This happened Friday night before 9.30pm reports the NZ Herald. But as of 8am NSW time Saturday I can not see reports of local rain at Whangarei by the NZ Metservice dot com. Can anybody point me to rain data from Whangarei from pm Saturday? Thanks.
SE Australia cold start to June
The ABC reports Adelaide CBD records coldest morning since 1944 as ice forms on River Torrens – I had been watching this cold spell for a few daze. Cooma Airport AWS 70217 has seen the coldest first 10 days of June (-3.24) since 2000 which averaged -3.81. I have not checked Canberra. The Minimum Temperature Outlook for June issued on 28 May predicts warm anomalies for June. The Minimum Temperature maps for 5th June shows the SE Australian cool patch and you can easily explore forward or back from there as the month progresses.
ABC reports experiences of Lake Conjola fires
At a time when the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements is sounding like a “festival of AGW/climate change” with BoM spokes talking up “dire” climate change –
the ABC can not quote anybody that questions the wisdom of communities such as Lake Conjola.
I have not heard a word about decades of increasing south coast populations – increasing post WWII subdivision of “bush blocks” by Councils taking population into areas of elevated fire risk – increased areas of National Parks(NSW State) which were previously forests that were managed better and simultaneous decreased management of vegetation adding to fire risk. This Google map of Lake Conjola shows clearly the extent to which areas of housing abut hard up against fire prone native bush. Large map.
Disasters waiting to happen with the clear warning of Tathra in March 2018 then the drought extends adding to fuel combustibility. If anybody knows of historic population trends for any south coast shires please post. I note too that housing blocks at Malua Bay south of Batemans Bay have been advertised on TV for months with forest pictured right near housing. I think I read where Minister Andrew Constance is from there. I hear nothing on TV news about reducing future fire risk or not rebuilding in danger.
May Outlooks hopeless BoM bungled disasters
All three Australian BoM May 2020 Climate Outlooks turned out to be useless – hopelessly wrong – obviously the “BoM hot-shot weather & climate Honchos” had not a clue about what was coming down the Australian region weather/climate pipeline for May 2020.
May rain Outlook prediction – note predicted wet southern WA turned out dry – note how predicted dry tropics turned out so exactly wet. Gotta love that BoM.
May Max temperature Outlook prediction – note predicted cool southern WA turned out the national patch of warm days – note the predicted HOT tropics turned out cool. Utterly uselss BoM did not have a clue.
May Min temperature Outlook prediction – Yikes scorching hot nights predicted near everywhere by the omnipotent BoM but reality tells of anomalously cold nights mostly everywhere.
Yet this last week BoM people will have been pontificating wisely at the laughable Royal Commission on the fires – I bet not a peep from anybody about this recent embarrassing BoM disaster.
NZ water problems look political
I see this press article from Aotearoa – Calls for Crown intervention as Auckland’s Waikato River water application stagnates Feb2020 – So Auckland’s WaterCare org made an application in 2013 !! to access more Waikato water – and there are still hundreds of other applications in the queue ahead of it. Can anybody find up to date a long term chart or freely downloadable time series data for the Waikato River annual flow near the mouth?
Ditto can anybody find up to date freely downloadable time series data for annual or monthly rainfall data for main NZ centres?
CV depression compared with Great Frost of 1709
This illuminates what is at stake as the GreenLeft fight to prevent a return to a pre-Covid-19 economy.
Great Frost 1709: why experts are comparing the economic impact of coronavirus to Europe’s worst recession in history 15Apr2020 The Great Frost of 1709 was towards the end of the Little Ice Age/Maunder Minimum. The GreenLeft hate that Western economic progress is assisted slightly by minor changes to weather. So expect the GreenLeft to fight to keep CV controls and increased Govt spending.
The Anticancer Garden in Australia
New book by David Archibald reviews the anticancer properties of ~140 plants in Australia.
160 pages of what looks like fascinating stuff – considering that all of us should pay attention to cancer as we age. Two sample pages – p74 – p75 Click for the Back Cover and 4 Contents pages Continue reading The Anticancer Garden in Australia
WuhanVirus as a ChiCom ops
Thinking over the amazing Australian events where as I write 59 mostly old people have died over ? 8 weeks – prob most with co-morbidities (against Oz normal average death rate ~3,000 per week).
The stunning rapidity of Fed Govt/States response with ‘National Cabinet'(for which there is no history or constitutional origin) – why not COAG?
The stunning rapidity of the formulation of the stimulii packages half $Trillion explosion in our national debt.
This from Govts who can not build a new dam in decades. Continue reading WuhanVirus as a ChiCom ops
BoM omit UHI/etc claiming Perth hottest ever April day
Over a century of urban development must feed in to daily max and mins as would the late 20th Century change to AWS readings compared to to slower responding liquid in glass thermometers.
Some old blogs — Satellites define the surface urban heat island (UHI) for 419 global cities 25Feb2013
The ever watchful Chris Gillham emailed this in re a hot day in April 1879. Chris Gillham Scribeworks
Vast areas already enjoying productive rain by 2 Apr
Must mean $Bns to agri sector. BoM Rainfall Outlook for Jan-Mar 2020 how many million square kms wrong
Max t Outlook 1 Jan to 31 Mar 2020. Three-monthly mean maximum temperature anomaly for Australia 1 Jan to 31 Mar 2020 same question.