The force of our time – Chinese steel production.(make 10 year chart) Iron ore price.
In Australia one in ten of us votes Green, Govts. are steadily wrecking our electricity grid, there is a rich vein of anti-mining sentiment to be tapped, Nimbys also abound anywhere their idyll is disturbed, science is misused to oppose development yet income from Resources underpins the National prosperity we have come to expect.
No wonder Trump is retaliating. US steel production, which was still higher than China’s until the 1990s, is now a tenth of China’s. It’s up about 15% since Trump came in, presumably due to his tariffs, but the game was over some time ago.
Yes Dave – it was all over 20 to 30 years ago when the West failed to act and read a few home truths to China.
China has comprehensively gamed the West 6June2018
The fact that there is little exploration in Australia is finally getting some publicity.
Why , you might ask?.
Well, once upon a time, a hopeless, senseless idiot of a Prime Minister said “I am going to put a great big new tax on mining.”
It takes a bloody long time for resource sector investors to forget that sort of irresponsibility.
Thanks a bundle Kev, you bloody idiot.
I noticed yesterday seeing the new Gov. General on ABC TV news and the PM
Here is the PM’s speech – note his mention of farmers & drought, greens, drought-stricken farms again.
I seldom hear the resources industry mentioned in a positive light yet it generates multiples of export earnings compared with agriculture. Without our national income from resources Australia would be a miserable place indeed.
Anti-mining protesters active in Adelaide complaining about changes to the SA Mining Act.
Mining bill passes SA Parliament but rebel MPs say ‘it’s just the beginning’