OK this puzzle is OT from climate but a fascinating part of the Pearl Harbor story.
This year I have read (and reread) the “revisionist” Pearl Harbor book “Day of Deceit” by Robert Stinnett and I have my reservations about some claims he makes about intelligence the US was deriving from IJN radio traffic.
Moving on from that – Continue reading Did Admiral Kimmel exercise his fleet north of Oahu 21st to 24th Nov 1941 ?
Concise climate sceptics list
Blundering around the www I stumbled on this readable article by Chris Boyd from Quora (which is a grabby site). Readers here might like to check thru these bullet points pertinent to a sceptic position and who knows make some suggestions/additions/comments. Word 2003 doc with original links preserved.
For easy read full text no links I have numbered the 27 bullet points Continue reading Concise climate sceptics list
BoM claim Perth record Nov heat not so robust
The ABC reports Perth endures hottest November day since records began as Western Australia sizzles in the heat. BoM says – “…40.4 degrees on Saturday — the hottest November day since records began in 1897.” What a pack of rubbish!!
Perth has seen hotter days including 40.7 at Bentley Curtin 009161 on 22Nov1978.
ABC seem unaware Venice is sinking
Our ABC is running articles on recent flooding in Venice which reached 187cm a tad below the 1966 level of 194cm. I saw a segment on ABC News24 TV where various people blame climate change but it is amazing that the ABC can not mention that Venice is also sinking due to ground water extraction and compaction. I have not watched videos at the four links. Here is a pdf download Computing the relative land subsidence at Venice, Italy, over the last fifty years
Army live firing ignites bushfire again
I see the ABC reporting on claims Army live firing in Queensland may have ignited a bushfire.
On 16Oct2013 the Army were disposing of unwanted ordnance at Marrangaroo near Lithgow in the Blue Mountains and that started a bushfire “causing destruction of bushfire and property.”
History repeats. Google – army live firing igniting bushfires – look for the defence link to commission of inquiry.
Bushfire history not hard to find
In light of constant media and Govt claims that current bushfires on the NSW North Coast are “unprecedented”.
I spent 15 minutes checking TROVE the great NLA site for scanned ancient newspapers searching only “fires Taree”. Feel free to post other examples of cool season fires from other north coast localities.
Several bush fires occurred in various parts of the Taree district last week, with rather disastrous consequences. 23Oct1925
Taree was threatened on Sunday night by huge bush fires, which raged within 200 yards of the railway line, until the wind veered. 10Oct1928
Forest fires in Taree district 29August1936
BoM changing temperature extremes history
Lance Pidgeon has been working on these 2002 Tables of daily temperature extremes for each Australian State & Territory from the ABS and I decided to show his findings re daily max in this Table. Minimums later.
Readers can check for themselves the BoM sources we used which I have colour coded in my Table.
Red is for what the ABS shows.
Blue shows information from the BoM CDO Climate Data Online.
Pink shows information from the BoM Climate statistics for Australian locations. Change the site number in the URL.
Green shows information from the BoM Daily Extremes Table (select your State and choose Annual which is the bottom Table)
The BoM have since 2011 produced the ACORN adjusted dataset of daily max & min temperatures for their selected sites across Australia and any historic daily max or min from CDO can be altered hotter or colder by ACORN including record extreme hot days. There is now ACORN Version 1 and 2. Generally ACORN adjusts the early part of the 20th Century cooler and more recent data warmer – thus increasing a warming trend in Australian data.
Below are examples of ACORN changes to from the ABS Tables for Oodnadatta and Canberra.
Table showing changes to Oodnadatta; ACORNv1 made no changes but ACORNv2 this year increased the all time Australian hot day record on 2 Jan 1960 from 50.7 to 51.1.
Canberra – ACORNv1 starts at March 1939 so excludes the ACTON record of 42.8 on 11 Jan 1939 but ACORNv2 has rediscovered ACTON and cools the 42.8 to 42.2. 1939 Acton Table. Note further down the Acton table some large cooling changes of -2.3 degrees. Our pioneers sure had bad eyesight.
The old Canberra Airport 70014 saw a hottest day of 42.2 on 1 Feb 1968 which ACORNv1 increased to 42.4 and ACORNv2 snipped that back to 42.3. Fiddle, faddle, stroke & tweak thats the BoM playing with ACORN.
Extreme minimum records by the ABS 2002 see links above. Continue reading BoM changing temperature extremes history
BoM relocates Birdsville to NSW
Noticed this while working on extreme max T readings that have been vanished by the BoM.
The Annual extremes table for NSW has Birdsville Airport in the list – see my screen saved. Lance tells me Birdsville Airport is an ACORN site too.
How can we believe the BoM and all the blah blah on “climate change” and “extreme weather” when they can stuff up such a simple thing as this and fail to notice the error themselves.
Deterioration in recent BoM rainfall data
This pioneering weather map from the Sydney Morning Herald 5Feb1877 has a list of 33 towns and locations in New South Wales where daily weather observations, rainfall, max & min temperature, barometric pressure etc were being recorded. 34 if you count Sydney Observatory Hill.
For many years I have been puzzled at the deterioration in BoM rainfall data more recent than about 1995 and this list of heritage NSW weather stations is a useful source to test my 2008 claim on a group of significant BoM stations choosen by somebody else. For each location name I have searched CDO for monthly
rainfall data from ~1870’s and for sites that closed decades ago to fill gaps. I have added a site or sites till I got data ~current to 2019. I have not cut and pasted every location into a spreadsheet to test for every missing year – that can wait until I have more time.
My spreadsheet records 64 stations used to build a full record for each of the 34 locations – many could be improved by adding data from the closest Airport AWS which might be further away and as I said in the above sentence there may be a few where missing years I have not eyeballed need hunting down from neighbours.
Here is my spreadsheet where marked in red are 22 examples of “post ~1995 gappy data”.
You can check the data for yourself near the bottom of the CDO page where 3: Get the Data invites you to
type the station number and hit the Get Data button. Easy. See examples of the data deterioration –
increasing gaps – for yourself. Modern AWS sites are not immune to data gaps.
South Australianisation of NSW electricity
Today there was much political beat-up on TV news over a small 190MW QNI upgrade (an interconnector to Qld) costing ~$102Mill. Prime Minister Scott Morrison and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian with other Ministers in attendance talked about “…putting downward pressure on wholesale prices..”. The purest fantasies you will hear. AEMO has a Generation Information page where you can download Excel files setting out State by State installed capacity also showing new projects for a few years ahead. OpenNem has useful generation presentations.
Here is a Table showing changes to generation out to 2023. Continue reading South Australianisation of NSW electricity