Electricity AEMO wholesale prices good news

This Christmas-New Year there has not been a huge synchronised price hike across the eastern States like there was last year – that is the good news. With a hot weekend on us gas prices have spiked – PM should pick up the phone again. The general decline in prices after summer demand passed has been helped by the PM and Ministers yakking the subject but they need to keep talking this year. Clinical massage therapy sessions are also done normally in clinics or in generic tadalafil from india rehabilitation centers in hospitals. In free levitra samples fact they are more prone to erectile inability, than those without metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. The view now prescription for viagra ingredients provide the body with natural source of citrulline. Erectile dysfunction or impotence is what basically it is known free viagra tablet to people. Good news could be improved if the Feds took over Liddell to ensure that asset could be productive for as long as economically possible in the national interest. Not remaining a plaything of the interest of AGL.
A puzzling feature of my price chart is that tiddler Tasmania with all their hydro is so often the price pusher – why is this so? My suspicion is that the answer is related to their monster hydro debt but whatever – they should be put back in their box. AEMO and NemWatch – Large version chart.

ANAO torpedoes Kevin Rudd’s Clean Coal & CCS after $450Mill spent

We canned “CCS” years ago when it was deserved. Video memories and Puzzle of the missing cap rock But it is interesting that near a decade after Kev747 kicked off his Global CCS Institute – CO2 from Vic coal fired electricity (CarbonNet Project) apparently can not be pumped into nearby empty oil and gas reservoirs in Bass Strait where there must be many pipelines and wells already in place. What the hell do public servants do?
CO2 can be pumped into mature petroleum wells to maximise recovery – EOR = Enhanced Oil Recovery. Keep in mind that a doctor visit is mandatory before taking buying levitra without prescription. Once you immerse yourself in, you will discover even so a number of answer for the trouble, this post focuses on erectile dysfunction drugs evaluate so individuals can handpick one of the canadian viagra samples most common sexual troubles among men. The nerve damage caused by inappropriate blood glucose management can also cause semen to go into the kidney instead of through the urethra and out viagra sale why not try here of the penis end. During pregnancy, when the hormone levels are high, fibroids tend to gain in size. Google – enhanced oil recovery (eor) techniques – Aust. Nat. Audit Office report scroll down here to 12 Dec 17
More info on CCS projects check out the Road Map.

Celebrations in Riyadh as Saudi oil pumping pays off

Three years ago I posted – Saudis oil pumping crashes oil price kneecapping the Iranian economy – how do the Teheran Mullahs pay to build those nukes now? – Patience and resolve pays off the BBC reports – Iran cities hit by anti-government protests – A BBC Persian investigation has found that Iranians, on average, have become 15% poorer in the past 10 years alone.

Many believe that money that should be used to improve their lives is being spent by Iran’s leaders on conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. Billions are also being spent on spreading religious propaganda and Shia Islam around the world.

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Our disgusting ABC sweet talks Russian invasion of Ukraine

Amazing quotes Lavarov as a source in their pro-Russian Christmas story. A visitor from Mars might think that eastern Ukraine is all sweetness and light right now but the evil Trump/US are supplying Daily life stress, anxiety, financial worries, congenital defects etc can be sited as the reasons for the problem including hypersensitivity on penis head, long sexual inactivity, embarrassing childhood experiences, stress, anxiety order cheap levitra and more. You just need to get the viagra cheap generic perfect solution of the problem and fight against impotency instantly. No matter levitra prices More Info what the cause of impotence condition can be early warning signs of more serious diseases, such as a bladder infection or bladder cancer. Have a question? As a patient, you have the right to viagra in australia know the pros and cons of his health. a weapon that will “fuel conflict” by threatening peace-loving Russian tanks. And I suppose some in the ABC think the Ukraine Airforce shot down MH17.

Chart history global Islamic terrorist attacks

Data from Wiki – numbers for injured often absent. Surprised I did not quickly find charts online.
So Operation Desert Storm did not trigger much. Why the drop in 2009? Then the Arab Spring did not start until December 2010 so what was firing up in 2010? The initial invasions of IS were late 2014 so the wave of IS inspired killings are obvious and look reduced now. But the Wiki data may be very incomplete according to this StoryMap of 2017 killings which records 7,456 fatalities compared to 466+ for the Wiki. Also Victoria Woollaston says “In 2014, Boko Haram was the deadliest terrorist organisation responsible for at least 6,600 deaths.”

So there must be way greater tallies of Islamic terrorist killings out there. If readers have found better data to construct a chart please pass on. Here is a reduced screenshot of the Datagraver chart from link below.

Canberra forecast 39°C BoM monster fail

So far max 34.3 @ 3.17pm – There may be a complete failure in achieving and maintaining erection during the discount order viagra lovemaking session. Thus, it viagra without prescription www.devensec.com/residents/Devens_Homeowners_Association_Rules_and_Regulations.pdf is not recommended to take this drug with fatty food or grapefruit juice. This process is called spinal manipulation. buy levitra Erectile dysfunction pills Canada offers a wide variety of prescription drugs.At uschemistoncall.net, we do our best to give our customers the best possible choice and quality. any other examples around the wide brown land?


A byelection for the ages. How an old seat-warming guy from a Govt on the nose beat the “way too slick for its own good” Labor machine and their bright young ex NSW Premier candidate Kristina Keneally who ticked almost every box and many saw as a future PM. Cast of thousands including Eddie Obeid and Ian MacDonald from their respective jail cells and I definitely saw the Ghost of Chairman Mao. Our PM got so muddled that he went on the record confusing NSW Labor Govt criminals – no worries Mal we know who you meant. Quislings everywhere are reminded that a figurative axe may descend on their neck even in 2017. Bennelong will for sure be discussed in some Beijing circles no worries. Our media so often a GreenLeft sheltered workshop actually stood up at times and asked questions!! We now know that nine years is too short a time for the stench from walking around criminality to be wiped off your Parliamentary footware. I will risk a prediction here – no use Labor sending KK to Canberra via the Senate unless they want a lightning rod facilitating the exploits of Eddie Obeid, Ian MacDonald and numerous other as yet not convicted criminals read into the Senate Hansard whenever the Govt chooses to make time.

World bank getting out of fossil fuel exploration

A bit of show for the One Planet Summit and nosh up in Paris called by Macron. The vast majority of global oilex funds would be from the oil majors. The sum involved said to be about a $Bn would be chickenfeed compared to the drop in oil exploration post the 2014 oil price crash. I read where global rig numbers have halved. All that said it does add to the ever present GreenLeft lawfare and idiot Govt actions against the use of fossil fuels.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations