Expert Professor shreds Fed Gov carbon farming operation

OurABC reports “Insider blows whistle on Australia’s greenhouse gas reduction schemes” 24Mar22. Prof MacIntosh says quote [“I’m a big believer in these schemes and the ability to use offsets to help cut emissions and to help lower the cost of doing so,” he told the ABC.
“But what we’re seeing is a real inability to operate schemes like this with high integrity.
“An environmental market without integrity is not an environmental market,” he says. “It’s a rort.
“And I feel that Australia’s carbon market is just that – it’s degenerated to become a rort.”] Govt produces its experts that say the scheme is hunky-dory. The ABC map is telling. Various carbon farming articles I have run over a ~decade We should remember that CSIRO estimates that the huge Australian landmass absorbs our industrial emissions – a scientific point our Govts might have used.
Remember too that satellites data and research at Boston University by Prof Myneni and team have demonstrated with crystal clarity that planet earth has been greening due increasing % atmospheric trace gas CO2 – see NASA map 1982-2015.

4 thoughts on “Expert Professor shreds Fed Gov carbon farming operation”

  1. From the NASA article linked to:

    >”The extent of the greening over the past 35 years “has the ability to fundamentally change the cycling of water and carbon in the climate system,” said lead author Zaichun Zhu, a researcher from Peking University, China …”

    Yet this alarmist statement remains just an assertion – changed in what way ? – and China remains steadfastly unimpressed by it.

    One wonders if such assertions are a form of propaganda, designed to keep Western populations on the edge, ie. to keep the horses frightened.

    That the “carbon” market (whatever that is when it’s at home) is designated as a rort is just so … unsurprising.

  2. Yep, selling old standing vegetation as new Carbon Sequestration is kinda like flogging the Old Grey Mare as Pharlap!

    But hey, why stop there , ” We have got to save the Reef!” :-

    & of course those well known US investment funds know a good ” Gig” when they see one:-

    A Golden Sleigh Ride pulled by the Tax Payers!

  3. University professors talking about integrity.?
    Sorry old mate, but that was last century and the few centuries before that – certainly NOT this century.

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