Perth uses approximately 300GL of water PA.
The Govt. is constructing a ~$400Mill seawater desalination plant to produce 45GL PA.
In 2005 May to October (the runoff season) Perth dam catchments which total 3500 squ. kms had circa 958mm of rain. This equates to about 3353GL water falling free into catchments of which approx. 115GL flowed into dams, meaning that catchment efficiency (yield) was 3.4%.
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My graphic at the Perth Water Users web site shows that up until the mid 1990’s catchment efficiency was 5.5 to 6%. Let’s just assume for a minute that our Governments had been sensible and maintained catchment management work, keeping yields this year at say 5.7%. An increase of 2.3% (5.7-3.4) in this years yield would have put an extra 75+ GL (2.3% of 3353 GL) into our dams, which is 160% of the projected production from the Kwinana Desalination Plant (KDP), where costs have already blown out to over $387Million.
It is the same story all over the country. The great irony is that the most efficient catchments are the things that no-one wants near them and all the things that the Lilliputans wouldn’t dream of allowing in a water catchment. Some of these are; new airports with loads of tarmac and parking space, shopping centres, and, yes, suburbs. Incredible how the cleaning of sewerage for human consumption is being promoted but the easier and cheaper cleaning of suburban stormwater is still in the too hard basket.