I thought Dr Roy Spencer could have mentioned that the BoM Australian mean temperature series he used was ACORN SAT V2 where the past is adjusted colder – Australia Surface review are so effective and how it’s now also possible to buy them at affordable rates now. The Earnings Tax Act 1961 has particular procurements which provide tax cuts to the “benefactors”. online viagra Ejaculatory issues usually indicate that the impotence is due to atherosclerosis, it can be cured with Sildenafil Kamagra. Temperatures Compared to UAH Satellite Data Over the Last 40 Years – reblogged at Watts – there was no mention of the word ACORN on the web page at either site when I checked.
After UN IPCC “global warming” was birthed over 30 years ago by the Gnomes of Norwich with datasets polluted by almost every city on Planet Earth – the UKMO finds 1.7 degrees UHI warming in UK wide minimum temperatures. There is an easily downloaded 5Mb pdf linked to at Watts.
ABC can not mention rain
Just saw this on ABC TVNews24 discussing carbon farming and they mentioned Longreach which has had ~twice average March rain which the TV program never mentioned. This www article mentions Thargominda – Indigenous group looks to carbon farming to regenerate the outback 1Apr19 also not a word about big Feb- Mar rain over ~90% of the State. Easy to click “earlier” and go back to Feb.
Our cars under threat with Agenda 21
As if our motoring has not been under threat for decades as we head towards USSR lite. NRMA calls for ban on sale of petrol and diesel cars by 2030. The answer is we have to vote for MP’s who will oppose unreasonable changes and protect motorists rights – gosh I thought that was what NRMA did.
Prof Peter Ridd legal fight re the GBR
Jennifer Marohasy has been blogging about this court case now running in Brisbane.
Gideon Rozner has a concise 3 minute YouTube clip explaining yesterday in court.
Political Donations 2017-18 Fin Year
Spreadsheet through The Guardian – Gross donations $85million – 2,285 donations averaging $37,255 – all the Party Groups. AEC
BoM rain map massive errors
Watching the meanderings inland of the weakening cyclone Trevor I see this BoM contoured rain map omits the massive 85.8mm of rain at Jervois – a lone weather station east of Alice Springs. This map shows negligible rain at Jervois for 1st to 25th March yet Jervois had 85.8mm on the 25th. Large map.
Statistics for Jervois show mean rain for March is 32.9mm so 85.8 is 2.6 times the mean.
Area without rain gauges in SE NT and SA four times the size of Belgium.
Waiting for Godot
2 articles from David Archibald – “Global Warming Fraud Is on Life Support” and “The F-35: Such a Complete and Utter Dog”.
David is also speaking in Five Dock Sydney 4Apr2019 – Get there.
I hear David is speaking in Canberra on Saturday 6Apr19 – details not known yet but I will post here later.
1910 cyclone Mozambique “thousands killed”
I think the cyclone hit in April 1910 but our press reports are dated May and June. Can anybody find better confirmation of the death toll?
The UN has been saying “Cyclone Idai ‘might be southern hemisphere’s worst such disaster’ “
Please report any other comparable severe cyclones recorded in our old newspaper files.
US & Japan war-gamed Pearl Harbor attack in 1930’s
I decided to read again “At Dawn We Slept” starting at page 1. The first few dozen pages surprised me with the extent to which both sides Navy staffs had kicked around the idea of an aerial attack on Oahu/Pearl Harbor/the US Fleet during 1930’s war games(bottom page 14 Japan and top page 33 US).
The subject was enlivened after the British success (hell they needed a success) with an airborne torpedo attack on the Italian Fleet at Taranto 12Nov1940.
Admiral Yamamoto wrote to high Navy colleagues on the subject in Jan1941 saying that if war with the US was inevitable then a surprise carrier borne attack on the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor could give Japan a head start.
Late in January the Peruvian Ambassador in Tokyo heard a rumour of an attack on Pearl Harbor and passed this on to the US Ambassador and it was duly passed to State Dept., Navy in Washington, Navy in Hawaii and was duly kicked around with many top people having a say. Com. McCollum at ONI dismissed the warning as “rumours”.
All this was against a back ground of much high level Navy discussion from December to February initially ignited by the British Fleet Air Arm torpedo attack on the Italian fleet at Taranto.
Fast forward to late 1941 – so despite all the above,
despite the Japanese Consulate in Honolulu sending home gridded maps of the Pearl Harbor fleet anchorage with various Fleet units mapped;
despite US Navy Intelligence losing radio touch with the Japanese carriers late Nov1941;
despite Japan changing Navy radio codes twice within a month, unheard of;
despite Japan instructing Embassies & Consulates to burn codes;
despite various “war warnings” to Pearl Harbor from Washington;
despite the Japanese invasion force observed moving south towards Malaya;
The disaster the US Navy had speculated about for years came to pass like clockwork; and within a few months it had turned out a bigger disaster for Japan.