miners and give to their Labor constituents superannuation funds crashed in a heap during May and June as global markets simply moved investments out of Australia. Our resource sector market capitalisations crashed by $Billions post 3 May – and of course this has adversely affected every super fund holding resource shares – so natural market forces pretty much negated everything these GreenLabor geniuses were trying to do.
On 24 June PM Kevin Rudd was sacked by a coup d’etat initiated by unelected union officials working through a handfull of ex union Labor Senators. Our new PM is Julia Gillard who says she is getting things “back on track” – but of course Julia Gillard was Kevin Rudd’s loyal deputy for years and never raised an audible whisper of disquiet that KR policies were ever “off track” – so work all that out if you can.
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Of course much of the damage done to the “thousands of battling explorers and miners” will not be undone on the ASX in the weeks and months ahead because once genies are out of bottles – it is usually impossible to fit them back in. The markets will will not assume that GreenLabor plans to tax the resource sector have completely gone away.

Caucus vote on Australian Prime Minister 9am 24 June

Amazing scenes at Parliament House in Canberra tonight as Australia works through its home-grown version of a coup d’etat. Great to see the various factions of the left tearing at themselves – settling scores from decades back. The meeting will start about 10hrs from now, at 9am AEST – the new Prime Minister will likely be Julia Gillard – who is further to the left than Kevin Rudd. I can not remember when a PM was last rolled in his first term.

Stunning ignorance and lies surround Perth water supply policies

This ABC online news item from Perth caught my eye, “Water prices up 40 per cent: Labor”. With Eric Ripper the Labor opposition leader saying, “Of course in a dry climate there is pressure on water prices..”
Wrong Mr Ripper, there is no “dry climate” over Perth dam catchments – see my graphic of 35 years of May-October catchments rain which averages near 900mm. Any water shortage in Perth is artificially induced by Govts failure to do simple things such as – manage catchments – clearing the Gnangara pines – cheaply desalinate weakly brackish water wasted from Wellington Dam and other local rivers (see my 2007 downloadable report). The only reason for this crazy state of affairs that I can see – is the Govts terror of hostile reactions from Greens.
Continue reading Stunning ignorance and lies surround Perth water supply policies

ABC Catalyst TV show warped view of SW West Australian rainfall

Quote from Catalyst: Mark Horstman
“Since the 1970s, the south-western corner of Western Australia has suffered a dramatic decline in their winter rainfall, so rapid and so extreme that it’s like, somewhere, a giant tap is being turned off.”
What utter exaggerated twaddle.
Once again the Australian media spins normal climate variations as something caused by IPCC climate change.
The entire thrust of the show is that rainfall in “..the south-western corner of Western Australia..” dropped ~15% in the 1970’s and a scientist is quoted linking this to changes in Antarctic ice cores. The scientist – Dr Tas van Ommen
Principal Research Scientist, Ice Cores and Climate, Australian Antarctic Division, Hobart – may well be right is linking the events – we will look for a peer reviewed paper on the subject.
My point is that there are many sudden rainfall change events in Australian climate history – and from larger regions than SW WA – and little attention is put into explaining these.
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Here is a graphic of West Australian rainfall – note the sharp increase in the 1990’s – what caused that ?
Here is a graphic of Murray Darling Basin rainfall – note the sharp increase in the 1940’s – what caused that ?
You can explore the BoM data for NSW etc and that huge increase in rain about 1950 often stands out. But it is a feature that nobody wants to explain.
Maybe because it corresponds with the period of post WWII cloud seeding experiments. Sorry – not PC.
Note my graphic of Perth dam catchment rain – steady over 35 years.
Finally a graphic of Perth rain history back to 1876 – note how the pre WWI winter rain is similar to the post 1970’s rain. Who is to say what is “normal” ? I am not aware of any “tablet of stone” which tells us whether the WWI to mid 1970’s high rain era was normal – or are the slightly dryer decades before and after more “normal”.

The Obama Oval Office speech – BP oil spill

I have been watching our TV news from the US reporting on the BP oil spill – and have been surprised that so often the US seems to be whining about what BP has done without seeming to understand that oil exploration is a partnership.
When the US assigns lands for oil exploration to this or that company it puts conditions on drilling and exploration and generally there is an obligation to explore and drill. An oil company can not just sit on land indefintely. With hindsight – when BP purchased the rights to explore/drill the very deep (a mile of water) Macondo prospect – the US had the opportunity to put the case to BP that perhaps they were too near the edge of the safe capacity of their drilling technology. Once BP proceeds with work – it is surely in a partnership with the US Govt.
To hear President Obama linking outrage surrounding this industrial accident with the case to change US energy policy away from the current usage of fossil fuels – IMHO the whole thing gets into the paranormal there. As I think somebody said – “Houston .. we have an oil spill disaster” – “Oh, lets build more windmills.”
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Sorry – but I was looking for signs the US leader was taking a realistic attitude to the entire oil spill issue – after having two months to work something out.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations