Wrist slashing ETS in New Zealand

Sent in by a couple of Concerned Kiwis
On July 1st New Zealanders became the first country in the world to pay for their carbon emissions, an all gases, all sectors ETS through a Government sponsored scheme.

The householders of this small country will pay dearly and suffer a reduced standard of living because they are being forced to pay this punitive tax. Householder bear half the costs while accounting for only 20% of the country’s emissions.

The country as a whole will suffer through reduced international competitiveness of its industries and farming when our acknowledged figure is 0.2% of global emissions in total.

Why on earth are we leading the world?
Nick Smith, Minister for Climate Change admits that our contributions will have no effect on future climate and that the scheme will not make any inroads into cutting New Zealand’s gross emissions.

We are led to believe that by paying this extra tax we NZ’ers are being good
global citizens and that without an ETS we could face penalties on our exports by our trading partners. What a deception, there is no sign of any country imposing any sort of penalty or tariff on internationally traded goods based on an ineffective or non-existent ETS.

As of today, July 1st petrol, and energy prices increase and that is just the start as these just compound throughout the entire supply chain.

Our National Government seems to want international bragging rights for leading the world, and national gratitude that they reduced the even more draconian proposal from the previous Labour Government. This article by Andrew Bolt reminds us of the backflip by the NZ Prime Minister John Key.

The major powers thumb their noses at a price on emissions and it is not really New Zealand’s place to lead the world in this issue when the science of AGW is in dispute and a long way from being “settled”.

It is an outrage that NZ households should be forced to pay, and pay dearly, where so obviously it will harm our standard of living and will not help us in our endeavour to be good global citizens.

11 thoughts on “Wrist slashing ETS in New Zealand”

  1. What guarantee is there in the NZ plan that the funds collected via the tax will be spent in a way that produces less GHG? It is very hard to spend windfall money without generating GHG.

  2. I hope Julia Gillard along with her spin doctors & number crunchers are watchin carefully

  3. I wonder if Key felt the need to court the middle of the road and Green voters by the ETS scheme. I suppose irate National voters have to consider it might have been worse had Labour been returned and introduced their ETS equivalent. I wonder what option there is for National voters to switch to the ACT party who seem to be more sceptical of IPCC science.
    Here is a new article Convoluted Scheme All Smokes and Mirrors
    Monday 5 July – Here is another article from the NZ Herald.
    ETS crusade barking up the wrong tree – By Don Nicolson
    Here is an article by Lawrence Solomon: Catastrophism collapses – which points out how several world political figures seem to have been “felled by warming advocacy”. Mr Key should watch out !!

  4. You get what you vote for so if you voted for this crowd, SHUT UP. I will be voting for the party that promises to remove us from this idiotic scheme, no matter the monetary cost. Which Would be nothing compared to whats coming. When will New Zealand as a Nation wake up. We are like the sheep we breed.

  5. Under the Kyoto protocol, I also thought that NZ would have to pay millions in costs to the UN? if they did not reach their emission targets. This money would be distributed to underdeveloped countries such as Russia and China. And this is a country which has a wonderful hydroelectric system. Anyone confirm?

  6. And we are still discussing the greenhouse gas nonsense when in reality it’s the smoke and mirrors of the fundamental totalitarian agenda of the Greens, whose goal seems little different to the Fabians and their eugenic theory.

    We live in interesting times Warwick.

  7. When it comes to New Zealand’s ETS, and the cost to New Zealanders, I ask myself “Have New Zealanders’ brains been reduced to that of sheep?” They should be thinking smart… they should be on the streets protesting… they should be shouting out loud, “WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS BULLSHIT!”

  8. What gets me, is that people just sit there like bleating sheep in a holding pen – why dont they get off their backsides and PROTEST and tell the govt to stick it up their jumper and say NO WE WONT FRIGGIN HAVE THIS DAMN ETS.

    Maybe tar and feathering a few politicians might get the message across….maybe its time to give the govt a solid unrelenting “thumping” to make the publics point of view known clearly.

    If people dont protest, they might as well have handed the govt a huge jar of vas and said “have fun with us”.

    I predict its only a matter of a few years before the public *do* give any govt that tries on an ETC a right thumping/kicking outside of the democratic process.


    y is it the richyriches are never punished from what they do to us??!!

    taxpayers are everyone and we pay for the fugly retards who attempt to rule the country ..they successfully fail.

    The ETS scheme is the WORST! either u cut down on employement(Tony Abbott) or have absolutely no employment(Julia gillard) U DECIDE!
    how about instead u pick the independents with less power!


  10. In The Wake Of The Devastating Canterbury Earthquake We Now Hear That:
    Apparently we cannot afford further much-needed infrastructure development including:
    Wellington Northern Corridor
    Waikato Expressway
    Puhoi to Wellsford Highway
    Auckland CBD Rail Loop


  11. Good luck with that Susan; have you read Richard Treadgold’s Submission to 2050 Emissions Target “Consultation”
    Richard says ‘Here is my submission to the 2050 Emissions Reduction Target Consultation, as invited by the Minister for Climate Change Issues, the Hon Dr Nick Smith, in his position paper Gazetting New Zealand’s 2050 Emissions Target, published last month. The central argument is a challenge to the Minister and his department to show us the evidence of a dangerous human influence on the global temperature. For without that, there is no need to “fight climate change” and they have no right to tax us. They have already raised the prices of petrol and electricity by their ETS scheme.’
    It’s a good submission

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