The Perth region has had a record dry year and this is shown in my graphic of 36 years of Perth dams catchment region May-October rainfall.
However there is no statistically significant evidence the catchments are experiencing a continuing decline in rainfall – as expressed in the slogan “our drying climate” – the greenhouse doomster story so beloved by Perth politicians and water supply meisters – all so anxious to justify their profligate spending on seawater desalination.
One year does not make a trend on which to base water supply policy.
Stunning ignorance and lies surround Perth water supply policies
2009 update – Perth dam catchments rainfall still normal, Govt building $Billion seawater desalination plant #2
There never was a rain shortage to justify seawater desalination for Perth’s water supply
I refer to the comment: “… there is no statistically significant evidence the catchments are experiencing a continuing decline in rainfall – as expressed in the slogan “our drying climate” – the greenhouse doomster story so beloved by Perth politicians and water supply meisters – all so anxious to justify their profligate spending on seawater desalination. One year does not make a trend on which to base water supply policy.”
If you think that’s bad, then think about poor New Zealand, which introduced an ETS to fight global warming caused by all that nasty man-made CO2 emissions polluting the NZ atmosphere! It’s nothing short of absolute madness!
So what happened? Well, sustained pressure from the NZ Climate Science Coalition and the Climate Conversation Group resulted in a legal challenge against the NZ government, which resulted last year in government defeat over NZ’s official temperature record, a record that was showing global warming in NZ.
The truth about NZ’s temperature record, however, was revealed in Court. The NZ temperature record was found to have been fudged to create warming. The actual unfudged temperature data reveals almost all the warming took place from 1940-1960, when the IPCC says that the effect of CO2 concentrations was trivial. Indeed, global temperatures were falling during that period. The new unfudged temperature data now shows that no warming has occurred in NZ since about 1960.
So… there you have it. There has been no global warming in New Zealand since about 1960… yet the NZ government has introduced an ETS to fight global warming in New Zealand! Yes, I know… it sounds unbelievable but sadly true!
It is this sort of debacle that is happening around the world by governments (and their army of public servants and scientists) who became infected by the ‘man-made global warming pandemic’ that swept the world.
I just hope a cure is found for this illness before those infected can waste billions more dollars on stupid futile green projects!
@Mervyn Sullivan
Is there an accessible and unexpurgated, record (hope for a PDF or similar) of the Court hearing, please ?
I am not aware the case got to a substantial hearing. My latest post gives you a link to a 169 page NIWA paper produced after “peer review” by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology – I am still trying to find the BoM review.
NZ temperature record 1900-2008 before and after adjustment by NIWA
(oops… I first posted this under the latest GISS topic)
The water supply for Perth did decline, but this was from 1910 to 1939. Source – my father’s thesis for his BE. He found a slow decline in stream flows over this period. You will note that this was just the time that Global Warming was actually happening, and temperatures in southern Australia (as well as in the USA) were higher. With only a 9 p.p.m. rise in CO2 in that time even the “true GW believers” have to admit the temperature rise was due to natural causes. With the cooling climate [1945 – 1975] there was more rain.
Let’s see 1910 – 1940 warming; less rain
1945 -1975 cooling; more rain
1976 – 2000 warming; less rain
2000 – 2010 “warmest decade ever”; more rain. Almost evidence of a cycle, except GISS and NOAA data “disprove” that.
By the way, is it confirmed that NOAA used a temperature of 330 deg. C for the middle of Lake Michigan, as evidence of warming?