The Australian Academy of Science quotes “unusually weak solar activity” as one reason for the post 2001 temperature slowdown

Download the 7MB pdf report – page 10 Box 2.2 for the amazing quote saying […unusually weak solar activity] is a cooling influence. That they have the hide to include that in the face of decades of the IPCC refusing to accept the sun was affecting changes in earths temperature.

They also say [None of these influences is likely to continue over the long term.] Talk about messy statements – so solar – aerosols – volcanoes are all short term.
I like the quotes in Box 2.1 – where they pontificate about measuring “climate variables” – They say – (with careful account for changes in instrument types,
observational practices, instrument locations and urban areas)
It could be re-written along lines – with careful account for changes in instrument types, observational practices, instrument locations and taking care to include in global temperature compilations artificially warmed data from every urban area on the planet.

Major UK political parties adopt common climate policies – must give a boost to the UKIP

Party leaders make joint climate commitment – seems amazing that the Govt could not separate itself from Labour and whoever the other guy is.

How quickly the media let Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk break her clear promise ruling out minority government

The ABC reported on 12 January that Labor Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk ruled out forming a minority government.
Queensland election 2015: Palaszczuk rules out minority government option
Does anybody have a link to video of her saying that ?
Courier Mail had the quote too with her saying “I’ll make it very clear – no, no, no, no deals.”

Farmers call for an end to Murray Darling Basin water wasting plan

I just hope people in power are listening to the farmers who want an end to the green nonsense of pushing for more water to be wasted down to the sea.
Farmers warn Murray Darling Basin Plan needs to end, but scientists say signs of river system recovery on display
Abolishing the Murray Darling Basin Commission would be a plus.

Another international rescue effort underway in the Antarctic – this time to free Tasmanian fishing boat trapped in sea ice

According to the ABC article which is short on detail – Tasmanian fishing ship Antarctic Chieftain trapped in ice after breaking propeller
The fishing boat then went on to become enclosed in the ice. They say the US icebreaker “Polar Star” is on the way.

At a time in mid-summer when overall the Antarctic ice is still losing area but according to The Cryosphere Today graphic before March the total ice area will start increasing again.
Informative story on this saga with current photos is at

January days over Australia the coolest since 2000 – contrary to Bureau of Meteorology predictions

Maps tell the story – first the Outlook prediction for a hot January

Then the real world result.

I do not know why taxpayers money is wasted making proclamations that so often turn out worthless. Time Series Graph Jan max t anomaly

Australian Bureau of Meteorology predicted a dry January but it turned out very wet

A major rain event starting in Alice Springs ~7th and running about a week destroyed the BoM dry prediction. I have not seen a reason quoted for that – did the jetstream wobble – for sure the moonsoon belt fired up to the south. I wonder how useful this rain Outlook was.
January rain Outlook

January actual rain percentages – you can make maps of other parameters

Sydney enjoys coldest Australia Day for 58 years

Of course you are seeing this in MSM headlines?
Yesterday Sydney barely struggled above 20°C on Australia Day the 26th January 2015 – in the face of the ever growing urban heat island too – 30 minute data preserved – online here – In 1965 the max was 20.7 (ACORN says 20.9) then in 1957 the max was 19.4 (ACORN said 19.6) Daily max and min data – as I write the BoM is slow to update the max for Monday. But Australian Weather News already has Monday the 26th at 20.0

How much longer will the Abbott Government allow the Bureau of Meteorology to damage itself by keeping on crying wolf about ordinary very hot spells

There we go again – BoM predictions of heat records – Weather records set to tumble with temperatures in WA tipped to hit 50C
But the BoM predictions were shown to be rubbish after weather reality. ‘Extreme heatwave’ in WA’s north brings sizzling temperatures but no records
A quick look around Pilbara and nearby regions from this AWN map – shows that except for the Marble Bar near miss – how hollow the BoM predictions turned out.
This is how pitiful their record hot day turned out –

BoM calls a hottest day ever record temperature in Alice Springs 4.5°C above reality

How could professional met people make such a huge mistake? BoM withdraws advice Alice Springs recorded its hottest day ever, blames faulty thermometer
It just shows the pressure people in the organization must feel after a damp and mild start to January. To not take time checking that before blurting out their twaddle to the ABC. Even now at 4pm AEST this BoM page shows 46 – and the AWN page with feed from deep in the BoM shows 42 – why 42 – where did that come from if their spokesfolk are telling the ABC 41.5.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations