A reminder of global temperature trends through geologic time

Puts where we are now in perspective. I found myself looking for paleoclimate data from Australia – failing to find any charts going back through the Tertiary. So I thought it worthwhile reminding ourselves of the long term global trends.
Climate change during the last 65 million years – thanks to Robert A. Rohde for the chart below.

There is also a chart going back to the Cambrian – the first common ocurrence of fossil life forms – 540million years – chart by Glen Fergus. Note the timescale on these charts varies greatly.

Is the media over-reporting the Twiggy Forrest campaign to better use water resources in northern Australia ?

The ABC reports – Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest calls for harvesting of rivers, underground aquifers to droughtproof agricultural areas. They report – “Mr Forrest wants to droughtproof Australia.” It reads to me like a push to exploit water resources in the north of Australia and I am sure more could be done along those lines. The coalition was talking about using northern water resources in early 2013 – that seems to have sunk lately.
Good luck to Mr Forrest pushing his ideas but we are light years from achieving sensible water reforms. The Murray Darling Basin plan still proposes to waste huge amounts of water to flush the Murray mouth, pandering to South Australia.
Just look at the waste of Melbourne water supply Thomson Dam water by environmental flows – 35% through the dryer years 2002-2009. Any proposal in the north will meet trenchant opposition from several well known quarters. I doubt any serious projects could get up with our MSM so GreenLeft.

The ABC hosts the BoM prattling on about a warmer than average Autumn for Canberra but ignores inconvenient fact that the BoM summer Outlook failed for the ACT region

Canberra set for warmer than average autumn due to rise in ocean temperatures: Bureau of Meteorology. The BoM said “…this year’s autumn weather conditions would be relative to 2014, which saw record-breaking temperatures.” What are they talking about ? Autumn 2014 was near average for the ACT.
Summer Outlooks for Australia only had minor areas cooler than average or in the uncoloured average zones.

Real world summer days saw anomalies in the -1° to +1°C zone or cooler for the majority of Australia.

Giant US climate group NOAA jumps the shark claiming El Nino has arrived

NOAA: Elusive El Niño arrives – While the 30 day SOI is near neutral?
In view that NOAA and many other IPCC compliant spokes-folks have been calling an El Nino for a year now – it would appear that instead of quietly walking away whistling from their stone dead failed prediction and getting on with more useful work for USA taxpayers – NOAA has decided to use their prestige to say El Nino is here anyway. Crazy – but this is one of the effects of the IPCC on climate science.

Another useless Bureau of Meteorology Outlook – Australian summer rain shows BoM has not got a clue persevering with failed models

The BoM rain Outlook for summer predicted only minor areas would enjoy above average rain-

yet average and above average decile rain fell over vast areas – over the majority of the area of Australia.

Why is the BoM allowed to waste our taxes publishing these useless Outlooks?

How pathetic is the West – are we really feeding our enemies in Syria?

Just read this – Let’s Not Feed Our Enemies – and the linked article – In addition, you also have Sildenafil, Kamagra Polo, Avanafil, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil at your disposal for treating Erectile Dysfunction. This medicine is very inexpensive and won’t cialis generic uk be effective if a person is not sexually excited. target=”_blank”>Syria: Lies To Die For – while in need of editing is well worth the time to read through.

Where are the category 5 wind gust observations for Cyclone Marcia?

The BoM rates Marcia as a Cat 5 now – yet the strongest wind gusts I can find are 208kmh at Middle Percy Island at 4.30am. which indicates Cat 3.
ABC News24 is quoting wind gusts 300kmh – the Qld Premier is on news quoting 280kmh wind gusts.
As I write coming up 11.30am St Lawrence had gusts of 44kmh at 4am and Williamson 96kmh recorded at 8.30am Qld time of course. Williamson looks near fair & square in the path. Can anybody point me to online Cat 5 wind observations ?

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations