Rainfall outlook map Australia for April 2021 posted on 25 March.
April 2021 rainfall percentages for Australia 01/04/2021 – 30/04/2021
The temperature Outlooks were nothing special either
The Max t Outlook was mostly for a cooler Australia
but the results show the wide brown land had mostly warmer days. April 2021 mean maximum temperature anomaly for Australia
The Min t Outlook was mostly for warmer nights but Australia had mainly cooler nights. April 2021 mean minimum temperature anomaly for Australia
You can choose their science or the reality but not both.
Agree about the rainfall fail. Instead of the predicted 50% in SE Qld at our place we had 105% but other places in suburbs nearby got over 200%. Also, while I do not record temperatures, official temperatures were below normal during the day and night. Have a look at the latest rainfall poster with cyclone tracks at www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/rainfall-poster/ . No land fall of cyclones this year to June. Nothing special about this year no increase of climate events- PM is repeating BS about things getting worse.
BoM mean temperature anomaly map for April found Australia a bit cooler that the NASA satellite map for April in the Lower Troposphere.