2011 explanation CCP hostility to Australia

Last month I blogged – Timeline of CCP attacks on Australia from 2008
The 2011 book Energy Security 2.0 is available at Art of Victory as a 3.5Mb pdf (scroll down right hand side)
Chapter VII By Yossef Bodansky – is titled – Energy: the Driver of the Grand Strategy of the PRC
I have copied and pasted Ch VII below and will work through removing paste errors and “bolding” text that hits me as contributing to explaining/understanding our current issues with China. I might add a note or two myself bold inside brackets.

Energy: the Driver of the Grand Strategy of the PRC
By Yossef Bodansky
THE RISING ECONOMIC AND STRATEGIC power of the People’s Republic of China(PRC) is clearly the key dynamic of Indo-Pacific and Eurasian geopolitics for the coming decade, and the PRC’s focus on fossil fuels as an integral component and priority of this grand strategy will drive both energy markets and security issues for much of the world in the coming decade and more. In 2009-10, the PRC was at a crucial junction in its historic ascent as a global strategic power, an ascent which began meaningfully in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union some two decades earlier. There were two major milestones in the evolution of the PRC’s post-Cold War grand strategy. The first phase ensued from the analysis by the PRC’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the then-nascent US-led globalization, the shape of hi-tech wars as demonstrated in the US-led Operation Desert Storm against Iraq (1990-91), and the trauma of the PRC’s own Tiananmen Square confrontation (1989). Continue reading 2011 explanation CCP hostility to Australia

Australia Day thoughts

As we near the 26th of January some reflection is due and as one who supports keeping the date as it is I will try and set out some relevant points. Once those First Fleet ocean weary seamen and their human cargo began landing to establish what is now Sydney and New South Wales – a cosmic bell tolled for the end of the Stone Age across the wide brown great southern land. Few would have had much comprehension at the time that they were representatives from the origins of the Industrial Revolution that would go on to bring sky-rocketing social advances, democracy and untold 20th Century improvements in life expectancy and living standards for all. Explorers fanned out to explore the land and report back on agriculture & settlement prospects, logging their observations and contacts with sparse numbers of indigenous people in a process that was largely peaceful. In the subsequent several decades settlement took root at the sites of what are now the other State capitals. Today some who are against Australia Day refer to it as “Invasion Day” but IMHO that belittles the military effort and casualties in many invasions & counter defences throughout history. The taxpayer funded ABC has stepped up production of many TV and news programs against the notion of Australia Day – mainly after the Uluru Statement from mid 2017. Many green/left influenced urban Councils are against the idea of Australia Day and the Commonwealth Gov. is often lazy and ambivalent about marking out what it supports. In recent years the notion of a “Voice to Parliament” brought about by some yet to be defined constitutional change wrought by a referendum – comes to the fore on news at times. Usually it ignores the fact that indigenous parliamentarians make up plenty of “Voices already in Parliament” and obviously many non-indigenous voters are voting for them, which is great. One issue that you might expect we could all agree on is “closing the gap”. It appalls me that so many years keep passing, $Billions are spent and so little progress is made. I notice ABC News is now acknowledging that about 70% of the population favours keeping Australia Day as it is. I am surprised people are so resistant to the constant repetition of ersatz Stone Age ceremonies and street theatre portrayals. ABC says – “Australia Day debate is exhausting and data tells us it could last another generation”.

Fraser Island fire caused by “stupendous heatwave”

Our ABC reporting a bushfire expert. The Fraser Island fire burnt for ~60 days after a campfire on 14 Oct was not put out. ABC says quote [Bowman points to the K’gari-Fraser Island blaze, which burnt through nearly half the World Heritage-listed site before being contained by heavy rain.
The problem, he says, is “the lining up of the heatwaves and the flooding events”.
“Unfortunately, what happened in south-east Queensland is that there was this stupendous heatwave that enabled a fire to occur during a La Nina year,” he says, adding: “We wouldn’t have predicted such an intense fire”.
“And now, literally in days, it switched from an uncontrolled bushfire burning Fraser Island to this side of a category one cyclone in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales.
“So … we’re talking about really major extremes.”]
Hervey Bay Airport BoM# 40405 For saved image – looks the nearest reliable temperature data and no data looks remotely “stupendous” to me. The main lesson to take-away IMHO is that fire authorities should act quicker to put fires out – but there was an election in Queensland.

China walks on Australian toes in Torres Strait

My headline could have said “aided n abetted by PNG” – So PNG is allowing China to build a fishing port on Daru Island and deploy Sino fishing fleets there. Wow what a kick-in-the-face from PNG to Australia – and releasing the news at Christmas. Here is a map of various marine zones in Torres Strait from this source.
Click here for larger version. What a festival for fleets of lawyers this will be. Our so called diplomats should be recalled from hols and all relationships with PNG and Bouganville urgently reviewed.

Academics think brackish water harming dolphins

Dolphins (like whales) ancestors originally evolved from land animals around the Eocene around 50million years ago the Eocene was considerable warmer than present times see 65 Myr Climate Change chart. Both charts are from Wiki.

Dolphins in the modern form are known in the fossil record from over 12 million years ago and have survived periods warmer than now plus multiple ice ages with attendant sudden climate shifts we could not imagine.

The ABC has this article – Burrunan dolphin deaths linked to Fresh Water Skin Disease caused by climate change – I marvel at the “scientific” conclusions behind this article. One thing certain is that a population as small as numbers quoted is at risk of dying out regardless of changes in rainfall.

Climate and the IPCC by Peter F Gill a UK physicist

Back in 2015 I posted links to a series of articles by Peter F Gill in a local UK newspaper.
These links subsequently became unavailable. However Peter has provided the articles for me to post so here are six pdf’s. The first is 15 pages the rest are a few pages each.
Collection of Surrey Mirror Group Website Articles that no longer exist.pdf – 350KB combined version
Web1aChanging Climates.pdf – 70KB
Web2 Greenhouse Gases and Climate Sensitivity.pdf – 70KB
Web3 Main climate driver and runaway warming (1).pdf – 100KB
Web4Can you trust IPCC b.pdf – 183KB
Smoke and Mirrors.pdf – 250KB comparison Earth and Venus

BoM November Outlook fails already

I noticed the BoM minimum temperature Outlook map for November was a blaze of red predicting that huge areas of the wide brown land had an 80% chance of having way-way-hot nights. And not 1 square centimetre of Oz was predicted to enjoy cooler than average nights. Larger map.

If you go to the current month Min anomaly map and choose weekly – you can tick back to earlier weeks and it is obvious the BoM min t Outlook map for Nov is a monster fail.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations