Restricted NSW coal generation & electricity spot price boom

Something for our new Energy Minister to get his brains trust working on. Large version chart

Daily prices from AEMO – In mid June I posted – NSW coal electricity generation strike ends
OpenNem NSW has over 10,000MW installed coal generation yet for example on Friday 31Aug18 peak hour coal gen. barely made 6,000MW while imports were ~2,550MW with price spiking to $235. Where was the other 4,000MW of coal gen.? Dear Minister, Please do what you can to kick some life into all the installed NSW coal generators, thanks, Ozzie voters. Just found this in SMH confirming there were meeting between Feds & States re NEG before and after and on Monday 20 Aug then PM was deposed on Friday 24th

BoM August Outlooks turned out monster fails

The BoM maps tell the story
Max t Outlook entire continent predicted hotter than average (large version)
Real world vast areas cooler than average (large version)
Min t Outlook almost entire continent predicted hotter than average (large version)
Real world way more than half of Oz cooler than average (large version)
ABC coverage glorifying Outlooks as gospel truth
Another ABC article that also goes to our water resources and never mentions “environmental flows” that kneecap our dams
BoM OutlooksBoM T anomaly maps

Prime Minister fails to talk Quilpie rain history with clarity

A pathetic weak performance considering the staff and hangers on pollies have. The question about “climate change” should have been ridiculed. It took the station owner to push himself to the mic and state with clarity – “We’ve got 100 years of [rainfall] records,” Mr Tully says.
“What’s happened here, so far, still sits within those records.” Well said.
Checking the BoM Quilpie rain history from CDO I find the usual deterioration of data with increasing missing data post ~2000 so the following chart particularly post 2000 is a paste n patch of three sites, Quilpie Air Port from 1917, South Comongin from 1884 and Moble from 1941.
The last decent rain was 70 or 80mm in October 2017 and Quilpie AP has had 63.4mm so far this year – so I have run a Jan to Aug total down the full history from 1884 checking for lower Jan to Aug totals and there have been 6 years lower. 47mm in 1902 – 53.6 in 1915 – 34.9 in 1922 – 52.6 in 1927 – 50 in 1965 – 55 in 1972. I have added those Jan to Aug totals on the chart – for larger version.

PM Morrison brought a lump of coal into Canberra Parliament in Feb 2017

People seem puzzled as to whether PM Scott Morrison is enough of a climate sceptic to enact meaningful electricity reforms. I think his little stunt from 18 months ago shows what his inner thoughts might be.

GreenLeft media 1 – GreenLeft media 2

NSW winter bush fires mostly free hazard reduction

Our thoughts go out to people who have lost property or been affected. The point has been made at this blog that we need large multi-engined air tankers based here year round and having them operated by the RAAF is the best way to use those aircraft efficiently.

Just now there are 89 fires listed across NSW and I expect most would be in remote areas quietly burning similar to hazard reduction burns.

Few facts in a sea of lies re NEG debate

This chart from a year ago demonstrates the realities of Australian electricity prices, higher than nations that have the greatest renewables component to their generation. Keep those facts in mind when GreenLabor politicians rave on about “renewables reducing prices”. Chart is from the AFR.

Another fact is AGL full year profit almost trebles on higher electricity prices – and Govt has done next to zero to prevent powerful players gaming the system. I can not see a NEG that is approved by GreenLabor States doing that much to reverse the explosion in prices. I expect coal fired generation to be neglected and underused adding to the effect of future closures but no clear information will be public about this. AEMOOpenNemNemwatch

Oakey(Queensland) rain history ABC take note

Joe O’Brien(ABC News24 TV) with the help of an Oakey local has been spruiking how dire the drought is at Oakey. Joe gave a long time to a local guy who believed climate change was diminishing his rain but although Joe briefly said there were alternative views they got no air-time. Here is a chart of annual rain to end 2017 which shows there were dryer times in the Millenial drought, the mid 1990’s, and before and after WWI. The two sites overlapped 1971-1984 and the Post Office averaged 47mm PA more rain across the overlap so the composite chart takes that into account. Data from BoM Climate Date Online. Oakey Post Office 41077 and Oakey Aero 41359 For clearer chart

Australian BoM temperature Outlooks for July miss the mark

The maximum (day-time) temperature Outlook for July 2018 predicted heat to be concentrated in the south east and Tasmania. But the real world July saw its peak heat in outback WA, NT and SA.
The minimum (night-time) temperature Outlook for July 2018 predicted heat to be concentrated along the south east seaboard and Tasmania. But in real world July the south east seaboard was cool or near neutral and the warmest regions bore no relation to the Outlook while a prominent band of cool anomalies extended from the NW to the SE – take a look for yourself. Why waste taxpayer money on this pointless twaddle which can have no value for anybody when the BoM falls short recording important stuff like rainfall at key sites.

Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations