Coastal erosion at Port Fairy Victoria

The ABC report boulders strewn across a road after storm waves and quote experts blaming sea level rise.
It seems that almost three years ago there were works extending a rock wall. Monthly sea level data from tide gauges at Portland and Lorne show that from about 2015-16 sea levels have fallen till the end of last year. We will look out for updated data – and there are a few missing months I can checkout but I wanted to present the raw data. Link to chart

Perspective re the late Prince Philip “spear throwing” question

Media has been remembering “gaffes” by the now departed Prince Philip and the time in 2002 when he asked aboriginal performers “do you still throws spears at each other”. Only a few minutes with Mr Google turns up many articles about spearing in the leg as a traditional tribal punishment.

Shonky BoM minimum t data still obvious

My old National Night-Time Hot Spot (NNTHS) may have been vanished but several more candidates are blinking away 2013-2020. I see there are “cool spot” anomalies repeating too.
BoM data is so tortured they can not rid these maps of obvious errors. Larger map.

ScoMo Gov path to doom

It is ironic that the above crystallizes to near certainty at Easter with crucifixion analogies and on 1st Apr.
In view of the crescendo of attacks yesterday on the Feds by Qld & NSW over slow vacc rates it looks clearer now that all the States have been antagonistic towards the Feds dating back over a year now. Motormouth Morrison has been a slow learner maintaining a public fiction that “at least we get on well with NSW”. Anybody watching news yesterday could be disgusted that on such a serious issue as vaccination and at a time of flood disaster relief our various layers of Gov can not make an effort to cooperate delivering for Australians. Instead grabbing the opportunity to dissemble and weave a web of changing lies about why they are withholding vaccs to add to attacks on the hapless Morrison Gov who are indeed beset from all sides.
If I had cartooning skills I would be thinking of the ScoMo Gov deep in a shellhole in enemy territory surrounded on all sides by their enemies – China, States, ABC, activist women, Eurozone holding back Oz vaccs, anti-damists, climate emergency, anti-coal, anti-gas, country shopper and extinction rebellion advocates, NZ PM at times. I am sure there are more.

BoM rainfall maps NSW north coast floods

I thought it was interesting in view of the NSW north coast floods in the headlines lately to compare the current month Rainfall percentages map to a few other months of notable rainfall. Readers can very easily change the BoM map specs to view other months or parameters. I used the Kempsey (Wide Street) 59017 monthly rainfall data as a guide and made maps for – Feb 1929 which showed a larger area plus 400% on the NSW North Coast. June 1967 showed a much larger area as did June 1950. There would be many more flood events but these caught my eye. If any readers can obtain current month outflows to sea data for the NSW North Coast – and or historic monthly flows to sea data please pass on. For the Sydney region Nov 1961 is mentioned as the worst flood in living memory. June 1950, Feb 1956 and Apr 1988 maps are worth a look. June 1867 is reported as the worst ever – way higher than this month – and looking at monthly rain data I see Parramatta 66046 records over 500mm in May 1889 and March 1892 – too early for maps.
It does seem out of touch that in this day and age we still have so many Sydney houses flood prone.

BoM rain Outlook stellar fail for March

Checkout the rainfall Outlook for March and compare with month to date rainfall percentages for Australia and you will see the small areas on the east coast where BoM can claim success. Set against the vast areas of heavy March rainfall elsewhere across wide brown land where BoM Outlook has had stellar failure.

