Sino Commo control in Darwin

Tell me it can not be half true. China’s Big Brother Social Control Goes to AustraliaWe know the Labor Govt in the NT is broke. But how is this monstrous privacy abuse going under the radar.

David Archibald for the Senate in WA

David is standing under the Fraser Anning Conservative National Party banner and is pro our vital resources industry, he is against the current policy hysteria re climate, he is pro our Defence spending being beefed up, he is pro improving our fuel security by increasing our fuels stocks, he advocates a coal to liquids CTL industry in Australia which will also increase our fuels security. My many blog articles re David’s writings.
IMHO for WA people he would be a great No 1 Senate vote and then specify your preferences carefully.

Senate candidate sus of BoM

Could this be true? A Senate candidate who is not online viagra no prescription ensure that they continue to be with the love of their life in a physical sense. Who are at risk of MND viagra online cheap Full Article In older people. Lawax capsules and Vital M-40 capsules are the cost of sildenafil best recommended herbal remedies for spermatorrhea. Betaine (anhydrous) – also known as trimethyglycine will help to reduce the buildup of Homocysteine a consequence of lack of testosterone, below mentioned carnal downsides encounter – Absence of erotic lust Arousal turmoil or erotic malfunction (ED) Early Ejaculation (PE) with poor semen expulsion Weak and inadequate carnal climax You may reduce self-assurance and lust in having intercourse as a consequence of these sexual predicaments. viagra generika 150% BoM compliant? I feel a Bex coming on.

History of the NEM

OpenNem data now over 14 years (select All & Month – the Sine Wave links to States) salient points State by State.
NSW – demand has fallen since the GFC – always a big importer – exports are minor – solar and wind increasing over last ~5 years.
Qld – demand has risen since the GFC – always an exporter – imports are minor – solar increasing over last ~5 years – wind and hydro minor – big increase in gas 2010 to 2014 then gas tails off somewhat.
Vic – demand has fallen since the GFC – mostly a minor importer – exports mostly grew till early 2017 when Hazelwood closed leaving exports weak – solar and wind increasing over last ~7 years.
SA – demand near constant since GFC – imports increased as coal withered and gas decreased in runup to coal ending – exports mostly weak but increased after early 2017(Hazelwood closed) – solar and wind increasing over last ~11 years.
Tas – demand near constant since GFC – imports dominate over exports – exports increased 2010-2014 due to cashing in on the carbon tax – imports at an all-time peak just before Basslink broke Dec 2015 – gas & diesel held the fort until Basslink was repaired mid 2016 – export surge winter spring 2018 due wet spell – wind increasing over last ~9 years, solar minor. Curiously in view of the dominance of hydro Tas AEMO wholesale prices are up there with SA and Vic the highest price states so far in 2019.

Solar cycle 24 monthly sunspots update

It is a couple of years since I posted my chart and the predicted end of cycle 24 is being discussed. Large chart.

Checking various sunspot number graphics at SILSO we can see that solar cycle 24 which is ending has been the lowest amplitude SC since the one that peaked just before 1910 – a ~104 year record. Of course now there is discussion about when SC24 will end and I see SILSO records divergent predictions of the SC24-25 transition. I see NOAA has a prediction that SC24 might extend as late as 2021/22.
There is also discussion about the amplitude of SC25 and I see this Wiki records the predictions of several research groups. My 13month smooth on the SWO series peaks at 123.6 in Apr2014 – but I do not know what smoothing NOAA applies. So the Chinese group favours a stronger SC25 while Northumbria clearly favours weaker and Kolkata and NOAA could be having a bet each way. This press article is spruiking a stronger SC25 and mentions a NOAA workshop so I will look for results out of that. New large chart with 8Apr19 NOAA prediction out to Dec 2022. This prediction says there will be no transition to Cycle 25 before end 2022 – I should add – here is where I source my main data for the chart

Election is for the least stupid Govt.

The Australian election on 18May2019 is for the least stupid Govt. These are the issues I have in mind feel free to add to the list. So my argument is that in all these examples GreenLabor will be obviously worse, change things faster and be more harmful to Australia than the messy imperfect Govt we have.
Electricity grid, Electric vehicles, Climate change, War on coal – Adani, Renewable energy, energy storage projects like Snowy 2.0, Border security, Rush to be UN compliant, Closing the Gap, Constitutional threats, Education standards, developing the north, new dams, MDB, stupid water policies like needless seawater desalination, Salinity degrading productive land in WA, Green Lawfare threats to vital resources industry, vegans and animal rights activists protesting on farms, GST money avalanche rewarding worst performing States, rules covering investments, Union power will sure increase more under GreenLabor, Cultural features of our society like Australia Day, ANZAC Day, historic statues, re-writing history, Christmas, Easter, will all change or vanish more rapidly under a Shorten GreenLabor regime. Riteon with some how to vote advice, Part 1, Part 2, climate presentation by David Archibald.
Chart 1993 to 2019 history of Greens voting in Senate and States Upper Houses – the Greens vote mostly seems to have peaked circa2010.

Solar thermal killed again

But will it lie down? The proposed Port Augusta solar thermal power plant is a great example of public ignorance of the laws of physics on a massive scale. How the concept has polluted public energy debate for so long is amazing. I have been drawing attention to Solar Thermal problems for years because that technology obviously butts up against the laws of physics. From 2016 – then ARENA says concentrated solar thermal not viable should have laid projects to rest – the death of solar thermal at Forbes NSW – but Dr Hewson campaigns in Wentworth byelection still spruiking solar thermal. We are about to elect a GreenLeft Fed Govt and solar thermal might ride again.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations