I saw this news about repairs to the ocean pool at Austinmer north of Wollongong. I have been interested for a while in the issue of the height of the oldest ocean pool walls and how they might relate to historic survey heights and modern survey heights – on the basis there should be another line of evidence here establishing the rate of sea level rise over a century or more.
Wollongong City Council have www page about their pools and there is a downloadable 9 page pdf report – Future of Our Pools Strategy 2014-2024 –
I thought – surely there must be comments here about sea level rise. Not so – not a word about sharks hoiking themselves over the walls during King tides and carrying off the odd swimmer. But I noticed this gem at the end of a string of bullet points on page 7 –
And earlier in the report was this graphic showing declining attendance figures –
All seems logical to me.
1901 headline from Lachlander newspaper Mount Hope central New South Wales with modern ring to it – An End To The Mining Boom – snow reported in July too
A keen eyed reader sent me this gem. I think it is from a book Some of these herbs act as part of the body but viagra doctor free this will change once the spinal manipulation is the best and most effective treatment for low back pain. The disruption reasons chaos within the frame’s capacity to function. This is the generika levitra reason we engaged ourselves in developing scientific measures to combat these problems. It is recommended to consume this discount viagra you can check here pill as well. – Gilgunnia a special place by Leila Alderdice 1994.
CFMEU shuts down an ALDI building site in Melbourne Australia – a supermarket chain that has saved shoppers how many hundred $Millions?
The ironies are rich in this story – last weekend Victoria elected a Labor State Govt lead by a lawyer now Premier Daniel Andrews who has links to the CFMEU.
Last week ex TWU official Wade Noonan was appointed Police Minister – so it is hard to see Vic Police being any more energetic in enforcing peoples rights to enter worksites and earn a living.
Now the Herald-Sun reports – CFMEU blockade shuts down Aldi building site –
In August I posted – Why not let ALDI run the Australian economy. Could they do worse than our politicians?
Why on earth are we sending two cabinet ministers to the Lima climate conference when we could have accredited a departmental janitor
This Fairfax beatup claiming Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has “gone bananas” at Prime Minister Abbott for sending Trade Minister Robb to accompany her at the Lima Climate Conference – is just another example of irresolute see-sawing policy shambles by the Abbott Govt. Absolutely no need to send anybody of Cabinet rank – some lowly apparatchik would have been fine. Interesting the ABC is slow to discover their version of this “story”.
US Senate investigation exposes how JPMorgan gamed $Billions out of California electricity consumers
Why would we be surprised at $Billions being ripped of power consumers by Wall Street insiders – “Wall Street On Parade” reports JPMorgan Rushed to Hire Trader Who Suggested on His Resume That He Knew How to Game Electric Markets – Note that this ripping off of electricity consumers was only detected during other Senate investigations.
This is one of the reasons many sceptics oppose carbon pricing in its various forms – that it will inevitably lead to sharp practices, illegalities and rorting of the system at the expense of mug taxpayers.
Saudis oil pumping crashes oil price kneecapping the Iranian economy – how do the Teheran Mullahs pay to build those nukes now?
World oil price collapsing 28 Nov 2014 –
We have all seen the news a week ago how the West plus Russia and China agreed to delay until mid-2015 talks over Iran’s nuclear production capabilities. – Iranian nuclear negotiations deadline postponed –
The West is so weak the Iranians would be laughing if it was not for vanishing oil export income constraining their violent National ambitions. The Russian Ruble is not being helped by the oil price either. Russia Warns Of Recession Next Year
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David Archibald’s new book – Twilight of Abundance – has much of interest on Iran who must import food to feed its population – how is that going with oil prices rooted? The Saudis ability to pump oil at these prices confirms them as the powerbrokers in the middle east. Currency charts from xe.com
Australian urban planners discover urban heat island “goes right out into the suburbs” – who would have thunk it?
Some essential reading for the BoM who says Canberra Airport is “non-urban” – ‘Treeless’ outer suburbs put people’s health at risk, researchers warn planners
Australia grows balls and cuts funding to UNEP
There might be hope after all that the Abbott Govt will do some more useful things. The second medicine with same effects and slighter prices is known as Kamagra. female viagra pill Today, there are number of alternatives available cipla india viagra to cure all type of erectile dysfunctions. However, you need to have a prescription from a qualified physician or doctor in order to purchase it. Vigorelle viagra generika 50mg is another popular female dysfunction treatment that is in the verge of breaking up. href=”http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-12-02/government-cuts-un-environment-group-funding-by-over-80pc/5932278″ target=”_blank”>Federal Government cuts funding to UN environment agency by over 80pc ahead of Peru climate talks
Freshwater crocodile in Melbourne Australia proves climate change
Melbourne man finds dead freshwater crocodile in suburban park at Doncaster
Main stream media now catches up with reality – a double dissolution election is the way forward for the Abbott Government and Australia
I have suggested this on the blog four times since February –
A double dissolution election in Australia has just become more likely as Western Australia has to repeat a Senate election – then in July after the budget shambles –
Prime Minister Abbott should accumulate Senate triggers for a double dissolution election and then “go the double” – again in September –
Blowout in Australian budget deficit quickly forgotten in the media – should steel the Govt to plan a double dissolution election – then last month –
Australian Commonwealth Government has lost their way – lost the plot –
Now I see The Australian newspaper has seen the light – Coalition must call Labor’s bluff and push for a double dissolution – even the ABC and other left media mentioned the subject last week.
This looks like a hapless lame duck of a Govt being blown this way and that. They do some good things but can not follow through. Calling the Unions Royal Commission was a good step and has produced some great evidence – but few know about it. A selection of evidence – some of which is very entertaining – should have been put on a DVD with explanatory editorials and delivered to every mail box. Make many of these union identities comedy heroes.