Listening carefully to the torrent of evasive words from the Australian Prime Minister after the so called National Cabinet on Friday moved me to the this headline. Trying to decipher what he means referring to “hotspots” – “borders” – “definitions of a hotspot” – “nobody has to agree” – “travel bubbles” – all lead me to the conclusion that he has been comprehensively gamed, treated & regarded with contempt and defeated by the States for months as Australia muddles into the confused final third of 2020.
The qualities of our most senior politicians and the federal and state chief medical officers brings to mind a word given prominence by Hillary Clinton – DEPLORABLE.
Yes, Morrison has been comprehensively and cynically gamed by the various States.
He (ie. the Feds, that is tax money) is funding them through JobKeeper while they go off arm waving in all directions at once, using their CMO’s and armed enforcers as as a battering ram. Said CMO’s persistently refuse to release any hard information, while the police forces enthusiastically hammer individual little people.
Morrison cannot turn JobKeeper off because Albanese will then sieze the high ground for the next election. The MSM will do fifty backflips through this, narcissistically entranced with their own power as usual.
Why did Morrison not see this coming ? At his core, I suggest he is naive. Hill Song, anyone ?
Regarding the CMO’s refusal to release hard information, here is the actual key (finally), referenced in the Medical Journal of Australia and linked by Sinclair Davidson:
As we knew – at least those of us who are not naive – the hidden C-19 plan (State and Federal) is elimination, not suppression. Unimaginably expensive, totally dependent on an 80-90% effective vaccine, so long-tailed as to be impractical, wholly cowardly (as is the bulk of the population) and covered up with deliberate mendacity.
It is now impossible to recognise the country I knew even 12 months ago. Climate catastrophe elimination is next. Vote how you will (or don’t vote) – see how much difference it makes.
Too many comments here from me, I fear.
The advent of indefinite, isolated detention without charge, trial or appeal in Victoria – for what some person unknown to you thinks you may, or may not, do at some undefined point in the future – is horrific enough.
The mongrel non-reaction to this from the MSM and other politicians (except so far Craig Kelly), is completely beyond the pale. Enemies of the people …
Beyond disgust. Where to emigrate to ?
For many of our fellow citizens in Danistan who find themselves transfixed by the telescreen each day as Big Brother deliverers his soothing monologues, they have become convinced that only Big Brother can save them.
To quote George Orwell’s “1984”:
“But it was alright, everything was alright, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”
The Vic Premier must rank with the most evasive and dissembling liars in the history of global politics. For months there has been commentary about the superiority of NSW contact tracing. Eventually the penny drops in Vic that faxing ain’t the most efficient and they send a squad to GladLand to learn NSW procedures. Yesterday at his question time Andrews paints this as some sort of successful National Cabinet process driven by Vic.
I suppose readers have noticed the recent vintage ScoMo where one day he spruiked a 1,000MW capacity gas fired generator to replace Liddell then 2 or 3 days later did a triple reverse pike to reduce it to 250MW while at the same time increasing funding to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC)and simultaneously throwing in a free CCS org birthed by Kevin Rudd. I am reminded of the marvellous side splitting TV comedy Utopia but I fear that events around the real life Federal Govt now would be a bridge too far for the Utopia scriptwriters.
Spot on Wazz. The idiocy of this latest Scomo/Talyor thought bubble beggars belief. A 250 MW gas plant comprising what, OCGTs or reciprocating engines or perhaps both, sited smack in the middle of a coal region where gas is both expensive and scarce.
Their bubble also sprinkles more fairy dust, fantasising about horrendously expensive battery storage, “green” hydrogen to be made by some yet to be invented environmentally friendly magic process, plus CCS another oxymoron.
If this this is the best our “conservative” government can offer when it comes to energy policy for an already renewables blighted Australia, then we are in a lot of trouble!
CCS – Carbon Capture & Storage
CO2 carbon dioxide capture in fact. CO2 scrubbers of varying efficiencies have been used in all sorts of industrial processes for many decades. No biggie there …
Storage – ah well. Where to store endless streams of CO2 away from the plants and algae that use it, away from the buffered oceans that deposit it as limestone, away from tremors and ground water. And how to transport it from a multitude of sites to these magik places. And how to do all this without large consumer costs …
It’s a miracle, I tells you.
I suppose most of us have seen this review of the “Hydrogen Economy” a few days ago by David Archibald over at Anthony Watts. The Pure Evil of Hydrogen Hyping