Below here actual rainfall percentages to the 23rd March

Perspective around the WA Labor election triumph

Since Premier McGowan’s big election win 4 years ago the Liberals won the Darling Range byelection in June 2018.
Then in the May 2019 Federal Election the Liberals(or + LNP Coalition) did well in WA winning 11 seats to 5 for Labor. Bushfires dominated our media in 2019 and into Jan 2020.
It is only since the Wuhan Flu, cruise-ships publicity, formation of the extra-constitutional disastrous National Cabinet and virus safety issues became prominent about a year ago the Premier McGowan’s popularity started to boom resulting in yesterdays State Election triumph for Labor and wipeout for the Liberals.
In May China opened a trade war with Australia putting a tariff amounting to a ban on our barley exports. Since then a variety of our other commodities have been targeted by the CCP and our responses have generally been that our Minister whines that his phone calls to Beijing are not answered.
In the midst of all this harmfull background it was unfortunate that WA secession memories were set loose in 2020 and as I write Chinese Govt ships are poking around off the NW WA coast and a Chinese resources company has been granted a mining “lease” in Cockatoo Sound which has a “port” from past mining operations. The Canberra Gov says it is near a “military training ground”.
I expect there will be many CCP agents in WA influencing whoever well connected Labor people with the remotest links to the Govt. (Note – posted in haste – to be added to later – if anybody has WA poll results timeline going back into 2019 I would appreciate link or screen save pic – thanks)

Cool summer 2021 for wide brown land

Summer daytime temperatures across Australia were cooler than the average from 1910 even with the graph built from the BoM tweaked ACORN temperature series where the past has been cooled to fit IPCC dogmas. Checking out the summer Outlooks against the real world – the Minimum Temperature Outlook takes the prize for utter failure. How could BoM models predict such an extreme Outlook?
Ask me if you can not find something. Enjoy the way the BoM is promoting warming stories in the face of the cool summer. Ningaloo Nino: The climate phenomenon worrying scientists 1Mar21

Australia descends into farce

As we shambled into 2021 the PM seemed to be cruising towards an early election against a divided opposition and this week started with Gov news that “The Eagle has Landed” meaning the first batch of the Pfizer vaccine has arrived.
Now in less than a week we are a global spectacle. Starting with ongoing revelations about an alleged rape in the early hours of 23Mar2019 during a drunken escapade in the Parliament House office of the Defence Minister. How the pair of highly paid privileged staffers got through security on a weekend visibly affected by alcohol is yet to be fully explained. The PM claims he first learnt of this two year old saga of secrecy known by so many, only days ago and he has initiated inquiries and reviews amid widespread scepticism that he should have known earlier. Yesterday we had the Defence Minister blubbering in the Senate unable to answer questions.
I also saw news that the GovGeneral’s staff have been doing a “Privilege Walk” – one step forward if you catch a bus – one step backward if you drove your car. The expression – “you could not make this stuff up” comes to mind.
Then we have Facebook cancelling links to many Australian Gov www sites leading to many politicians hyperventilating. You would think the internet did not exist. FB & Google have never paid fair tax here and recently Gov has been trying to get them to pay media orgs for Oz news content that the digital giants make a mega-$motza from.
In the middle of this news breaks that a group of Nationals favour developing nuclear power and I heard of a surprising number of Liberals who want a move towards including nuclear in our energy mix.
While I favour nuclear power (and Australia having “the bomb”) I realise that Green, Labor, NIMBY, State Govs and Indigenous issues would likely stymie any moves towards nuclear power plants – the term “snowballs chance in hell” comes to mind.
Meanwhile our water bureaucrats are firmly anti-dam. Let’s see how our motormouth PM navigates ahead after last week.

“Choice” concerned about water efficiency labelling

I got this email from the consumer organization Choice. ( Do you look at water rating labels when buying a new dishwasher, washing machine or shower head?
Australia’s water efficiency labelling scheme requires many products to include a ‘water rating’ sticker that shows how efficiently they use water. The system is currently being reviewed by the government, so this is a crucial opportunity to keep companies honest and make it easier for you to choose water-efficient appliances.
I want the government to hear directly from consumers who use the scheme, so I’ve put this quick survey together to help shape what we ask the government to improve. Warwick, will you take a moment to share your thoughts?
Together, we can make sure Australia’s water efficiency labelling scheme remains an important tool to keep water-wasting products off the market. Share your thoughts to help improve the scheme now. Thanks for your support,)

My thoughts are that we should be considering the “anti-dam” realities of both State and Commonwealth public services and the negative effect of that on water policy and consumers. The failure over 30 years to augment major municipal water supply dams and the ludicrous squandering of $20Bn on unwanted seawater desalination has been an ongoing multi-Gov disaster.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations