BoM Rain Outlook for April 2021 proven wrong

Rainfall outlook map Australia for April 2021 posted on 25 March.
April 2021 rainfall percentages for Australia 01/04/2021 – 30/04/2021

The temperature Outlooks were nothing special either

The Max t Outlook was mostly for a cooler Australia
but the results show the wide brown land had mostly warmer days. April 2021 mean maximum temperature anomaly for Australia

The Min t Outlook was mostly for warmer nights but Australia had mainly cooler nights. April 2021 mean minimum temperature anomaly for Australia

3 thoughts on “BoM Rain Outlook for April 2021 proven wrong”

  1. Agree about the rainfall fail. Instead of the predicted 50% in SE Qld at our place we had 105% but other places in suburbs nearby got over 200%. Also, while I do not record temperatures, official temperatures were below normal during the day and night. Have a look at the latest rainfall poster with cyclone tracks at . No land fall of cyclones this year to June. Nothing special about this year no increase of climate events- PM is repeating BS about things getting worse.

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